
What does Curry's presence mean for the Warriors?

To this day, the Warriors are still a force to be reckoned with in the league. The Golden State bandits who created a myth are, in the eyes of many people, a memory of youth. And in this team, the core is undoubtedly Curry. It can be said that without Curry, there would be no Warriors today. It can even be said that without Curry's Warriors, it is impossible to create so many miracles. No three championships, no 73 wins, no Durant joining, nothing. So from that perspective, you say curry is the greatest player in Warrior history, but it's not too much at all.

What does Curry mean for the Warriors? A lot of people just know that Curry's three-pointer is accurate, but they don't know the impact behind it. Let me say that Curry is the Warriors' strategic engine! Why not a tactical engine? Because that role is Played by Green. Green is the Warriors' coach on the court, something That Kerr recognizes. But as a whole, there needs to be an adhesive-like figure to bring everyone together, instead of becoming loose as ever, and that person is Curry.

What does Curry's presence mean for the Warriors?

Whether it is the technical and tactical level, or the personality charm on and off the field, Curry is a well-deserved first choice. Personality charm we need not say, we all know how likable Curry is, we want to talk about Curry's actual ability today, that is, the level on the field.

It's no exaggeration to say that Curry is probably one of the best offensive players in league history, and he's also the best player in history to help on the offensive end. Let's analyze one by one, first of all, the best offensive players. This needs to be combined with Curry's actual performance on the field.

What does Curry's presence mean for the Warriors?

In the season of the unanimous MVP, Curry's basic data almost reached its peak. The average shooting percentage is 48 percent, three-point shooting is over 43 percent, and free throw shooting is over 90 percent. These data are all full and belong to the top echelon of the league. If you put the length of observations into your entire career, these data in the library are also quite capable. His true shooting percentage is over 60%, which is in the top five of history. Curry can compete with all the inside players. So you can probably get an idea of Curry's dominance on the offensive end. To use a less appropriate analogy, if Curry were facing the average player's defensive level right now, he could average more than 40 points per game, and the Warriors' record would reach an incredible level. In order to limit Curry, many teams even need to arrange special players to keep an eye on it, which is a bit like iverson's feeling at that time, this treatment is destined to be historical.

Analyzing Curry is always inseparable from his terrifying ability to balance the ball or not. Someone has asked before, why does Cole keep Curry playing without the ball, and if he can play with the ball and always guarantee high ball possession, the data will not become very scary? In fact, there is a player in the league who is similar to Curry and has always played the ball, and he is Harden. Most of Harden's output is similar to Curry's, and when it comes to the Rockets, Harden holds the most balls in his hands. If Curry is allowed to keep playing the ball, is it possible to become the Warriors' version of Harden? It's not that Harden can't, it's just that history has proven that this style of play doesn't seem to be very effective in modern leagues. Instead, Curry's output, which combines ball and no ball, is the most likely to succeed.

What does Curry's presence mean for the Warriors?

Of course, Kerr would be willing to put Curry on the no-ball end, and there must be his idea. As a regular fan, the Cole we can think of should also be able to think of. Not to mention that Kerr himself is also a super shooter, a player who has followed Jordan to several championships. Kerr naturally saw that Curry could unleash more terrifying potential and bring more perfect chemistry on the no-ball end, and would always keep Curry insisting on no-ball.

We can discuss this in several different stages. The first is the early Warriors who did not join Durant, and the proportion of Curry without the ball at this stage is already very high. The reason is that most teams in the league recognize Curry's horror, and the insoluble three-point ability forces opponents to adopt more effective defensive methods to limit Curry's scores. In the regular season, there are often more than two players directly defending Curry. If Curry is mainly attacking with the ball at this time, the mistake data will become the biggest obstacle to the Warriors' evolution. As soon as Curry has a loophole, opponents will flock to it, and in this case, it will be difficult for the Warriors to fully open the five small advantages. The five small lineups are to let the players participate, so that the overall mobility of the team makes up for the lack of body and height, and one person holding the ball will only make the road narrower and narrower.

What does Curry's presence mean for the Warriors?

The second is at this point where Durant joined. The team has so many offensive players that the ball is completely impossible to distribute, so curry can only insist on no ball, let Durant switch between the ball and the ball. This is a reasonable way for the Warriors to grope out in the regular season, to achieve the most perfect chemical reaction without restricting the performance of the two superstars. So during that period, Curry also continued the previous no-ball. The no-ball restraint provides other players with more offensive space, and let's not forget that Curry's two skills, catch projection and fixed-point jump shot, are the top three in the league. So, even if he doesn't hold the ball, Curry can help his teammates.

What does Curry's presence mean for the Warriors?

This help is what we call the strategic initiator, Curry is gluing the whole team with his own no-ball. It can be seen that most players will have a good performance in the Warriors system, and even play the best strength of their careers. For example, Durant, Wiggins and so on. Curry is unique in the space he can provide for his teammates, and it is rare in history that Curry can create scoring opportunities for teammates. On that basis, if you don't have the form, just give the ball back to Curry, he can play a good performance and save the team. Putting aside some of the games that were in a slump, Curry did make it one man to influence the entire team.

For the Warriors, Curry influenced their entire process. Bring them glory, but also make the Warriors' market capitalization become the top two in the United States. For the League, Curry changed the environment in which small shooters live in the League. After Curry, there are too many super shooters who benefit from it. Lillard, Trae Young, these are all considered to have eaten Curry's dividends, and these are the real value of Curry.

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