
The Winter Olympic Festival | the five rings to break the ice

The Winter Olympic Festival | the five rings to break the ice

The crystal clear five rings freeze time.

One side of the water, condensed into an ice cube, seals the original intention of the Olympic spirit. The 24 "laser knives" that symbolize the 24th Winter Olympics began to carve time, and the memories of the Winter Olympics of the past hundred years have gradually emerged in front of the eyes. Then the ice and snow melted, and the five rings of ice sculpture "broke the ice" and came out. Breaking the ice means breaking down barriers and making everyone one. The five rings break the ice and condense the Chinese spirit, Chinese feelings and cultural heritage.

The Winter Olympic Festival | the five rings to break the ice

The world is one, together towards the future.

The Winter Olympic Festival | the five rings to break the ice

Under the influence of the spirit of sportsmanship, the journey of integration begins.

The Winter Olympic Festival | the five rings to break the ice

The ice and snow rings are beautiful.

For more information, please pay attention to the Winter Olympics.

Winter Olympics reporter Fang Fei photographed visual China IC photo courtesy of the photo

Source Client Winter Olympics

Edited by Kang Dian

Process Editor Liu Weili

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