
UZI can not escape the fate of the mascot, years later on the field is doubtful, the version is not suitable for the biggest problem!

The LPL Spring Tournament is just around the corner, and many spectators are looking forward to the performance of the major teams in the next year. Judging from the games of previous years, the strength of the major teams in the LPL has taken a rough shape. The new squad of the BLG team has played well in the competitions of the past year, but it always gives a sense of absence. Many dog fans have been looking forward to the starting list before the start of the BLG competition, but they have not been able to see the puppy figure for a long time. The number of puppies in training sessions a year ago has also dropped dramatically, making one wonder if he can play after the holiday.

UZI can not escape the fate of the mascot, years later on the field is doubtful, the version is not suitable for the biggest problem!

Judging from the BLG's previous filing records, the puppy will play in the fight with AL. However, judging from the live broadcast effect of the puppy during the Spring Festival, his probability of playing is still minimal. The LPL division will adopt a new version in the next year, and zeli's strength will be tested in the competition. Although the puppy frantically practices this hero in the rankings, the proficiency is still not high. After all, puppies are now old, and the speed of practicing new heroes is difficult to compare with that of young players.

UZI can not escape the fate of the mascot, years later on the field is doubtful, the version is not suitable for the biggest problem!

The Puppy's current style of play is difficult to adapt to the game version, and he may not be able to play the effect he should have. Puppies have always been known for their strong counter-line suppression, but the current version needs to assist wandering to do things. AD often requires a person to develop on the lower road, or even to hang up in the autistic grass. Puppies have difficulty accepting assisted walking in the ranking, so they are often caught by the opposite side during the assisted walk. If he can't adapt to this kind of play in the game, he may become a breakthrough for the opposite side after playing.

UZI can not escape the fate of the mascot, years later on the field is doubtful, the version is not suitable for the biggest problem!

Judging from the current performance of the puppy, it is difficult for his state to return to the peak. Whether it is a hero pool or a personal operation, he is still a huge difference compared with the new generation of ADs such as viper and gala. One of the biggest concerns many fans is whether he will become the mascot of the BRG team and retire after playing a game like the director. Since the start of the spring tournament, many players have been looking forward to his appearance, but this expectation has gradually been worn away by the passage of time.

UZI can not escape the fate of the mascot, years later on the field is doubtful, the version is not suitable for the biggest problem!

The BLG team may have tried to get the puppy on the field, and let him take the lead of the training game before, will it be that the puppy is really not suitable for the current rhythm of the game? His style of play requires a later version of big C, but heroes such as Erpheus and Jinx are not within the scope of his hero pool. The pote stream of Hanbok is not necessarily within his hero pool, which limits the choice of teams. Now look at the choice of the BRG team, after all, the next year will be with the weaker TT, AL, if they still do not choose to let the puppy play, then the puppy is difficult to escape the fate of the mascot!

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