
Gu Ailing won the gold as she wished! There is the love of ice and snow, and the beauty of the sky is seen

Gu Ailing won the gold as she wished! There is the love of ice and snow, and the beauty of the sky is seen

Live up to expectations and be the best. Gu Ailing won the championship in his hometown! On February 8, in the final of the freestyle ski jump, Gu Ailing made a 1620 grab board that had never been tried before in the third jump, and won the highest score of 94.50 in the whole game, with a total score of 188.25 to beat many good players, and won the championship in one fell swoop! This is the first gold medal won by the Beijing Dayu Valley Ailing Olympic Games, and the first gold medal won by the Chinese team in the snow sports of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The time for a jump is very short, the athletes have to complete a variety of difficult and complex actions, and the audience on the scene does not have time to react. Therefore, it was not until Gu Ailing finished all the movements and landed steadily that the scene erupted into shouts and endless applause. Gu Ailing shed tears of excitement, and it was difficult for IOC President Bach to stand on the edge of the track to watch the game. Because Gu Ailing perfectly interprets the Olympic motto of higher, faster, stronger and more united, she not only breaks through herself, but also sets a benchmark for female athletes in all projects: life has no limits, dare to challenge, there is no impossible.

Since her debut, Gu Ailing has been labeled a "genius". The freestyle ski jump is not Gu Ailing's main sport, and the success of the third jump with super difficulty seems to confirm this view. But which athlete who stands on the Olympic field has no talent? So, whenever others praised her as a "genius", she couldn't help but correct: "Talent accounts for only 0.1%, otherwise my efforts will be disappointed." Do not deny the so-called talent, but know that effort itself is also a talent, and a talent that is more important than the innate physical endowment. Gu Ailing's success lies in the fact that she knows the importance of hard work, knows how to work hard, and is willing to make efforts.

Of course, her goal is not only the result, her stage is not only the ice and snow arena. Gu Ailing has said many times that I hope to be able to participate in the Olympic Games for China from a very young age; I hope to promote ice and snow sports with my own actions; my biggest goal is to let more people contact ice and snow through skiing, so that more people can contact freestyle skiing, especially teenagers, especially girls; I can become a bridge between ice and snow sports and Chinese women, so that more Chinese women can devote themselves to this sport. It can also become a bridge between China and the United States, allowing ice and snow sports enthusiasts and ordinary people in the two countries to better understand each other, after all, sports are the common language of the world. To be a bridge, to melt the snow that stands in the way of more people participating, to break the cold ice that lies in the exchanges and exchanges between Ice and Snow Sports and Chinese women and even China and the United States, the ambitions of 18-year-old girls are so ambitious. She jumped down from the jumping platform and jumped out of the most beautiful scenery; outside the jumping platform, she also showed the most beautiful scenery of life.

In fact, the top effect of Gu Ailing has emerged, and the excellent qualities such as hard work, bravery and patriotism embodied in Gu Ailing have made more and more teenagers like ice and snow sports because they like Gu Ailing. Gu Ailing said: "I was pleasantly surprised to see that there are now 300 million people in China participating in ice and snow", many of these 300 million people are her fans, and in the foreseeable future, there will undoubtedly be a large number of excellent ice and snow players. "This is what an idol should look like, and this is the idol that young people should chase the most", this is a parent's message, but also the common voice of parents.

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