
Brock Lesner fights for a big championship-to-championship match for WWE wrestling mania

Brock Lesner fights for a big championship-to-championship match for WWE wrestling mania

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are reportedly fighting for a big championship-versus-championship match for this year's wrestling mania.

As mentioned earlier, in this week's RAW, Lesnar saw WWE global champion Roman Reigns as his wrestling fanatical rival. He also warned Bobby Lashley that he would become the WWE Champion, making wrestling mania a championship-to-championship battle. It also led Lesnar to join champions Leslie, AJ Styles, Austin Theory, Seth Rollins and Riddle in this month's Iron Cage Vault knockout in Saudi Arabia.

According to Wrestling Observer, WWE chairman and CEO Vince McMahon will decide to arrange a championship-to-championship match between Lesner and Raines, which also explains why he put Lesner in an iron cage vault.

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