
5 ancient people invented the "strange tricks", one of which the empress dowager loved to let go

Text/Dream of Death

Since ancient times, there has been no shortage of amazing people, who have invented many magical things, and many magical objects have been born in the wisdom of these skilled craftsmen. Today Xiaobian wants to talk about some strange tricks invented by the ancients that everyone does not know, one of which is even more loved by the empress, do you want to know what it is? Then read on!

5 ancient people invented the "strange tricks", one of which the empress dowager loved to let go

Jin Feiyan

Jin Feiyan is a very remarkable object, the whole body is made of gold, and the structure is tightly sewn. Just made of gold can not reflect its value, its greatest value is to be able to fly, and still be able to fly for a long time without falling to the ground, which is really something we dare not think. If it weren't for the archaeological excavations, we would have thought it was a figment!

5 ancient people invented the "strange tricks", one of which the empress dowager loved to let go

Wooden cow flowing horse

Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms period can really be described as a god and a man, and he was able to make such a rare treasure as a wooden cow and a flowing horse, and he could walk like a live cow without eating and drinking water, and thus took on the heavy responsibility of transporting military food for the Shu army, which was really magical.

5 ancient people invented the "strange tricks", one of which the empress dowager loved to let go

Cowhide boat

This is something similar to today's kayaks, except that it is made of cowhide sacs that can be used as a boat when people sit on it. However, now this stunt has been lost, but Xiaobian believes that there will definitely be strange people who will reproduce it.

5 ancient people invented the "strange tricks", one of which the empress dowager loved to let go

Taishi chair

The Taishi chair invented by the ancients is very clever, can be folded and stretched, equivalent to the current folding chair, its production process is very complex, a slight error can not show its flexibility.

5 ancient people invented the "strange tricks", one of which the empress dowager loved to let go

Ivory mat

The ivory mat is made of ivory and is very cool to lie on in the summer, which is also a treasure that Empress Dowager Cixi loves to let go. But ivory is not allowed to be bought and sold now, so we don't want to own one.

Each of these artifacts is the crystallization of human wisdom, and we must learn from the whimsical ideas and exploration spirit of the ancients, and constantly create more objects that benefit mankind.

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