
Chongqing man was abducted to Henan for 30 years to search for relatives for 17 years and finally returned home to recognize his relatives

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Li Maojia Intern Chen Xia

After 30 years of abduction and 17 years of searching for relatives, Zhou Tianpeng finally found his way home.

This is a country road located in Fandian Village, Xianlong Town, Yongchuan District, Chongqing.

February 5, 2022, the 5th day of the first lunar month. This day, for Zhou Tianpeng, a Chongqing boy who has been transferred to Henan for 30 years, is the most exciting and nervous day in his life. After more than 10,950 days and nights of waiting, the 33-year-old finally returned to his home in Xianlong Town, Yongchuan, Chongqing, to recognize his biological parents.

This hug

The family has been waiting for 30 years

At about 10 a.m. on February 5, Zhou Tianpeng set off from Chongqing's Yongchuan District. He sat in the back seat of the car with flowers for his mother, somewhat nervous.

On the way home, Zhou Tianpeng didn't say much, but from time to time told the scattered memories of the past - "Adobe house, there is a missing clay pot at home, when I was a child, I always took eggs from the gap... I've been to Beijing, Hebei, Guizhou... Met a lot of nice people. ”

More often, Zhou Tianpeng just looked at the scenery that was constantly receding outside the window, and his eyes were rosy.

The car winds around a winding road. Near the mouth of the village, a white-haired old man rushed to the car window and greeted Zhou Tianpeng warmly.

Zhou Tianpeng's eye sockets gradually moistened.

Chongqing man was abducted to Henan for 30 years to search for relatives for 17 years and finally returned home to recognize his relatives

While waiting for their son to return home, Zhou Tianpeng's parents burst into tears

At 11:06, the car drove into the village, firecrackers sounded, and the neighbors and townships personally raised small flags to accompany Zhou Tianpeng's family at the entrance of the village.

Zhou Tianpeng got out of the car, his elderly parents recognized him at a glance, and the two old men covered their faces and wept and cried.

Zhou Tianpeng held flowers in his hand, trotted all the way, knelt in front of his parents, and the family of three hugged and cried.

Chongqing man was abducted to Henan for 30 years to search for relatives for 17 years and finally returned home to recognize his relatives

Zhou Tianpeng knelt in front of his biological parents

Chongqing man was abducted to Henan for 30 years to search for relatives for 17 years and finally returned home to recognize his relatives

Zhou Tianpeng knelt on the ground and cried with his mother

Subsequently, Zhou Tianpeng helped his parents to go home. Red lanterns hung at the gate, and more than a dozen tables were set up in the courtyard for a reunion feast, and banners were hung on the walls, "Welcome Zhou Tianpeng home to recognize his ancestors and return to the ancestors."

In the courtyard, mother He Youfang reached out and caressed her son's face, and her voice trembled a little, "I am much thinner than when I was a child, did I suffer a lot outside?" Now that we are finally back with us, Mom will definitely make up for your lack of maternal love for 30 years. ”

Hearing this, Zhou Tianpeng's tears flowed down again, and he held his mother's hand tightly.

Because his son was abducted

My mother has been deeply remorseful all these years

For the past 30 years, He Youfang has been blaming himself for being careless and causing his son to be abducted, "That day I took him to the market, went to the toilet alone, and came back to find that the child was missing." ”

Information is blocked, transportation is inconvenient, there is no clue, after the son was abducted, the family has been looking for, but has not been able to find. He Youfang can only fall into deep self-blame, "When he was a child, he was very fat, he had a large amount of food, his mouth was very sweet, his personality was very outgoing, I always dreamed of him, in which he said to me, 'Mom, you hug me, hug me.' But whenever I put out my hands and tried to hold him, he disappeared, and I always woke up from my dreams with tears in my eyes. ”

On January 30, 2022, He Youfang and her husband learned that their son had finally been found, and they were so excited that they could not sleep. After agreeing with their son to go home on February 5 to meet their relatives, they could not sleep all night. When he can't sleep, He Youfang always looks at the videos of his son's search for relatives sent by the Internet over the years, and after watching it, he is distressed about his son's suffering and can't sleep even more.

Before confessing, He Youfang was excited, but also a little nervous, "worried that he has not met his son for so many years, and suddenly recognizes, he will not be able to adapt for a while." ”

Now that they have finally recognized each other, He Youfang and his wife can finally get a good night's sleep.

Chongqing man was abducted to Henan for 30 years to search for relatives for 17 years and finally returned home to recognize his relatives

Zhou Tianpeng picked vegetables for his mother

At the age of 3, he was abducted from Chongqing to Henan

As a child, he was often bullied by the villagers

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1992, when Zhou Tianpeng was only about 3 years old, he was abducted and sold to Henan.

