
Teng Junjie, | famous artists talk about the opening ceremony: the romance of Chinese is pinned on the green branches of the stars and the sea

Teng Junjie, | famous artists talk about the opening ceremony: the romance of Chinese is pinned on the green branches of the stars and the sea

This night is a perfect example of the perfect integration of video art and physical performance art, and is a feast of natural beauty, humanistic beauty and sports beauty. Throughout the opening ceremony, the super-large ground screen and the vertical screen jointly created a naked-eye 3D effect. With the innovation of digital technology, we can clearly see the distinctive and unique Olympic aesthetics of Chinese.

Undertaking the countdown to the twenty-four solar terms, the opening ceremony had a stunning visual start. Grass and trees spring, but also like green buds breaking the soil, everything is like the spring of the ice and snow moment, is the whisper of nature, but also like the Olympics, the vitality flows endlessly. It can be said that from the very beginning, it has conveyed our clear concept - the romantic and aesthetic rhyme of Chinese, which is placed in the sea of stars and green branches in the spring, expressing the ultimate goal of the pursuit of ecological civilization, and artistically highlighting the hard-core theme of the Beijing Winter Olympics "together to the future". When the dandelions sway, the ice and snow are not cold, the philosophy of our green Olympics is seen by the world, and the cultural self-confidence of our poetic inhabitation in the high-tech era is perceived by the world.

Author: Teng Junjie (Vice Chairman of Shanghai Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, Chairman of Shanghai Television Artists Association)

Planner: Wang Yan

EDIT: Wei Zhong

Editor-in-Charge: Shao Ling

*Source: Visual China

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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