
Electric vehicle fires sound alarm bells again! 3 people killed!

At 1:51 a.m. on the 8th

A resident's home in Shanghai's Putuo District

A fire killed 3 people

The main burning at the site is the furniture in the house and sundries and other debris

The cause of the fire was preliminarily determined

Residents place lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycles in their bedrooms

Battery failure triggers a fire

Live video display

The exterior wall of the house that caught fire has anti-theft windows

The open flame burst out of the window

The fire looks larger

It can be seen in the photos taken by nearby residents on the afternoon of the 8th

The two connected facades of the house on fire have been blackened

Electric vehicle fires sound alarm bells again! 3 people killed!


On the morning of February 8, a fire suddenly broke out in the second district of Shuanghu New Town in Cangshan District, Fuzhou, and it is understood that the fire caused two injuries. The reporter saw an electric car and a bicycle parked here at the elevator entrance on the eighth floor of the fire scene. Inside the room where the fire broke out was also parked an electric car that had been burned to the ground and left with only a frame. The property staff of the second district of Shuanghu New Town told reporters that the electric vehicles of these owners were sneaked upstairs. At present, the cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Electric vehicles and batteries are both combustibles and ignition sources

Spontaneous combustion in case of failure

It is very easy to cause casualties

According to the 2021 national fire data

Electric vehicles have become a prominent hidden danger affecting the safety of the masses

Electric bicycles and their battery failures were reported throughout the year

Nearly 18,000 fires were caused and 57 people were killed

Electric vehicle fires sound alarm bells again! 3 people killed!
Electric vehicle fires sound alarm bells again! 3 people killed!
Electric vehicle fires sound alarm bells again! 3 people killed!
Electric vehicle fires sound alarm bells again! 3 people killed!

Float reminders

Be sure not to let electric cars as well as batteries

Enter the building and enter the house

People and cars share the same house

Flying wire charging

Source: Various online platforms

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