
Alpine skiing, a combination of speed and skill

Alpine skiing, a combination of speed and skill

Pictured here is Xu Mingfu, an athlete from the Chinese team, in a men's downhill competition in alpine skiing on February 7. Photo by Yi Xiao, a reporter of this newspaper

Alpine skiing originated in the Alps and was gradually formed on the basis of cross-country skiing, and since 1936, it has been included in the Winter Olympic Games. When the Chinese team first participated in the Winter Olympics in 1980, it participated in some competitions in alpine skiing.

Alpine skiing is a sport that combines speed and skill. Athletes slide downhill from the hill to the top of the hill and down the track set by the flag gate. Athlete equipment includes: ski helmets, ski goggles, ski suits, ski gloves, ski poles, ski boots, skis, skis, fixtures that connect the boots to the skis, etc.

Alpine skiing takes icy snow trails and the track is set on steep slopes of towering snow-capped mountains. Different projects are different: downhill, super big slalom, big slalom, slalom 4 single items, the height difference, length, width, distance between the flag gate, in turn decreased, the density of the flag gate increased in turn. The vertical drop of the downhill competition venue is the largest, and the drop of the downhill field is generally 5 times the drop of the swing field.

During the race, the athlete must cross a series of flag gates set on the taxi route while sliding down, and if one is missed, they need to go back and re-cross the missed flag gate, otherwise they will lose the qualification for the race.

In terms of format, in the 11 sub-events, except for the mixed team competition, a single departure is used to complete the glide time to determine the ranking, and the one with less time is ranked first. The downhill and super slalom races only slide once, and the slalom and slalom races slide twice. The all-around competition, the first round of the downhill competition, the second round of the rotation competition, the two results are calculated to obtain the ranking.

The Alpine Skiing Competition of the Beijing Winter Olympics has 11 sub-events, namely: men's and women's events, super big slalom, big slalom, slalom, all-around events, and mixed team events. The competition was held at the National Alpine Ski Centre and resulted in a total of 11 gold medals.

Finishing: Shi Zhe

Draft: Zhang Fangman

People's Daily ( 2022-02-08 10th edition)

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