
Gu Ailing said that today is the happiest day of my life

Gu Ailing said that today is the happiest day of my life

The picture shows Chinese player Gu Ailing holding up his own "golden pier". Photo by Mao Jianjun, reporter of China News Service

Beijing, February 8 (Reporter Xing Chong Xu Pengpeng) In the women's freestyle ski jumping competition on the 8th, China's Gu Ailing challenged the difficult move in the last jump, and the total score surpassed France's Tess Ludd and Switzerland's Mathilde Grimau, winning the first women's freestyle ski jump championship in the history of the Winter Olympics.

Gu Ailing said after the game: "In the last jump, I did a move that I had never challenged before, I still wanted to show my best side and show my ability to the world, now I can't describe this mood, today is the happiest day of my life!" ”

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