
Only you can't think of it, and you can't act without him

author:The Paper

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On the morning of March 5, Beijing time, the 90th Academy Awards were held in Los Angeles. Gary Oldman won best actor for Darkest Hour.

In 2002, skinny Gary Oldman, naked in red suspender pants and a glittering black sequin jacket, stood with open arms in a speeding convertible car, letting his wig fall off, revealing his bald head, sharp fangs, and a frenzied expression of inhumanity on his face.

At this moment, he is the devil who calls himself the "Prince of Darkness", naturally he can't imagine, out of the BMW car commercial "Defeat the Devil" filmed by Tony Scott, fifteen years later, he will shave his head again, put on a wig again, and even put on a prosthesis, every day at three o'clock in the morning to the crew, spend more than four hours in makeup, and become the heroic leader of human history who really defeated the devil, Churchill.

Churchill in "The Darkest Hour" won a basket of awards for "Harry Potter" fans nicknamed "Dog Daddy", including the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Feature Film, and the Academy Award for Best Actor.

Only you can't think of it, and you can't act without him

Gary Oldman played Churchill in Darkest Hour, winning several major awards

On set, he put on Churchill's fat outfit and hurriedly asked his long-time girlfriend or partner: "Will you marry me?" The other person said, "Good." Then Papa was called into the "war room." Originally, the pillow person who the new wife harvested should be the sexy man who led the old brother Tim Rose, the junior Adrian Brody and William Dafoe and other acting temperament male stars to walk the catwalk for Prada at Milan Fashion Week, but they ended up holding back one of the most famous fat men in history. She can even accept this body and face of the dog father, we have reason to believe that the dog father can be happy for a long time this time.

Seeing Churchill, there should be many people like me sighing, dog daddy successfully "whitewashed" the "bottom of the case", we like dog daddy temporarily forget his form that can be included in the list of "best villains in history", different psychological perversions, accept this cute Churchill, please note that the baby feeling cute, is the dog daddy after studying a large number of materials decided to present to us Churchill was overlooked.

Only you can't think of it, and you can't act without him

Played Stansfield in Killer Leon

Well, when you think of dog daddy, betting on fifty cents the first thing you think of is "pervert"! It's also quite sexy. The evil anti-drug officer Stansfield in Killer Leon (1994) has attracted countless fans to watch and imitate his rant "Everyone! ”(Every one! But he could not imitate his dancing gun-raising and killing with Beethoven's music.

Only you can't think of it, and you can't act without him

Played Dracula in "Four Hundred Years of Vampire Horror"

As for sexiness, there are countless girls who, after watching "Four Hundred Years of Blood Sucking Terror" (1992), secretly rub their necks in their hearts and shout ,"Gary, Gary, come and suck my blood!" "The maidens spend the Earl of Dracula and even all the vampires, perhaps the head of this band." Although it was a challenge from makeup to interpretation, he did not have much ambition for this classic role, and he cherished the opportunity to work with his revered great director Coppola.

In fact, he never cares whether he is handsome or sexy in the play, he can play a villain with a whole face like a nose in "Hannibal" (2001). Nolan's Batman trilogy and Harry Potter series sucked him up a lot of young fans, long after he became famous as a cult actor. For the audience who has not read the book, sirius belongs to which camp the temperament is both good and evil, just look at the face of the dog father and really dare not say.

Only you can't think of it, and you can't act without him

For playing Sirius (right) in the "Harry Potter" series of movies, he was affectionately known as "Dog Daddy" by fans.

At the age of Harry Potter's debut, Papa Dog has begun to explore the way forward. He came from a poor family in south-east London, where his father left home when he was seven years old and he was forced to work at the age of sixteen. He was an activist from an early age, loved music, and found a way to save money to buy a second-hand piano, come back, study, until Malcolm McDowell in the movie "The Raging Moon" (1971) stimulated his passion for the performing arts, he gave up music and transferred to theater.

Looking back, McDowell's character, who was suddenly crippled by a vicious disease, angry, rebellious, vital, and devoted to hot love, at the expense of his life, is possessing the qualities that surge in Gary Jr.,000, which will be amplified in many of his future characters with outstanding personalities. His acting career began with a hard life of studying theater while working as a porter, selling shoes, and killing pigs.

