
Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

author:Zi Dan 2

Moved to a new home, the tradition of the old home is to move in that year, thirty people to live, open fire to cook. This year is in my house for the New Year! Twelve dishes were prepared, and everyone gave them a taste!

The first course: steamed grouper, break the belly and change the knife, put in the onion and ginger to remove the fish, put into the steaming box for eight minutes, after the pot to pick out the steamed scallion ginger, pour out the soup and sprinkle with green onion shreds, pour in the steamed fish soy sauce, and finally drizzle with hot oil.

Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

The second course: steamed river crab

Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

The third course: garlic crayfish lobster to open the head, the bottom of the pad on the vermicelli (vermicelli is best mixed with garlic soy sauce first, more flavorful), into the pot steaming for ten minutes.

Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

Fourth course: Sweet and sour ribs, pork ribs stewed in water for 40 minutes, put the right amount of oil in the wok, add sugar, tomato sauce and fry until viscous, pour in the ribs and stir-fry evenly

Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

Fifth course: lamb stew with radish

Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

Seventh course: Sauce beef mixed with cucumber

Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

Eighth course: strange shrimp balls. Beat the shrimp into a minced, stir in the right amount of pork filling, season with onion and ginger water, pepper, a little salt and cooking wine, add half an egg white and potato starch, stir and beat vigorously. Fry until the oil is 60% or 70% hot, re-fry again, fish out, and mix well with Thousand Island Sauce and Horseradish Mix sauce

Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

Course 9: Korean side dishes, crisp and refreshing

Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

Tenth course: roast chicken

Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

The eleventh course: sausage, pig's trotter cold spelling

Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

Twelfth course: stir-fried scallop meat with shallots

Chinese New Year's Eve the sun

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