
All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

For the second year in a row, James and Durant became East-West All-Star ticket kings. So for the second year in a row, the two of them are going to team up to play the draft! Since the restructuring, the NBA All-Star Game has a lot more to watch. The strong dialogue in the fourth section also managed to save the ratings. The captain's simulated draft also makes people shout that people are too deep in the rivers and lakes! So james and Durant are drafting for the second year in a row, who will they pick? Let's simulate it together.

All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

Moderator: Welcome to TNT Live. The live stream that will be brought to you today is the captain draft of the 2022 Cleveland All-Stars. Let's welcome The Western Conference All-Star Captain, NBA All-Star Ticket King – LeBron James!

James: This is the fifth consecutive year that I have drafted and it is my pride as captain.

All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

Moderator: Okay, thank you Old Jen, and now let's welcome the Eastern Conference All-Star captain, Kevin Durant from the Nets. Oh, KD, temperament this piece, you are really pinched to death, why wear such an ugly hat like last year?

Durant: Hello, everyone. Glad the trade deadline, we didn't have any teammates leaving. Watch the Nets play wizards on the road for a while, and Irving will lead the team to blow you up.

All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

Moderator: Very well, according to the rules, the starting lineup will be selected by the vote king James first. Old Zhan, what is your choice?

James: The first choice is never too easy, but I thought about it a long time ago, I chose the new branch FMVP, Giannis.

Durant: Do you all want me to choose Curry, but I don't want to, he's so popular, for two consecutive years the All-Star votes are higher than mine. Recently people always say that he and Harden are eyebrow-to-eye, but they can't let them be in a team, throw Embiid to James, then I choose Jokic.

All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

James: There's no doubt about Stephen Curry, the best three-pointer in history, the All-Star Revamped Master.

Durant: Then I'll pick a defender, I love DeRozan, I'm going to pick him.

James: Do you want to choose Embiid? Leaving him to Durant, is it still possible to help the Nets break up the team, which is really interesting. Then my choice is, Jason Tatum, who was also an All-Star start last year.

Durant: Oh my God, what is James doing, does he read my mind? There's really no good player left in the starting lineup, come on, Ja Morant, I love watching him play too much.

All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

James: It's a shame, I also enjoy watching Morant play. Hahaha that's what else to pick now, Trae Young.

Host: The selection of good James is done, then the two remaining players will automatically join Durant's team, Joel Embiid and Andrew Wiggins.

Durant: Well, It's ok, Embiid, Wiggins, welcome.

All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

Moderator: Okay, the two of you have completed the selection of the starter, and now we will enter the substitute selection process. As usual, the order is changed, and Durant chooses first.

Durant: No doubt, I picked my teammate, good brother, James Harden.

James: The same, I chose my good brother, my banana boat brother, Chris Paul.

All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

Durant: I'll pick the strongest of the remaining players, Luca, you were an All-Star starter before. But it doesn't matter, who makes you so fat at the start of the season, come on, Doncic.

James: I like your idea too, but I think all-star viewing is more important, Zach Lavin, let's dunk as much as we want, I'm cute to kill your dunk contest that year.

Durant: Coach Spall coached us, and speaking of him, maybe I should choose Jimmy Butler, yes, I want to choose Jimmy.

All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

James: Oh, KD, that's interesting. We're coached by Monty Williams, he's a great guy and I love him. Then I'm going to choose Devon Booker, the Suns.

Durant: Middleton is a good choice, I'm going to take him apart from Brother Alphabet.

James: We're really missing a center, like I said last year, who's going to like the Utah Jazz, hehe, come on Little Wolf Cub, Carl Anthony Downs.

All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

Durant: Then it looks like we're going to put the Jazz players at the end again, haha, I agree with you, I don't like that cold place either. I want to pick three goals, he plays well, first Time All-Star, I love him.

James: I'm sorry to my brother Dream Green, if you could play All-Star, I would definitely have chosen you early. In Cleveland, I'm going to pick my little brother, Garland of the Cavaliers. It's his home stadium and hopefully he can stand with him and listen to the cheers of the home fans.

Durant: Yeah LeBron, this is Cleveland, it's your home stadium. Maybe we shouldn't steal the limelight, so I'll pick VanVleet and congratulate him on his first All-Star selection.

All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

James: No suspense, Desontay Murray, my little brother, congratulations on your first All-Star selection, enjoy the trip.

Durant: The last option, Mitchell, sorry Spider-Man, such a back seat.

James: OK, Rudy Gobert, Steiffain, welcome to join, the James team is formed.

All-Star Captain Simulator Picker! Alphabet and Curry, who is the first choice for old Jen, Durant because Harden did not choose Embiid?

Host: Congratulations on the completion of the all-star selection, so do you want to make a deal like you did three years ago?

Durant: Oh I'd love to, I'm kind of like trading Embiid away, we've got too many centers, there's already Jokic. LeBron, change Tatum or not, or Downs is on your team.

James: The starting substitution is replaced, which is probably a violation. I don't want to change, I like Tatum, I like to watch you swing the double towers, what is this, two centers can't play? Traffic is too expensive, I'm off the line, bye-bye!

Durant: W***T**F***

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