
Athletes reveal the unique charm of the "Snow Marathon": how much you want to eat

Athletes reveal the unique charm of the "Snow Marathon": how much you want to eat

Livestream Bar Feb. 8 Cross-country skiing is known as the "snow marathon," which shows how tough it is, but it also has a unique charm – if you're a "foodie," come to cross-country skiing! Because you can basically eat as much as you want!

Studies have shown that a standard male cross-country skier must consume the equivalent of about 20 thousand-layers of calories per day to meet their athletic needs. Therefore, this ancient sport encourages athletes to consume enough energy to ensure physical function.

Canadian athlete Remy DeLoré said: "I eat every 15 to 20 minutes, and it's to make sure it's so full that you don't feel like time is passing because you're always eating." ”

Irish athlete Thomas Maloney Westgard said he consumes as many as 7,000 calories a day. "I'm going to eat a lot of plates of pasta and dessert. I love all the sweets and they give me the strength to move forward on the slopes. He joked, "You can eat as much as you want, that's why I haven't retired yet, only then is life good." ”

"A lot of people can't understand the heat demands of this sport." Jessica Roch, a nutritionist for the U.S. cross-country ski team, said, "Ideally, athletes would have to eat every 2 to 3 hours apart, so it's important to plan your feeding time in advance." ”

Roch said heat is essential for cross-country skiers. "In the case of a female player, if she doesn't consume enough calories (for a period of time), there may be problems with menstrual irregularities and bone health."

However, before a key event like the Beijing Winter Olympics, huge psychological pressure will make it difficult for many athletes to eat according to plan. "Some people can't eat before the game, but they still have to force themselves to eat," Drore said. ”

British athlete Andrew Musgrave said that in order to seek a breakthrough in performance, athletes still have to maintain a qualified body shape and cannot completely "let go" of themselves.

"We do have to eat a lot, but we can't eat too fat, if we weigh too much, we will suffer in the uphill stage." "In order to prepare for the Winter Olympics, you have to stay within a suitable weight range," he said. ”

(Xinhua News Agency)

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