
Ministry of Transport: Strictly implement passenger transport control in medium- and high-risk areas

author:Sino-Singapore warp and weft

  On February 8, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference on the prevention and control of the epidemic during and after the Spring Festival.

  A reporter asked: Since the Spring Festival, in order to ensure the safety of passenger travel, what work has the transportation department done in epidemic prevention?

  Han Jinghua, deputy director of the Department of Transport Services of the Ministry of Transport, said that in order to effectively do a good job in the prevention and control of the Spring Festival epidemic, with the consent of the leading comrades of the State Council, the Ministry of Transport, together with the Development and Reform Commission, the Health Commission and 14 other units, set up a special class for the Spring Festival work under the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council to make overall plans for the prevention and control of the epidemic, safe production and transportation service guarantee of this year's Spring Festival. Since the establishment of the Spring Festival Work Class, it has formulated and issued the "Overall Work Plan for the Prevention and Control of the Epidemic and Transport Service Guarantee for the Spring Festival of Comprehensive Transport in 2022", organized and held a video teleconference, made a comprehensive and systematic deployment of the prevention and control of the Epidemic and transport service guarantee of the Spring Festival, strengthened scheduling and dynamic analysis and judgment, and actively guided all localities to effectively do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in this year's Spring Festival.

  The first is to guide key passenger groups to travel in an orderly manner. Guide local transportation departments to strengthen communication and cooperation with departments such as human resources and social security, education, cultural tourism, etc., and actively organize "point-to-point" transportation such as chartered buses, special trains (chartered carriages), and charter flights for key groups such as migrant workers and students who have centralized transportation needs and conditions. For example, according to the travel needs of migrant workers returning to their hometowns, Sichuan Province adopts a "point-to-point, one-stop" chartered transportation mode to achieve from factory door to home. A total of 1,560 interprovincial "Spring Wind Action" vehicles were launched in the province, and 56,000 migrant workers were transported to return home safely and orderly for the New Year.

  The second is to effectively do a good job in epidemic prevention and control of transportation stations and means of transport. Guide all localities to supervise and urge passenger transport and passenger terminal operators to carry out ventilation and disinfection in accordance with regulations, strictly check passenger health codes, carry out body temperature detection, remind passengers to wear masks throughout the process, and implement requirements such as "one-meter line". Optimize ticketing organizations, actively expand online ticketing channels, and encourage the use of non-contact methods such as face recognition for inbound verification. Implement requirements such as controlling the load factor of transportation vehicles and setting up isolation areas in accordance with regulations.

  The third is to strictly implement passenger transport control in medium- and high-risk areas. Guide epidemic-related areas to promptly close road passenger transport services in and out of districts and counties in and out of medium- and high-risk areas; for urban transportation and road passenger transport operating inside epidemic-related areas, adopt epidemic prevention and control measures to strengthen the elimination of depots, vehicles and personnel protection, and make every effort to prevent the spillover and spread of the epidemic.

  The fourth is to strengthen the protection of front-line service guarantee personnel for the Spring Festival. Guide local transportation departments, under the leadership of local epidemic prevention and control leading agencies, to implement the requirements of "due diligence" for front-line service guarantee personnel during the Spring Festival, strengthen daily health monitoring of front-line personnel, carry out nucleic acid testing on a regular basis in accordance with regulations, and actively carry out vaccines to strengthen immunization. At the same time, we will guide all localities to supervise and urge transport operation and management units to effectively prepare epidemic prevention materials to ensure that the materials are sufficient and effective.

  Fifth, strengthen supervision and inspection to fill in the loopholes in epidemic prevention. Guide local transportation departments to carry out epidemic prevention and control and safety inspections during the Spring Festival in conjunction with health and health, emergency management, and railway regulatory departments, timely discover hidden dangers, urge enterprises to make immediate changes, and strictly prevent the spread of the epidemic through transportation. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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