
Folk found a "mirror", reflecting images that amaze people, experts: the black technology of the ancients


People's words are like the bright moon, and I am victorious over the bright moon. Mingyue is not unknown, twelve times a year. It is like a jade box, like water is always clear. When the moon breaks and the sky is dark, the circle is alone. - "Farewell in the Mirror"

In ancient times, the mainland gave birth to an extremely brilliant civilization, and countless cultural relics were born accordingly. Under the efforts of generations, countless exquisite crafts have been manufactured, which has impressed countless people, such as the Yue Wang Gou Jian sword, buried deep in the ground for more than two thousand years, still shining cold when unearthed, in terms of the science and technology of that era, it can actually make such a weapon, which is unimaginable to everyone.

And this sword is only a drop in the ocean of many cultural relics, and there are countless cultural relics that can be compared with it, or even surpassed. The following is to introduce a clever cultural relics for you.

Folk found a "mirror", reflecting images that amaze people, experts: the black technology of the ancients

First, the mirror found by the people

In order to protect history and excavate history and culture, New China began a large-scale search for cultural relics from the day it was founded. Among the cultural relics collected, some cultural relics were obtained through ancient tomb excavations, and some cultural relics were voluntarily handed over by the people.

Experts have found a "mirror" in the folk, the reflected image is amazing, rich in extremely profound optical principles, experts call it the black technology of the ancients.

This mirror is not difficult to make in terms of today's science and technology, but it is a cultural relic of the Western Han Dynasty two thousand years ago. What is this mirror all about? The story begins in the 1980s.

Folk found a "mirror", reflecting images that amaze people, experts: the black technology of the ancients

At that time, the staff of the cultural relics bureaus in various places often went to the countryside to publicize the protection of cultural relics, so that the villagers learned to protect cultural relics, and the staff also had another task, that is, to collect cultural relics left behind in the folk.

In the long history, most of the cultural relics have disappeared, and if you want to search for enough cultural relics, it is very important to search from the folk.

For countless years, for various reasons, the folk have scattered a large number of precious cultural relics. Facts have proved that this practice is very correct, and a considerable part of the cultural relics we have put in the museum today are collected by the Cultural Relics Bureau from the people.

Folk found a "mirror", reflecting images that amaze people, experts: the black technology of the ancients

Second, the peculiar mirror

Once the staff came to the village to promote the knowledge of cultural relics, and after listening to this knowledge, a villager took the initiative to take out a blue disc and handed it to the staff.

At the first sight of this disc, the staff realized that it was something incredible and immediately probed it further.

After research, the basic information of the disc was unearthed, it has a radius of 3.7 cm and a weight of 50 grams. So what exactly is this disc? In fact, it is a common mirror in our lives, so experts have named it "the mirror of the light of seeing the sun".

Folk found a "mirror", reflecting images that amaze people, experts: the black technology of the ancients

Why does this mirror have such a name? This also starts from its refraction. Put this mirror in the sunlight, you can find a stunning scene, the light through the mirror will reflect a very brilliant light, and the back of the mirror will also appear light.

At that time, the experts were amazed, they had never found such a relic before, and no one knew how it worked. So a more in-depth study began, and eventually after several days of research, the secret behind the mirror was discovered.

Folk found a "mirror", reflecting images that amaze people, experts: the black technology of the ancients

Third, the secret of the mirror

It turns out that this mirror is very flat on the surface, but the thickness of the mirror is different, and when the sunlight hits the mirror, there will be repeated optical refraction, resulting in such an effect.

After that, experts began to consult historical data and try to create such a mirror again, but unfortunately, the experiment lasted for a long time and finally failed. Many friends may feel very strange, in terms of today's level of craftsmanship, why can't even restore such a mirror? The reason is simple, because experts don't know the secret recipe for mirrors.

Folk found a "mirror", reflecting images that amaze people, experts: the black technology of the ancients

There was a fire in the making of this mirror, which involved two points. First of all, there is the problem of raw materials, different raw materials will produce different effects when they experience fire, and the ancients have always treated the formula of raw materials as a secret, experts have tried a lot of raw materials, but they have not been able to achieve the desired effect, and finally helplessly gave up.

The second is the problem of the process, this mirror in the production, the use of a lot of processes, which leads to even if any of the sets of processes are not right, the final result of the finished product will be completely different from the original, and the expert does not know what these processes are, naturally can not be restored.


A small mirror contains so many secrets, which shows the advanced level of craftsmanship in ancient times. Today's China has long been the world's first manufacturing power, but we are still in a big but not strong embarrassing situation, in the future, we must do is to improve the quality of products.

And want to improve the quality, in addition to the need to continue to study science and technology, but also to have a craftsman's heart for products, in the production of products, recall the ancient people's mood when making crafts, pay attention to every detail, so as to produce really excellent products.


"Farewell in the Mirror"

"Heritage Story"

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