
Gu Ailing jumped on the stage to compete for gold, which has created the history of Ice and Snow in China

In less than an hour, the beijing Winter Olympics freestyle ski women's big jump final will be held in Shougang Ski Jump, and China's famous Gu Ailing will compete for his first gold medal at the Winter Olympics.

Gu Ailing jumped on the stage to compete for gold, which has created the history of Ice and Snow in China

In the qualifiers on the 7th, Gu Ailing made a mistake in the second jump, but still resisted the pressure to complete the third jump, ranking fifth to advance. A total of 12 runners participated in the final, and in the three glides, the contestants had to complete the rotation in two directions, and take the best results from two different directions to rank the place. According to the qualifying results, Gu Ailing will play in the eighth place.

Among the players who were considered to be in a bid for gold before the game, except for Hildaru, who was not in good form this season, all of them also advanced to the final. Judging from the difficulty and stability of the mastered movements, France's Ludd, who ranked first in the World Cup this season, and Graymode, who ranked second, are gu's biggest opponents. However, for the highly competitive freestyle skiing event, the top 10 players in the world have a chance to win the championship.

Regardless of the outcome of the race, Gu Ailing has made the history of skiing in China. This is the first time that a Chinese athlete has participated in a big jump at the Winter Olympics. The big jump was a new event for the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, when there was only a big jumping platform for snowboarding, and the Chinese team did not qualify for the competition, while the freestyle ski jump was a new event added to the Beijing Winter Olympics. After the qualifying match, Gu Ailing said that if she can win the first freestyle ski jumping gold medal in the history of the Winter Olympics, it will be a historic moment for her personally, for China's ice and snow sports, and for freestyle skiing.

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporters Li Ge, Li Songlin, Wang Xiaoxiao, Fang Fei

Edited by Xie Yongli

Process Editor Liu Weili

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