
Ephemeris 0206: Shooters stay away from the false big empty Gemini focus on health

Ephemeris 0206: Shooters stay away from the false big empty Gemini focus on health


Today's Horoscope:

Today you are full of gratitude, and some inadvertent little things may change your previous thinking. You will find that the object of the estrangement and fear has a delicate, loving and helpful side, and that his help to you comes at the right time. The inner silent change of view of the ta may even produce positive interactions.

Lucky color: Pink

Lucky number: 8

Fit sign: Sagittarius

Lucky item: Citrine

Mood of the day: Clouds and mist


There may be people of the opposite sex casting hot eyes on you today. However, you are still more suitable to be friends. Because there are some differences in each other's three views, it is more difficult for you to have a chance to further intimacy, even if there will be some romantic feelings at the beginning, but the ending is only like a flash in the pan, and it will end in an instant.

Lucky color: light green

Lucky number: 5

Fit sign: Cancer

Lucky item: Black spinel

Mood of the day: Sweat like rain


Today you need to pay attention to gastrointestinal health and prevent chronic gastritis. You may have been eating too much lately, or you may have eaten too much spicy and stimulating things, and your stomach is starting to feel a little wrong. Digestive capacity decreases, flatulence occurs at every turn. So today must eat a little light and digestible food, it is also recommended that you go out for a walk, moderate exercise can also help intestinal digestion.

Lucky color: Brown

Fit sign: Leo

Lucky item: Rubellite tourmaline

Mood of the day: Dark clouds rolling


Today it is appropriate to pay attention to the health of the kidneys, and drinking more hot water has become a guideline for action. You've been paying special attention to kidney health lately, not only because kidney cells don't renew, but also because you're constantly showing up with kidney stones. Their experiences make you shudder, so you spontaneously fall in love with drinking water, always reminding yourself to take care of health.

Lucky color: Beige

Lucky number: 7

Fit constellation: Libra

Lucky Item: Gray Moonlight

Today's mood: Lightning and thunder


There will be contradictions in getting along today. For people in love, today is a day that can't help but turn over old accounts, easy to argue with each other, and amplify contradictions. While you are not satisfied with the other party's small shortcomings and small problems, the other party is also easy to feel pressure because of your nitpicking, so it is better to give both sides some more space. If there is really a contradiction that cannot be tolerated, it is also necessary to communicate gently.

Lucky color: Black

Lucky number: 2

Fit sign: Aquarius

Lucky item: Emerald

Today's Feelings: Great Avalanche


You'll most likely need to telecommute today, so remember to have your materials ready. Today there will be unexpected jobs that you need to deal with, even if you are at home or playing outside, you must carry forward the professionalism of the workers. Therefore, it is recommended that you do a good job of backing up your work data, and also do a good job of unblocking the equipment to prevent missing the phone or not receiving the email and delaying things.

Lucky color: Gold

Lucky number: 4

Fit sign: Virgo

Mood of the day: Earth-shattering waves


Today you need to tidy up and clean your living environment, and possibly consider housekeeping services. Because you find that there are too many places that need to be cleaned, and your time is too little, it is better to spend some money to ask someone to clean, at least save time and effort. However, it is recommended that valuable decorations or antiques in the home be more assured to clean them yourself.

Lucky color: Caramel color

Lucky number: 6

Consort sign: Taurus

Lucky Item: Tanzanite

Today's mood: Spring Breeze Ten Miles


Today you need to pay attention to your gastrointestinal health, and be sure to maintain a regular diet. Recent physical fatigue is likely to erupt suddenly today, and even a glass of cold water can trigger gastroenteritis. Be sure to eat warm food, avoid tobacco and alcohol, and avoid being too full to be hungry. Hot pot spicy hot can be eaten, but it is recommended that you choose clear soup.

Lucky color: Denim blue

Lucky number: 0

Fit sign: Pisces

Lucky item: Green onyx

Mood of the day: Dead


Today you are suitable for staying away from the fake big empty people and avoiding the time-wasting liquor store. There will be some people around you who especially like to carry out "bureau discussions", although they have no skills themselves, but they like to educate others. What they say, at first glance, seems to make a lot of sense, but in fact it does not stand up to scrutiny. It is recommended that you do not waste time with such people, and hide as long as you can.

Lucky color: Brown

Lucky number: 1

Lucky item: Purple Mica

Mood of the day: Dusty


Today you will want to meet the old man. For example, meeting old friends, old classmates, old lovers (cautious), or interacting with people who have worked with in the past and so on. Some people may revisit recently, or pick up old things. Single people will also meet people who make your heart move in the near future.

Lucky color: Red

Lucky item: Emerald


You'll pay special attention to your styling today and even want to dress yourself in a different style. You will get tired of your personal dress during this time and always want to make some changes to yourself. And this change will be very big, such as suddenly cutting hair short, suddenly wearing a completely different costume than before. But these changes are not strictly good or bad, you are happy.

Lucky color: Milk brown

Lucky number: 3

Today's mood: blue sky


Today you are especially willing to spend money on yourself, especially in appearance. Girls may buy themselves clothes and jewelry, or expensive skin care products. Boys are prone to spend money to buy things that are not useful, such as exaggerated decorations, game hands or recharge. It's okay to spend money appropriately on happiness, but the key is to be appropriate.

Lucky color: rose red

Lucky number: 9

Lucky Item: Disciple Beads

Mood of the day: Yang Sha punched in the face

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