Although the Royal Academy of Drama did not admit Gary, the Rose Bruford College of Theatre & Performance in the southern suburbs of London gave him the opportunity to study acting on a scholarship, and the shy and hard-working teenager officially entered the theater. Among the many new plays and classic old plays he starred in after graduation was Entertaining Mr Sloane, in 1981, written by the late playwright Joe Orton, and six years later, Gary played Orton in The Prick Up Your Ears (1987), a biopic directed by Stephen Fres.

Only you can't think of it, and you can't act without him

Played Orton in "Passion Bedmate" (middle)

In 1982, Gary made his film debut, Remembrance directed by Colin Gregg, but in 1983's Mike Lee's Meantime, he and Tim Ross played the unemployed teenager in London's East End. Gary plays the bully who is afraid of evil bald boy, jumping up and down all day, with endless energy, the highest peak is drilled into a large iron barrel, rolling around, hammering. Atypical bastards of unknown good and evil later became almost a symbol of Gary's kind.

But at the time, his interest was still in theatre, speaking through acting and works, from the Royal Court Theatre to the Royal Shakespeare Company, and 10 years later, Luc Besson discovered that Gary could recite any line from Hamlet at any time while filming The Fifth Element. Until 1990, he also starred with Tim Ross in the film version of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, directed by Tom Storpard, based on the philosophical fanfiction written by Stupard about two small characters in Hamlet, gary chose to play the slow half-beat hilarious character Rosen, who was not boring because of his agile body language and facial expressions.

In 1986, Alex Cox saw a play starring Gary and asked him to act in "Sid and Nancy", and John Layton, the lead singer of the sex pistol band, scolded the film and had to say that "Gary Oldman is a damn good actor". After this film, Sid in people's eyes is Gary, and he also deliberately learned Sid to sing songs out of tune and broken. Gary, who has no interest in punk culture or sex pistols, has until now thought that the film was old-fashioned and not very interesting, but he lost weight to play the self-destructive addict to the hospital, and about 30 years later, he would smoke a cigar to play Churchill and smoke nicotine poisoning. Methodical actor professionalism.

Gary's film experiments in the late 1980s and early 1990s, which had reached the ripe stage of actorhood, were known as the best of the Brit Pack in Hollywood, and another of these actors was Daniel Day-Lewis, the master of methods that Gary considered perfect in his acting career.

After seeing Sid and gay writer Orton, two characters who were modeled by Gary but had no similarities, Roger Ebert identified him as "the best British actor of recent times". These two characters who are caught in a life-and-death sadomasochistic relationship, one is a jumping, energetic and silly rock star, and the other is a talented, sexually adventurous but intelligent and stable gentle writer, the temperament is far apart. The characters are diverse and Gary style.

Only you can't think of it, and you can't act without him

In Track 29, he plays with Teresa Russell (part 2).

Nicholas Roig in Track 29 (1988) made Gary extremely beautiful, not losing the heyday of youth, Lee and Pete, completely in line with the heroine's sexual fantasy object setting: son and lover are one, innocent and dangerous. He plays the piano and sings the scene of "mother", pure emotion and seduction, as Gary humbles himself, he can play the music posture very well. After Romeo Is Bleeding (1993) and The Scarlet Letter (1995), we rarely see Gary's lover.

The Firm (1989) was perhaps Gary's first violent control freak character, who wanted to team up to cheer for the national team at the European Cup, but got involved in a football hooligan community fight, eventually ending with a bright and absurd ending. The play really captures The English football hooligans. Leslie Manville, who plays his wife, was Gary's first wife and was also nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress this year for The Phantom Sewer.

Oliver Stone's The Assassination of Kennedy (JFK, 1991) was Gary's first Hollywood blockbuster. Most people in the world do not see the official "certified" Kennedy killer, Harvey Osvado, and the script describes him less, and Gary can only take the plane ticket and contact list stone gave him, and do personal investigations, such as meeting Osvado's wife and two daughters. Eventually, we accepted the suspected "scapegoat" of Osvado.

Throughout the 1990s, Gary collaborated with various directors on a number of business cards, achieving mainstream success, especially several perverted characters, such as Stansfield, although he played Stan's beloved Beethoven in the same year's Immortal Beloved. Beethoven conducted the orchestra's premiere of the Ninth Symphony (Ode to Joy) in deaf silence, while recalling his childhood, being beaten by his alcoholic father, and fleeing to nature to seek comfort between the water and the stars, this heart was revealed, so that Beethoven's hurt and his hurt to others were all forgiven. Gary's performance is the biggest highlight of this fabricated story.

