
Lin Bingshu of the Domestic Violence Green Committee's protest was rejected

author:American Overseas Chinese Daily Network

After the procuratorate prosecuted Lin last month, the New Taipei District Court held that Lin Bingshu was suspected of committing a crime, and there was a risk of colluding with witnesses, repeatedly intimidating, and forcibly committing crimes, and ruled that he would be detained for three months from January 27. Lin Nan's protest was rejected by the High Court.

Lin Bingshu of the Domestic Violence Green Committee's protest was rejected

Lin Bingshu (center), who is suspected of committing violence against DPP legislator Gao Jiayu. (Image source: Taipei Zhongshi News Network data map)

According to the Taipei Zhongshi News Network, in response to lin Bingshu's protest, the High Court held that The evidence attached to Lin Nan's confession and the attached volume were sufficient to admit that he was suspected of committing crimes such as private detention, and that his repeated confessions were different from the witnesses' testimony, and that the repeated possession of private information such as witnesses may affect witnesses in improper ways, which is enough to recognize the risk of colluding with witnesses.

The High Court pointed out that Lin Nan's emotional control ability was not good, there was a fact that there was a risk of repeatedly committing the crime of coercion and intimidation, and the first instance held that he had the necessity of detaining and prohibiting the reception of correspondence, and there was no discord.

The High Court stated that Lin had a close relationship with the victim and had held private files, and there was indeed a possibility of interfering with witnesses or causing psychological pressure on them, and the determination made in this part of the first instance was not inconsistent. As for his claim that he suffered from mental illness, according to the evidence in the volume, there was no urgency to receive treatment, and Lin's protest was unsubstantiated and the ruling was rejected.

According to previous media reports, the prosecution indicted last month that Lin intercepted nine nude photos of Gao Nu since September last year, instructed his assistant to threaten and intimidate Gao Jiayu on the Internet under a pseudonym, and even detained Gao jiayu in a hotel for abuse; after learning that the media wanted to expose the matter, he also repeatedly called and threatened Gao to "die together"; and instructed Assistant Lai and secretary surnamed Guo to help him forge DETAILED PHOTOS of ATM transactions and use retouching software to tamper with account balances.

Lin Bingshu appointed lawyer Chen Dingxin said that Lin was willing to reach a settlement with Gao Jiayu and give settlement money and compensation, although Gao did not propose civil compensation, but Lin still showed sincerity, and was even willing to accept conditions such as confidentiality clauses and punitive liquidated damages, believing that he had done things that were not allowed by the law, should have accepted judicial sanctions, did not want to dodge, and hoped that the public would give Lin Ziqing the opportunity. (End)