
Such a person is what Gemini really likes!

Such a person is what Gemini really likes!

Such a person is what Gemini really likes

First of all, Gemini's concept of love is similar to what everyone thinks, they like the kind of people who chat very happily, get along very comfortably together, if the other party's appearance conditions meet gemini's aesthetics, then he is easy to fall into ambiguity with you.

But in fact, this ambiguity is not really liked, and Gemini is not necessarily easy to be attracted to this kind of person, because Gemini may prefer to attract themselves from the spiritual world and always make themselves want to explore.

In other words, Gemini's view of love and his view of mate selection is not a system, a big grin, a very humorous speech, emoji is particularly interesting, very fond of joking people, Gemini may not have much affection for this kind of person, he will only find it funny, interested.

And only when the other party takes the initiative to enter the life of Gemini, so that Gemini finds that you can not only talk and laugh, but also chat deeply, and more importantly, can make Gemini appear to want to spy on your life, then he will definitely have a stronger interest in such a person.

To put it bluntly, Gemini has many hobbies, but his habit is only one, he can flirt with many people, but he will only communicate with one person spiritually.

For example, in a relationship, a gemini generally does not mention the ex, and rarely says some seven seven eight eight emotional views, but suddenly one day with their own good chat boys to ask some emotional related things, then she does not mind will say it, and will say very seriously, the most important thing is that after she says it, she will have a deeper good feeling for this boy.

Or maybe you usually talk about movies and music and hobbies, but one day the other party suddenly talks about plans for 30 years old, talks about the city where you will live in the future, and talks about some more romantic and in-depth topics, and the twins will definitely have different feelings for you.

Of course, the premise is that we must first establish a tyrannical relationship, first talk about some of the no, and then go deep into the spiritual world, which will be natural. If you play deep as soon as you come up, the twins will only feel that this person is very pretentious and embarrassing, but it has the opposite effect.

In fact, Gemini does not like the kind of feelings that are too serious, he is more inclined to a romantic, naïve, thoughtful person, Gemini will most likely choose to fall in love with this kind of person. But when it comes to mate selection and marriage, the twins will definitely consider reality and consider their future lives.

So based on this you can understand that only by adding the factors of reality and the feelings of gemini can the gemini make the decision to truly live with each other for a lifetime.

It's like a Gemini who doesn't like blind dates, he just wants to choose people and things that he has an appetite for, and once it's a serious passive occasion like a blind date, it's a social social that belongs to the nature of socializing, and he'll be like a nerd. But hindered by the pressure of parents or to meet a face, and then found that the other party is not bad, chatting is actually very interesting, then on the basis of the blind date, and add attraction and feeling, the gemini will most likely fall.

In short, Gemini's liking for a person is always out of sincerity and precipitation, not the other party's influence and demand.

Remember, don't imprison Gemini in your feelings, don't let him have a sense of oppression, he is naïve and let him be naïve, he loves to fantasize and let him fantasize, you will find that being around you to be your own Gemini must be more dedicated than you think.

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