
Is teaching the most glorious profession under the sun?

author:Rushing and toiling
Is teaching the most glorious profession under the sun?

There have been poets who praised teachers as engineers of the human soul, the most glorious profession under the sun. This praise is well received for the importance and nobility of the teaching profession and its contribution and role to society.

But as far as the teaching profession itself is concerned, it is ordinary and the most ordinary. Professions are a means of making a living for individuals, and teachers are no exception. Whether it is the most glorious profession, only the teacher himself has the most say.

It's all up to the facts.

In ancient China, teachers used to be known as stinky old nines, old masters, old pedants, teachers, and doll heads. There is also a saying that there are three buckets of grain that are not the king of children. Let's take a look at the top ten occupations of the post-00s surveyed by authoritative experts

1. Sales

2. IT engineer

3. Architectural designer

4. Senior technician

5. Civil servants

6. Professional managers

7. Hr. Director

8. Investment manager

9. Consulting industry project manager

10. Lawyers

The profession of teacher unexpectedly fell off the list. It can be said that the 985, 211 college students and ordinary college students who have entered the primary and secondary school teachers are helpless choices after being squeezed out of the bridge by the list of occupations. What is the most glorious profession of a teacher?

Is teaching the most glorious profession under the sun?

Speaking of teachers' salary treatment, although the state has now issued a guarantee document for teachers' salary treatment, it has been in the assessment and acceptance of the implementation of local governments that teachers' salaries are not lower than the salaries of civil servants, but the title of teachers is not naturally promoted to the title of civil servant according to the length of service, and there must be indicators, papers, commendations, classrooms, open classes and other assessment and screening restrictions. It is not easy for teachers to get promoted and get a raise. The difficulty of professional titles is always a hurdle that teachers cannot cross.

Many people have always believed that to be a teacher should endure poverty and be willing to dedicate, and teachers should be like candles like spring silkworms. But they ignore that this is a kind of moral kidnapping that does not talk about profits, even if you say how glorious and great the teaching profession is, there have always been many teachers who have chosen to transfer to other administrative institutions when the opportunity allows.

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