
The welfare gap is too big! Women's football girls earn up to a million a year, but they are not as small as men's football salaries

On the evening of February 6, Beijing time, the Chinese women's football team defeated South Korea 3:2 to regain the women's Asian Cup after 16 years. The excellent performance of the Chinese women's football girls in this game infected people, and the spirit of women's football was moving. After the game, many netizens called for more money for women's football players, because they are worth it, and this article will introduce you to the current salary situation of Chinese women's football.

The welfare gap is too big! Women's football girls earn up to a million a year, but they are not as small as men's football salaries

As the most influential sport in the world, football has a natural ability to absorb money. The ability of top leagues such as the World Cup and the Champions League to absorb money is immeasurable, and mature commercial leagues such as the NBA cannot be compared with any of the five major leagues. The salaries of many male athletes in the national football team are very impressive, and the annual salary of domestic male football players exceeding 10 million is not a problem, and the salary investment of naturalized players is even more huge. Some media revealed that the salaries of many naturalized players have exceeded 800 million yuan.

The welfare gap is too big! Women's football girls earn up to a million a year, but they are not as small as men's football salaries

In contrast, the salaries of women's football players are somewhat pitiful. The salary situation of China's women's football team is polarized, and the top players have indeed made a lot of money. Top female footballers such as Wang Shuang can earn an annual salary of 500,000 yuan in the overseas Ligue 1, and many players who choose to stay in the west will be at the cost of salary cuts. Although the annual salary of overseas leagues is large, the tax is also large, and most overseas leagues will not treat Chinese players as the main force for training, and the contract is often given scraps. It's a far cry from the main players.

The welfare gap is too big! Women's football girls earn up to a million a year, but they are not as small as men's football salaries

But in the domestic league, top players like Wang Shuang have become big money suckers. Wang Shuang, who was playing in Dalian at the time, had an annual salary of 1 million yuan. She is already at the forefront of women's footballers. The female footballers on the other side are less optimistic, and the net salary of many female footballers may only be 3,000 yuan a month. You heard it right, it's only 3,000 yuan, and the state often subsidizes women footballers in order to support them. Subsidies and net wages have been combined to a female footballer's monthly income may only reach the 10,000 yuan mark.

The welfare gap is too big! Women's football girls earn up to a million a year, but they are not as small as men's football salaries

As we all know, the salary consumption of athletes is much greater than that of the general masses. Athletes have specialized diets, specific training programs, and these all require salary support. Since 2018, the salary investment of the Chinese women's football league has always been the first in the world, and if calculated on average, the salary investment of each club of the Chinese women's football team has reached 1.85 million US dollars, ranking first in the world. For comparison, Germany's women's soccer league investment averages $670,000, Japan's $140,000 and South Korea's $680,000.

The welfare gap is too big! Women's football girls earn up to a million a year, but they are not as small as men's football salaries

Some people say that the Chinese women's football league has invested so much and ranks first in the world. But the conditions of the women's soccer girls do not seem to have improved significantly, for two main reasons. First, the audience of women's football is not very large, and most people are still willing to watch men's football matches. Here we are not disparaging women's football, but women's football is indeed not as ornamental as men's football. Football is a high-intensity and high-confrontation sport, male athletes can give people a more intuitive visual feeling when playing football, and the second is the problem of broadcasting. Previously, women's football matches were rarely broadcast in the domestic media. Broadcasting is often the bulk of the revenue of a sporting event. Due to the small audience of women's football, the broadcaster will not focus on broadcasting women's football matches, which in turn leads to a small number of viewers. The influence of women's football naturally decreases, which is actually a vicious circle. To solve this problem, in addition to publicizing women's football girls, the intensity of broadcasting women's football matches in the future should also be increased. The women's girls played so well on the pitch that there was no reason why their games should not be broadcast.

The welfare gap is too big! Women's football girls earn up to a million a year, but they are not as small as men's football salaries

Finally, I hope the men's football team can learn something from the women's football team. Maybe our physical talent is not as good as the opponent's, maybe our tactical system and cooperation are not so perfect, but on the field, we can at least fight with all our strength and the opponent to the end. This spirit still has to be had, but we don't see this spirit in the men's football team, but the women's football team truly interprets the spirit of never giving up. Dear officials, how do you evaluate the current salary of women's football? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below the article.

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