
Moroccan VOC and Moroccan COC certification differences


What is the difference between Moroccan VOC certification and Moroccan COC certification? The answers are very different and may not be taken literally. Because this certification is a bit special, many of them are used by customers, but you can't say that the customer's name is wrong. I have met many customers who like to call Moroccan VOC certification a Moroccan COC certification. This is a matter of habit, as the certificate used for customs clearance in Morocco is the COC certificate. Therefore, customers habitually call Moroccan VOC certification Morocco COC certification, which cannot be said to be wrong. Whether it is Moroccan VOC certification or Moroccan COC certification. The ultimate goal is to obtain a permit from the Moroccan Customs. As long as there is a customs clearance certificate, because the customer's expression is as long as there is a customs clearance certificate. Therefore, we sometimes say customary names, but strictly speaking, there is a difference between Moroccan VOC certification and Moroccan COC certification. Because Moroccan VOC certification is a certification system and a Moroccan certification system. Under the Moroccan VOC certification system, there are three authentication modes. As mentioned earlier, these three modes are: one-time authentication mode. The certificate obtained is called the Moroccan COC certificate, some people call it the COC clearance certificate; the other is the registration mode. The certificate obtained is called an enrollment certificate or enrollment certificate. This certificate cannot be used for customs clearance. For each shipment, a one-time Moroccan COC certificate must be applied for using a certificate of registration. Only this certificate of registration can be used to apply for a Moroccan COC certificate. Checked every 2-3 months, other times exempted; in addition, there is another mode, that is, type authentication mode. The obtained certificate is called the type certification certificate and cannot be used directly for customs clearance. This type certificate is used to apply for a one-time Moroccan COC certificate per shipment, but this certificate can be used to apply for a Moroccan COC certificate and can be exempted from inspection. Goods can be inspected up to twice a year, and goods can be exempted from inspection at other times.

  So strictly speaking, The Moroccan COC certification, that is, the COC certification, is indeed different from the Moroccan VOC certification. One is the Moroccan certification system, and the other is the certification certificate under the certification system. Because this one-time Moroccan COC certificate is used for customs clearance, many importers feel that there is no difference between the two. Since the other two certificates cannot be used directly for customs clearance, you still need to apply for a Moroccan COC clearance certificate every time. That's why many people can't explain the difference between this certificate and other certificates, as long as we understand that Moroccan VOC is a certification system, and Moroccan COC certification is an authentication mode under this certification system, because this is the difference.

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