
Drone capture! 53 cars have been fined! Fuyang traffic police are out!

Today is the fifth day of the Lunar New Year

As the holidays draw to a close

Chuxin Expressway also ushered in the peak of return journeys

It's also this time of year

Illegal acts such as occupying lanes

This leads to increased congestion

Drone capture! 53 cars have been fined! Fuyang traffic police are out!

In this regard, the second brigade of Fuyang high-speed traffic police

Drones were dispatched today to inspect the road conditions

Capture illegal occupation of illegal acts

And punished on the spot

Drone capture! 53 cars have been fined! Fuyang traffic police are out!

It is understood

Such violations will result in a fine of $100 and 6 points

At present, 53 vehicles have occupied the road due to illegal occupation

Accept the penalty!

Drone capture! 53 cars have been fined! Fuyang traffic police are out!

I would like to remind you again

The emergency lane is also a life lane!

Drivers on high speeds

In non-emergency situations, remember to drive according to the rules!

Another copy is attached here

Safe driving guide


Try to maintain a constant speed during driving

Drone capture! 53 cars have been fined! Fuyang traffic police are out!

After passing through the highway toll station, the minimum speed limit value should be reached as soon as possible; the driving should also maintain a uniform speed, not a moment of fast, a slow, so that not only is not good for other vehicles, but also greatly reduce the fuel economy of their car.

In addition, when driving, do not get too close to the vehicle in front (because the faster the speed, the closer you follow the car, the greater the possibility of rear-end collision), you can refer to the distance prompt sign to maintain a reasonable distance. Generally speaking, if your speed is 100Km/h, then the distance with the car should be 100m.

Try to be in one lane while driving

Drone capture! 53 cars have been fined! Fuyang traffic police are out!

Do not change lanes frequently on the highway, one will be in the passing lane, one will be in the driving lane, and do not urgently slow down and stop in the lane without warning. When driving, do not drive side by side with other vehicles, do not drive in the passing lane for a long time, and do not try to overtake from the emergency stop lane.

It should also be noted that you need to be clear about where to get off the road or merge, be sure to be prepared in advance, 500m away from the lower road or turn to other crossings, you must slow down to the right lane and deceleration lane, do not temporarily turn suddenly to the split lane, or pass the split crossing sudden emergency braking.

Be decisive when overtaking

Drone capture! 53 cars have been fined! Fuyang traffic police are out!

When determining that you want to overtake, you should pay attention to whether there is a car behind your left to overtake you, and pay attention to whether there are obstacles in the front overtaking lane that hinder overtaking. When overtaking a van or bus, it is best to use a horn or light to remind the overtaken vehicle, and decisively speed up the overtaking. In overtaking, pay attention to the state of your vehicle, do not get away with it. After overtaking other vehicles, do not return to the lane immediately, and should turn on the lights to return to the lane after 50m-100m away from the overtaken vehicle.

Driving at night should be done with caution

Drone capture! 53 cars have been fined! Fuyang traffic police are out!

Driving on the highway at night, to standardize the rational use of lights, you can use high beams, pay attention to the tail lights of the vehicle in front. Don't drive tired, if you feel a little sleepy, you should go to the service area to rest or rest in the lower lane.

Overcome weather headwinds

Drone capture! 53 cars have been fined! Fuyang traffic police are out!

Poor line of sight on rainy days, slippery roads, increased risk of accidents; when driving, you should control the speed, appropriately increase the distance with the car, reduce lane change operations, and beware of wheel slippage out of control.


Do not speed

Drone capture! 53 cars have been fined! Fuyang traffic police are out!

The dangers of speeding are well known, whether it is a conventional road or a highway, it will cause irreparable consequences. A 100Km/h car driving on the highway, from the eye to the brain to make a judgment, and then on the brakes, the reaction time is about 1.7 seconds, and the vehicle has moved forward 47.2m.

Correspondent: Wang Peng

【Source: Fuyang News Network】

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