
controversy? China's cross-country skier rushed to the second place in the group, but was found to be fouled and missed the semi-finals

On February 8, 2022, the men's individual sprint champion of cross-country skiing at the Beijing Winter Olympics was decided, and Norway's Klebo successfully defended his title. However, there was a controversial penalty in the quarterfinals, and China's cross-country skier Wang Qiang rushed from fifth to second place, and was supposed to advance to the semifinals, but was convicted of fouls. It is reported that the Chinese team has filed a complaint about this penalty.

controversy? China's cross-country skier rushed to the second place in the group, but was found to be fouled and missed the semi-finals

In the past few days, there have been a lot of discussions about referees' penalties in the Winter Olympic Games, especially in short-track speed skating, the so-called controversial penalties have aroused heated discussion, and finally the International Skating Federation has publicly spoken out, clearly stating the referee's decision and forfeiture. In fact, the high-definition playback can also be seen very clearly, Chinese players in the short track speed skating field to win the cleanest gold medal, which is also the consistent purpose of Chinese sports, fair play is the basic principle and bottom line.

controversy? China's cross-country skier rushed to the second place in the group, but was found to be fouled and missed the semi-finals

Of course, as long as there is competition, it will certainly be accompanied by some controversy, after all, ice and snow projects may collide at any time. The men's individual sprint race of cross-country skiing on this matchday was controversially awarded, and China's Wang Qiang, who had played well, had already advanced to the semifinals and made history if he simply looked at the results of the quarter-finals, but unexpectedly, Wang Qiang was convicted of fouls.

controversy? China's cross-country skier rushed to the second place in the group, but was found to be fouled and missed the semi-finals
controversy? China's cross-country skier rushed to the second place in the group, but was found to be fouled and missed the semi-finals

A total of 90 athletes participated in the cross-country skiing men's sprint event, and after the first round, 30 athletes advanced, and Wang Qiang ranked 5th among all the players to advance to the quarterfinals, and he was the only non-seeded player in the top 16. In the quarterfinals, Wang Qiang started in the fourth group, and the opponents in the same group were not bad, and Wang Qiang once fell behind. After entering the field, Wang Qiang began to speed up, he continued to overtake, and the last uphill rush from fifth to second.

controversy? China's cross-country skier rushed to the second place in the group, but was found to be fouled and missed the semi-finals

In the end, Wang Qiang passed the finish line for the second time, and according to the promotion rules, Wang Qiang had already won a semi-final seat. Advancing to the semifinals means that Wang Qiang has created a new history of cross-country skiing in China, but just when everyone was cheering, Wang Qiang was judged to be fouled, canceled the results, and naturally missed the semi-finals. Judging from the replay footage, Wang Qiang seems to have contact with a player, but the player seems to be behind Wang Qiang, and from the information obtained so far, the referee determined that Wang Qiang interfered with other opponents, which is indeed more controversial.

controversy? China's cross-country skier rushed to the second place in the group, but was found to be fouled and missed the semi-finals

At present, there are reports that the Chinese team has filed a complaint about this penalty, but the semi-finals and finals have all ended, Norway's Klebo has won the championship, and it is difficult for the Chinese team to appeal to change the outcome of the game. But since there is a dispute, and can appeal, of course, the Chinese team must find out the real reason, if it is really foul, we should accumulate experience, if there is a problem, then it should seek justice!

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