
The artist used 2652 coins to create a glittering dress, and the beauty was so stunning when she put it on

For all walks of life, innovation is very important, and for artists, it is especially important, an artist with a dry mind, it is impossible to create works of art. The same is true for fashion designers, and many people may not know that clothing design belongs to the category of arts and crafts, which is an art form that must have both practicality and artistry.

For art, perhaps we ordinary people do not understand too much, but clothing is just needed by each of us, each person also has their own unique aesthetic, in addition to practicality, aesthetic taste is the biggest consideration standard for clothing designers. A good fashion designer must have his own design concept, do not go with the flow, so as not to create a "bad street" style.

The artist used 2652 coins to create a glittering dress, and the beauty was so stunning when she put it on

Rose Shea, an artist from Los Angeles, usa, is a very thoughtful fashion designer, her use of materials will always surprise people, we all know that the fabrics of the clothes that are usually worn on the body are mostly cotton, linen, silk, chiffon, etc., but Rose Shea often uses some, and it is basically impossible to use the materials in clothing design to make clothes.

Let's say coins, what if you have a bunch of coins? I think most people put it in a piggy bank or exchange it for paper money, but Rose Shea used the coin as a material for making clothes, and in her latest handmade costume design, she used 2652 one-cent denomination coins, strung together into a gown with cross-straps on the back, and the sparkling dress, after wearing it on the beautiful woman's body, shone brightly, and the whole person became elegant.

The artist used 2652 coins to create a glittering dress, and the beauty was so stunning when she put it on

Especially in the sun, the skirt is even more shiny, and more than two thousand coins are mixed together to create a sequined effect. Many people joke that the skirt made of this coin has risen in value after wearing it, and it looks more valuable. How did this imaginative artist manage to turn coins into dresses?

Ross Shay first thoroughly washes the collected coins and then drills them one by one on the sides, a step that is especially important and is key to stringing them together. The artist stitched these coins together little by little and made the corset and skirt part of the dress. This handmade dress dress can be said to be quite heavy and luxurious, let me ask, what girl does not want to have a dress dress made of real money and silver?

Next, let's take a look at the talented artist's sequined dress made of coins.

The artist used 2652 coins to create a glittering dress, and the beauty was so stunning when she put it on
The artist used 2652 coins to create a glittering dress, and the beauty was so stunning when she put it on
The artist used 2652 coins to create a glittering dress, and the beauty was so stunning when she put it on
The artist used 2652 coins to create a glittering dress, and the beauty was so stunning when she put it on

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