
The last jump is super difficult! Gu Ailing successfully created history and won the gold perfectly!

Today, the winter sports event held in Beijing continues, and there is a highlight in the morning, that is, the freestyle ski women's big jumping competition. China's Gu Ailing will compete in this project, and her performance obviously touches the hearts of many people.

The last jump is super difficult! Gu Ailing successfully created history and won the gold perfectly!

Before the start of this sports event, Gu Ailing was already very popular because of her great personality. Since her debut, Gu Ailing has been a "genius girl", she has excellent grades, good looks, no matter from which point of view is the chosen daughter, is a winner in life.

What such a winner in life needs is to be on the highest stage of sports, to represent a country that truly belongs to and accepts itself, and to receive the highest honor. Today, Gu Ailing did it.

On the big jump, Gu Ailing scored 93.75 points in the first round, ranking second among all the players. Although she only scored 88.5 points in the second jump, she chose extremely difficult moves in the final jump and scored a good score of 94.5 points. According to the rules, Gu Ailing can choose the best result in two rounds of three rounds of jumping, so Gu Ailing successfully completed the reversal and won the third gold medal of the Chinese team in this sports event!

The last jump is super difficult! Gu Ailing successfully created history and won the gold perfectly!

After the game, Gu Ailing said: "Today is the happiest day of my life, I can't describe this happiness!" There is no doubt that as a mixed-race child, Gu Ailing resolutely decided to return to China and represent China, which was enough to win the hearts of all the audience. Now that he has won the gold medal with a good record of making history, Gu Ailing's personal reputation will obviously reach a peak.

The last jump is super difficult! Gu Ailing successfully created history and won the gold perfectly!

Historically, China has produced many world champions, but there are still only a few sports stars who have really done their best in all aspects and become the top. This gold medal of Gu Ailing will obviously have a huge impetus effect on her.

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