
Zhan Huang's knee injury healed? Wo Shuai revealed the real reason for the comeback: I have a strong desire to play Pay attention to the playing time

On February 6, Beijing time, the Lakers officially announced that James's showdown with the Knicks ushered in a comeback. After finishing the shooting warm-up, James felt good about himself, and the Lakers also allowed him to play in this game.

Zhan Huang's knee injury healed? Wo Shuai revealed the real reason for the comeback: I have a strong desire to play Pay attention to the playing time
Zhan Huang's knee injury healed? Wo Shuai revealed the real reason for the comeback: I have a strong desire to play Pay attention to the playing time
Zhan Huang's knee injury healed? Wo Shuai revealed the real reason for the comeback: I have a strong desire to play Pay attention to the playing time

But the question is, has James's knee injury healed? Because of the swelling of his left knee, James has missed 5 consecutive games, during which the Lakers have won 1 and lost 4, and the record is not good.

This comeback, James can also be said to be a firefighter, after all, the team loses again, the hope of the top six in the West will become more and more dim.

Zhan Huang's knee injury healed? Wo Shuai revealed the real reason for the comeback: I have a strong desire to play Pay attention to the playing time

However, judging from Vogel's statement, James did not heal. He said the team will keep an eye on James' playing time until he fully recovers from his left knee injury.

It is worth mentioning that Vogel also revealed the reason for James' comeback, that is, he wants to play too much. He said the word "longing" was no longer enough to describe James' attitude of wanting to make a comeback.

Zhan Huang's knee injury healed? Wo Shuai revealed the real reason for the comeback: I have a strong desire to play Pay attention to the playing time

James, 37, has played 36 games this season and is averaging 29.1 points, 7.7 rebounds and 6.3 assists per game, shooting 52.2 percent from the field. However, in the eyes of many medical experts, James's knee injury is caused by excessive load. This time James returned to the court to usher in a comeback, the Lakers still need to be more cautious.

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