In Basquiat (1996), Gary is still an artist, and director Julian Schnabel asked him to play Schnabel himself, a painter, in a biopic reminiscent of young friends such as Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol. Warhol is played by David Bowie, whom Gary has admired and grown up with. The two of them recorded songs together, with Gary revealing his singing of True Kung Fu and later playing the Evil Priest in Bowie's music video The Next Day. And Bowie will deliberately sign his fans "Gary Oldman."

Only you can't think of it, and you can't act without him

In "The Fifth Element", he played the main villain Zuo Ge

Before Gary picked up True Romance (1993), director Tony Scott simply told him that this was Tarantino's book, that the character was white, but that he considered himself black and that he was a pimp. Gary picked it up. This role does not have much role, but it is very brutal and eye-catching. The aircraft hijackers loyal to the dictator in Air Force One (1997) are stupid in Gary's eyes, but he exists enough to rival Harrison Ford. The villain in The Fifth Element who wants to destroy the world is like a ridiculous clown, which fits the comic sense that Luc Besson wants. This film was just his way of repaying Luc Besson, who had helped Gary raise money for Nil By Mouth (1997) as a producer.

Making real-life movies is something Gary has always wanted to do. He felt that since Quentin Tarantino's "Falling Dogs", the wind direction of the film industry has changed, and gradually one movie imitates another movie, no longer imitating life. He wanted to tell the story of the East End of London that he had known from childhood to adolescence, a place that, after so many years of absence, had not changed much, where young people were still hanging out in bars, abusing at will, drug and alcohol were still common, violence was still happening on the streets and in the home... He doesn't shoot sunny days, he wants to make "black and white films in color", that is, the gray, gloomy urban colors he remembers.

Gary had long struggled with his own alcoholism, leaving his father at an early age, although he did not abuse his wife, but died of alcoholism. There are many shocking scenes in the film. After the mother accompanied her son to buy heroin, uneasy, worried and helpless, she looked back at her son sitting in the back of the car to cook poison and inject, her request was only to ask him not to do too conspicuously, and her other child was about to be beaten to the hospital by her alcoholic husband. Gary knows how the underlying vices of alcoholism and drug use can drag people to a lower life, a vicious circle, but he understands and sympathizes with them. The photograph moves slightly with the male protagonist Ray Winston's ten-minute monologue, we enter the heart of the abusive man, he also had a terrible father who called the bar his home, when his father died, he said to his father for the first time "Why did you never love me", he became a new bad father, generation after generation of British...

The real and sincere "Do Not Swallow" brings glory to Gary, the heroine Kathy Burke wins the Cannes film, Winston continues to make films, but the dog daddy himself can not find investment for the new script he has written in a similar style, there are not enough conditions and creative freedom, he would rather not shoot.

Only you can't think of it, and you can't act without him

Played Senator Lenion in "Dark Tide"

After The Contender (2000) and Hannibal, he spent a decade when his achievements were not worthy of his film selection vision, except for harry potter and Batman, which allowed Dog Daddy to make some easy money - the warm, kind, insightful, and righteous Gordon police chief approached him. At that time, he needed such luck, and the dog father whose marriage failed again was not only broken, but also a single father who worked hard to pull two children, and could not go out to shoot dramas.

In addition to continuing to earn high salaries for commercial films, since "Kung Fu Panda 2" (2011), the familiar dog daddy has returned, and a perverted peacock has been matched by him with a varied voice and sexy magnetism. The voice is indeed the threshold for him to enter the role, in addition to external images such as makeup and styling. For The Pot Maker, The Tailor, the Soldier, the Spy (2011), Dog Daddy gained weight and became more like a "seated character", spy George Smiley.

Only you can't think of it, and you can't act without him

Played the spy George Smiley in "The Pot Maker, the Tailor, the Soldier, the Spy"

In a recent conversation with Kate Winslet, Dog Daddy mentioned that his most challenging role is Smiley, a person who looks ordinary and boring and has a mediocre personality, which makes him so timid that he can't sleep and wants to go home, to find a doctor to prescribe medicine to adjust his mood, and when he arrives at the crew, he finds himself naturally in the play - Dog Daddy can still worry about his inability to play charming... As a result, he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for the first time.

The Oscar triumph, an actor who doesn't care about vanity and fame, has received mainstream recognition that he should have received long ago. I hope this is a starting point, as Dog Daddy always replied in interviews, his best work will always be the next one.

This issue is edited by Peng Weixuan

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