Zhou Tianpeng can't remember how he was abducted, "Maybe it's because of sugar." A scene always appeared in his mind: a woman wrapped in a turban and gave him candy to eat, but he couldn't remember the next thing. The only recurring picture is to take a green-skinned train and finally go to Daye Town, Dengfeng City, Henan Province.

Zhou Tianpeng's childhood was not good, and his adoptive father was single, "He often goes out, no one at home cooks, and he is hungry and full." I have done a lot of home and field work, and I have suffered more than my peers. In the village, he was also often bullied. ”

When Zhou Tianpeng was 6 to 7 years old, he found that he and his adoptive father did not look like him, and felt that his adoptive father was not his biological father. From time to time, he also heard gossip in the village that his adoptive father had bought it for three or four thousand yuan.

When Zhou Tianpeng was 16 years old, he confirmed that he was not the biological son of his adoptive father. He and his adoptive father have diametrically opposed personalities, the adoptive father is slow, he is impatient, and the two often quarrel over trivial matters. The adoptive aunt also told him that he had indeed been bought by his adoptive father.

Firmly believe that they can be reunited without giving up

He was finally reunited with his parents after 17 years of searching for relatives

At the age of 16, Zhou Tianpeng dropped out of school and began to work everywhere. He has been to Henan, Beijing, Jiangsu and Hebei, and has worked as a miner, car washer, welder, waiter, and cook, but no matter where he works, he always pays attention to all kinds of family information.

Mr. Zhou had heard a neighbor argue that he might be from Sichuan. When he was working in the coal mine, he knew a lot of Sichuan miners, and he asked his co-workers if he had heard of any family that had lost their children, but there was no result.

Zhou Tianpeng was not discouraged, and whenever he saw the search notice posted on the telephone pole, he would always stop and take a closer look. When he sees a child-seeker on the street, he will also come forward to inquire to see if the stranger in front of him is his biological parent.

"At that time, there was no network, and they didn't know how to publish search information." Later, the network developed, and Zhou Tianpeng began to pay attention to family information on the Internet, but he never found any clues related to his own life.

In 2015, Zhou Tianpeng's adoptive father died, and he was devastated, "There is no home, life is not smooth, I even had the idea of taking my own life." Zhou Tianpeng recalled those days and frowned, "But one night I had a dream and heard a voice calling to me, 'Where are you, child, mother is waiting for you to come back'." ”

Because of this dream, Zhou Tianpeng once again strengthened his confidence to find his biological parents.

By chance, Zhou Tianpeng met the volunteers through the introduction of people, and collected his DNA information into the library.

In the second half of 2021, Zhou Tianpeng began to post a family search video online. Zhou Tianpeng said in the video that he was probably born between 1988 and 1990, was abducted and sold to Henan since he was a child and grew up in Henan, and he had burns on the back of his head and birthmarks on the back of his waist.

Luck finally arrived, a Chongqing volunteer helped Zhou Tianpeng spread the search for relatives, and a classmate of Zhou Tianpeng's cousin forwarded this message in the circle of friends. After my cousin saw the photo of Zhou Tianpeng at the age of 14, she suddenly had a sense of intimacy, feeling very much like a cousin who was abducted, "I had a good relationship with my cousin when I was a child, he often came to my house to play, I knew that he had burns on the back of his head." The cousin immediately contacted Zhou Tianpeng's parents. The next day, Zhou Tianpeng's parents took blood samples.

After the urgent examination and comparison of the DNA laboratory of the Physical Evidence Identification Center of the Chongqing Criminal Investigation Corps, on January 30, 2022, the Chongqing police confirmed that Zhou Tianpeng's biological parents were in Xianlong Town, Yongchuan District. Zhou Tianpeng immediately shared the good news with everyone on the social platform, "Finally I can reunite with my parents, and I hope that everything will be smoother and smoother in the future." ”

On the morning of February 5, Zhou Tianpeng finally embarked on the last few dozen kilometers of the road home.

"I waited for this day for a long time, and I was also very tired, but I kept holding on silently. Because I believe we can definitely meet again. Zhou Tianpeng said, "My parents said that they have not given up looking for me, they are sad about the hardships I have suffered over the years, in fact, I am more distressed about them." ”

"Now for me, finding my parents and they're all healthy is the greatest happiness." Talking about his next plans, Zhou Tianpeng said that he would move his hukou back, change his name back to his original name Zhang Xiaobo, and then find a job to accompany his parents. ”

Chongqing man was abducted to Henan for 30 years to search for relatives for 17 years and finally returned home to recognize his relatives

Zhou Tianpeng took a group photo with his family

Zhou Tianpeng also said, "I will join the team of family search volunteers to help more abducted children find their families." ”

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