
Dongying Famous Doctor Genealogy | (47) Song Zhanhua: A person who "walks a tightrope" in the forbidden area of life

author:Poster Dongying

Editor's note: Doctors are a sacred profession. They struggle on the front line and guard their health, and they often endure mental pressure and work pressure that are unimaginable to ordinary people. They always bravely face the diseases that will take their lives with their patients, and go all out to practice the vow of "health is related to life" with their personal knowledge and skills. The healer is benevolent, and each of them is a glorious and unique shining person in the post!

From now on, the public network poster news launched a series of reports on "'Unique Doctors' - Famous Doctors in Dongying", focusing the lens on front-line doctors, reading the boundless love and doctor feelings of the "white coat", and paying tribute to life.

In 1985, after Shandong Medical College changed its name to Shandong Medical University, Song Zhanhua was the first batch of students it recruited. In 1990, after graduating from the Faculty of Medicine, he came to work in the Department of Neurosurgery at Victory Hospital for 31 years.

"I can't say I'm interested, I always think it's amazing to be a doctor." Talking about why he chose medicine, Song Zhanhua said that it stemmed from the long-term illness experience when he was a child, he had pleurisy when he was a child, and he began to treat it for a month without effect, once the cause of the disease was clarified, the symptomatic treatment was immediately effective, just like Sherlock Holmes solved the case.

Neurosurgeons need to have a strong sense of responsibility and a level of professionalism

Every day, Song Zhanhua's main job is to supervise, examine and guide the work of lower-level doctors as the head of the department and as a superior doctor. Check what are the shortcomings of newly admitted patients in diagnosis and treatment; how to deal with difficult and critically ill patients and patients with changes in condition; patients with major surgery should have preoperative assessment, preoperative preparation, informed consent, etc. The process is not in place, and arrangements are made for how to do it and who is in charge. Of course, there are also regular participation in outpatient clinics, scientific research and teaching, academic exchanges and other work, as well as other work arranged by relevant departments such as the Municipal Health Commission and the Municipal Medical Association.

Dongying Famous Doctor Genealogy | (47) Song Zhanhua: A person who "walks a tightrope" in the forbidden area of life

Song Zhanhua said that the work of neurosurgery is not fundamentally different from other departments. "But the neurosurgery profession compared to other specialties, there are two points of particularity, one is that the threshold is relatively high, from a historical point of view, neurosurgery and cardiac surgery are relatively late to start, indicating that it is difficult; the second is that some common diseases of neurosurgery, such as brain trauma, stroke, come very urgent, need to race against the clock to deal with immediately, otherwise the consequences are serious, so practitioners need to have a strong sense of responsibility and professional level."

31 years ago, Song Zhanhua had just joined Shengli Hospital for a month, and once when he was treating a patient who had a rollover and bruised his chest, the patients had tension pneumothorax and heart-stopping. In the ambulance, Song Zhanhua was not in danger, because of the ugliness, he quickly autonomously administered the chest cavity closed drainage device, and gave mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration and chest cardiac compressions, sending the patient to the hospital for treatment in time, saving the patient's life. Another time is many years ago, a little boy is playful, with a nail gun from the nostrils to penetrate the base of the skull into the skull, sent when the situation is critical, after careful study of CT films, Song Zhanhua in advance to formulate a variety of possible treatment plans, successfully removed the nails safely. There are many similar things, pile by pile, piece by piece, which impressed Song Zhanhua.

Dr. Gan is still very happy

Song Zhanhua has a more introverted personality, is not good at and does not like social activities, and likes to read some professional materials. When you encounter problems at work, you like to check the information on the Internet to see how to solve them, just like when you encounter problems in school, you have to find answers, and you like to face challenges within your own ability. When he was young, he preferred the military, especially weapons and military history, aircraft, missiles, rockets, and the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. In their spare time, they like to cook and want to travel, of course, it is really difficult for their profession.

"My lover and I both work in hospitals, and we have a lot of common language among our peers, and we can understand, support and share the troubles and happy things at work." A section chief, a head nurse, the husband and wife are busy at work and take less care of the family. When I was young, I advocated heavy work and tired work to take the lead, and now the experience is that what should be let go is to let go, so that young people can grow up as soon as possible.

After 31 years of practicing medicine, Song Zhanhua generally feels that dr. Gan is still very happy. I can make some contributions to society, and at the same time, I also have a sense of harvest and satisfaction. "It's like when I was a kid and I personally made a very good matchgun by myself, I am very proud and proud." Song Zhanhua said with a smile.

The profession of doctor is to deal with life, not simply face a patient, face the entire family behind the patient, Song Zhanhua believes that it is necessary to use professional knowledge, on the basis of full communication with patients and families, to achieve the mission and dedication. Medicine not only has the attributes of natural science, but also belongs to social science, Song Zhanhua believes that it is very important to always integrate humanistic care into medical practice. (Reporter Li Xin)