
Everyone is a "year"


#This is Nian Wei'er#"My old sister! ”

"Ah, my sister is fat."

"Sister, it's still the same."

"How old is the boss?"

"I'm in my second year of junior high school, and I'm 14 years old."


Everyone is a "year"

This is the conversation I had with my cousin on the fourth day of the Chinese New Year, and my cousin was only one day younger than me, eight hours younger to be precise—I was more than six o'clock in the afternoon on the seventh day of the first month, and she was more than two o'clock in the morning on the eighth day of the first month.

In the words of my grandmother, "My granddaughter ran fast [laughs]"

But my granddaughter, who runs fast, is getting younger and younger after birth, crying at night, when my parents are young and will not take care of the little moon child.

Until my grandmother came to see me at my house, I found out how my granddaughter was much younger than when she was first born, there would be nothing wrong with it, right?

Dad quickly sent me to the People's Hospital, and after the examination, the doctor said that the child had nothing wrong with it, that is, he was hungry.

The child's mouth hurts as soon as he eats milk, so the child can't eat the milk, cries at night, a vicious circle...

Listening to my mother, I was only 17 days at that time, the nurse gave me a nutritional injection, the blood vessels were too fine to penetrate, and finally the head nurse was strong, and all of a sudden the needle was inserted, because the child was too small to put a needle on the forehead.

Everyone is a "year"

Grandma complained to Grandma: "Every day, can't you see that the child is getting smaller and smaller?" You see such a small child in the hospital every day needles, other nurses can not find the blood vessels, the child is too guilty. ”

Grandma also blamed herself.

After staying in the hospital for about ten days, I was discharged and went home.

When I got home, compared to my cousin, I was thin and small, and she was fat and white.

I'm running fast, and I'm lagging behind [laughs]

Forty years at a time, how many forty years of life?

Everyone is a "year"

Usually there is no contact with the cousin, no phone, no WeChat, and each day.

If it weren't for the New Year, you wouldn't have seen each other at all.

Although the taste of the new year is getting weaker and weaker, those relatives who can only meet during the New Year will bring us long-lost memories.


It seems to be a symbol.

For small children, years are "exclamation points." New Year's Day, there are a lot of delicious, fun and a lot of pressure money, no need to get up early to go to school, you can also watch TV at home, play games, really cool!

For young people, years are "commas." New Year's Day, it is just a seven-day holiday rest day, at home is to eat, drink, play and sleep, as soon as the holiday is over, immediately work.

For middle-aged people, years are a "question mark." New Year's Day, no money earned, go home or don't go home? Whose home is it for the New Year? What gifts do you need to buy for your relatives (dad, mom, children, father-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law,etc.) for the New Year. How much is the amount of money to prepare? What new year goods to buy? How much to buy to eat? ......

For the elderly, the year is the "full stop". The New Year is over, and the year is over in peace and health. The children also lived smoothly, watching their children and grandchildren wrap around their knees, and the family was busy and satisfied.

Everyone is a "year"

Years, whether you want to live or not, it will pass.

The meaning of the year is different for everyone.

Everyone's way of life is different.

Everyone has their own "year" to live, this year may be happy, maybe bad, maybe regretful, maybe satisfied, maybe the beginning of hope, maybe the end of suffering, maybe the realization of dreams, maybe ...

In short, no matter what kind of year it is, it is its own "year", the year is not far away, it is there every year, every year is waiting for you and me, this year has passed, next year is still there...