
The stadium broadcasts | curling mixed doubles round robin

The Czech Republic beat the United States 10-8

On the morning of the 6th, in the Czech Republic against the United States, the Czech team's Paulova / Paul defeated the American team's Priss/Pessinger 10-8.

China lost 5-6 to Britain

On the morning of the 6th, in the match between China and the United Kingdom, the Chinese team Fan Suyuan / Ling Zhi lost to the British team player Doz / Moat 5-6.

Norway beat Sweden 6-2

The stadium broadcasts | curling mixed doubles round robin

On the afternoon of the 6th, in the norwegian match against Sweden, Norway's Nedregoten/Skarslien defeated Sweden's Devar/Eriksson 6-2.

Australia beat Switzerland 9-6

On the afternoon of the 6th, in the match between Australia and Switzerland, The Australian player Gill/Hewitt defeated the Swiss player Rios/Perrett 9-6.

China lost 4-8 to Italy

On the evening of the 6th, in the match between China and Italy, the Chinese team Fan Suyuan / Ling Zhi lost to the Italian team of Mosana / Constantini 4-8.

Italy beat Sweden 12-8

On the evening of the 6th, in the match between Italy and Sweden, the Italian team's Mosana / Constantini defeated the Swedish team's Devar / Eriksson 12-8.

Australia beat Canada 10-8

On the evening of the 6th, in the match between Australia and Canada, The Australian team's Gil/Hewitt defeated the Canadian team's Hohman/Morris 10-8.

Switzerland beat the United States 6-5

On the evening of the 6th, in the swiss match against the United States, the Swiss team's Rios/Perret defeated the United States players Prys/Pesinger 6-5.

Norway beat Great Britain 6-2

On the evening of the 6th, in the norwegian match against the United Kingdom, the Norwegian team's Nedregoten / Skarslien defeated the British team's Doz / Moat 6-2.

For more information, please pay attention to the Winter Olympics.

Photo courtesy of Xinhua News Agency

The stadium broadcasts | curling mixed doubles round robin

Client The Winter Olympics

Edited by Kang Dian

Process Editor Wu Yue

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