
After a breakup, men tend to go through three "psychological phases" as opposed to women.

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When God created man and woman, he left many differences for the two. In real life, we can almost say a lot of differences between men and women, and of course in love.

Therefore, we often see that after many couples break up, the state between men and women is diametrically opposite.

Boys are often able to get rid of the previous relationship quickly, and they don't even expend too much energy on the previous relationship, which will not affect his mood at all, and he can enter the next relationship quickly.

After a breakup, men tend to go through three "psychological phases" as opposed to women.

But women seem to rarely be able to do this, women tend to be more emotional, in the face of feelings, they always have a variety of reluctance, it is difficult to escape the haze of the last relationship, which is caused by the physiology between men and women, but also caused by this society.

Boys and girls, in the face of breakup, not only reflect differently, but even diametrically opposed, it is difficult for women to pull out of this mud, and men are often easy to get out.

But in fact, there are also men who may not feel anything when they first break up, but later, they feel that they are getting deeper and deeper, and they can't extricate themselves. Under normal circumstances, boys often go through the following three psychological stages after breaking up.

After a breakup, men tend to go through three "psychological phases" as opposed to women.


For a man, a bad relationship must bring him torture and burden, in this case, breaking up is the best choice for him, can make him relax, let him regain his life, regain his freedom.

Therefore, when you first break up, girls may cry to death, but men may feel that they are single again and happy to break up.

After a breakup, men tend to go through three "psychological phases" as opposed to women.

Therefore, men at this time are often very happy, they may play with friends happily, spit with friends, and do not get drunk with friends.

All in all, what he can't do with you, he's bound to do it all in one fell swoop after a breakup. After separating from you, he will feel extremely happy and dashing, and will feel heartfelt relief and pleasure.

Contrary to the grief of women, men at this time are completely deposited in happiness and liberation, embracing freedom and happiness to the fullest.

After a breakup, men tend to go through three "psychological phases" as opposed to women.

Not adaptable

But, when time went on, when the man reacted, when his happiness and freedom were finished, and life returned to calm and normal, he also became calm.

At this time, he will suddenly become sad and suddenly unaccustomed to the life of a person in front of him. No matter what you do, the mind is full of pictures of two people holding hands and shopping together, watching movies, chatting and talking, and even when doing some ordinary things, they are not adapted to life without you.

After a breakup, men tend to go through three "psychological phases" as opposed to women.

At this time, women are just the opposite, often on the way out of the haze, all the states and moods are gradually improving, but at this time the man has entered the trough, fallen into a nightmare, and fallen into a deep quagmire.

At this time, the man's incompatibility is his biggest portrayal, he begins to realize how important you are to him, begins to regret his choice, and begins to blame himself for not being good enough for you.

After a breakup, men tend to go through three "psychological phases" as opposed to women.


Next, his sad emotions will be maximized, and he will also completely fall into the state of emo, begin to recall the bits and pieces of the two people together, begin to miss the happy time of the two people together, begin to miss you, miss you, and regret leaving you.

A person's lonely time can often deepen this sadness and make this sadness heavier.

At this time, he will often borrow wine to dispel his sorrows, hoping to use all means to save your heart. His heart, at this time, is completely swayed by you, and he will make up his mind to change himself and fight for you again.

After a breakup, men tend to go through three "psychological phases" as opposed to women.

At this time, girls often have let go of this relationship and began to start again, while men are just the opposite, they are aware of their feelings, the reflex arc is like a century, and now they know the taste of losing their lover.

This kind of man, on the surface does look abominable, looks like an emotionless scumbag, but in reality, they also have their own frequencies and tracks, and they have their own emotional processes.

When women die and live for the last love, they may be dashing and happy, but when women are reborn, men will be deeply lost, which is the gap between men and women.

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