
C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

Fish and bear paws cannot be combined, this is the truth taught to us by the ancients. Although the words are very simple, the truth contained in them is profound and quite wise. For all living beings, it is wise to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, and then to make the most of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, the way to survive, and the way to balance that cannot be combined. However, there is such a person in the football world, from the fledgling at the age of 7, to the gorgeous start at the age of 17, to the peak of the 27-year-old, until the 37-year-old Ji Futuo, he can always maintain the best ranks, he can always get praise and respect, he always does not relax his requirements for himself, he has won almost all the honors in the world of football, and written his legendary life.

Under his efforts, "fame and fortune" is the norm, golden ball and Mr. Gold Cup, accompanied by the world's largest number of fans and the business experience of daily gold, he is a boy's dream; in his dictionary, "impossible" is an non-existent word, from ethereal to efficient, to practical first, his style has gained everything, whether it is the league, the Champions League or the national team, he is the idol of the fans; in his world, "family satisfaction" is also an important direction of pursuit, and Georgina's story, accompanying mini Luo to grow up is talked about by the outside world, "Fish and bear paws" have fallen into the bag, he is the winner of life, and the law of "can't have both" seems to be broken. This is cristiano Ronaldo, the true god of football. At the age of 37, he is still active at the peak of world football, and C Ronaldo's career and life trajectory are undoubtedly successful, glorious, and legendary, and they are far from the moment of "stopping". His fuel tank is still full, and his 37 years old is still worth looking forward to.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

3637, just a number

As we all know, the development of the career of sports people is not an "equal sharing" from the debut to the retirement, but a high light and trough similar to normal distribution. For most athletes, especially football players with extremely high physical requirements, in the twilight of their careers, especially after the age of 30, the decline in their overall state and the decline in their personal level are inevitable laws. Even the incomparable kings of the past have a hard time circumventing this law of nature. The beauty of youth and the embarrassment of retiring from work reflect the ever-changing world.

However, for C Ronaldo, the challenge has been with him since the first day of his career, and he can perfectly include "fish and bear paws" under his command, and he is also trying to delay the law of "normal distribution of football" until later. At least at the age of 36, he was still him, he was still the familiar king of the ball, he was still the No. 7 legend who scored a lot of goals. Even if the color is changed, even if the owner is changed. For the legend, running to the distant sea of stars is still a beautiful dream that will not be forgotten; even if he has traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, even if he has already achieved fame. The aggressiveness comes from a pure love of football, which is really rare.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

I still remember that after the 36th birthday party, you were in a very good state, repeatedly creating threats in the decisive moment of the championship, shooting and scoring in more than ten minutes to penetrate the defense of the fierce opponent Roma;

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

Can't forget that after only 1 month, you played a hat-trick and single-handedly helped the team win three points;

Impressed by the peak battle against Inter, you quickly attacked and calmly made up for it, writing a perfect start to the Juve points-grabbing campaign;

In the European Championship, you fought bravely to kill the enemy and carried the team forward; in the World Preliminary Round, you tried your best to send your motherland to the final round on your own;

Against Newcastle, you are honored to return home, with a clever shot with a high-speed forward insertion and a goal to announce to the outside world, No. 7 is still the master here; in the Champions League, you have repeatedly saved the Red Devils to return to the knockout round;

There are too many memories, this is the 36-year-old you, this is the king of the shooter who does not accept defeat. From the nervousness and shyness of the first stage, to the freshly dressed and angry horses walking to the altar, to the legendary glory of building a monument, the years that have passed are difficult to change your enterprising appearance, even if you are old, even if you have gone through several years. You are still you, you are legend.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

In the 365 days at the age of 36, Cristiano has appeared on the green field a total of 58 times (Serie A + Premier League 35 matches, Italia 2 matches, national team matches 14 matches, Champions League 7 games), this number is enough to prove that he has not aged; the incomparably competitive Cristiano Ronaldo certainly does not "sit on the mountain", 40 goals are his answers. Still efficient and reliable. He is the well-deserved archer king of the Apennines, and he has brought his story back to the Theater of Dreams; at key moments, he can still wear angry horses, wear armbands on the legend, and still live up to every minute of time and years. When we won the special award in football, everyone suddenly realized that the president who had accompanied us for many years had achieved so much; from chasing dreams to becoming legends, from accompanying celebrities to becoming leaders, from embarking on a journey to becoming a monument, Ronaldo has been honored in football.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

From 36 to 37 years old, what has changed is only the numbers, and what has not changed is C Ronaldo's pursuit and enterprising heart. The moment he returned to Old Trafford, when he stepped on the Theatre of Dreams again and scored the goal, football seemed to go back to a decade ago, back to that era of hope and dynamism. This is a miracle that has been exchanged for decades of perseverance, and it is a monument built by hundreds of battles that are still the same as before. Maybe there really is no genius and winner in the world, hard work and hard work are accompanied by a fighting spirit that never accepts defeat, which is the "shortcut" to his success.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

When you get home, it's like you haven't left

Self-discipline and persistence are really easy to say, but it is so difficult to do, which requires not only daily grinding, but also the right choice at the right time. For the legends of football, every move is infinitely magnified, and there are too many things to consider in each day. In such a complicated and complex era, it is not easy to persist for 37 years.

When Ronaldo first came to the Apennines, the doubts of choice were accompanied by the clarity of the goal, which became a stumbling block that made it difficult for him to be sure and often swayed. Agnelli and the Portuguese worked together, and the only goal was to win the Champions League Big Ears Cup, which is very clear; but Whether Ronaldo's choice here is correct or not seems to have become a hot topic since the first day. Ronaldo didn't have a good time in three full years. Especially in the twilight of your career, it becomes harder and harder to make choices.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

At the crucial moments of the last few rounds of last season, the manager's choice made Ronaldo see the truth, and he may no longer be the Bianconeri's dependence. In the quiet rest of the bench, C Ronaldo may have thought a lot and understood a lot. Although, he can still score 29 goals in 33 seasons; although, he can still help the team fantasize more in the Champions League; although, he is still the most reliable scorer in this league. But the mind has changed, and the intention is naturally decided. The unhappiness of 36 years old ends here! C Luo said to himself secretly.

Finally, after a lot of discussion and reflection, Ronaldo and Mendes gave their answers. It was Ferguson's phone call that changed his mind, it was Old Trafford's old dreams that rekindled his confidence. Go home, this is a word that can make every wanderer excited; go back to the beauty of the past, this is a moment that can make the eyes of those who are wandering outside, their eyes moist. From August 31, 2018 to August 31, 2021, C Luo ended his more than three years of unhappy Juve time; returning to the place where the dream began, C Luo also hopes to recreate the past. Memories are so beautiful, and memories always make people's hearts beat.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

The Dream Theater is not only a stage for making dreams, but also a place for the reincarnation of dreams. There are so many miracles here, too many unforgettable, indelible moments here. On September 11, 2021, the battle against Newcastle added another heavy mark to the stage. C Ronaldo starter! After more than a decade, this familiar name has once again appeared on the manchester United squad, and countless memories and goodies have poured into my heart, as if I have never left. C Luo, who has already tasted the sweetness and astringency of life, naturally knows the meaning of his return. When he returned home, he was trying to get rid of the trickery of fate, when the unspeakable touch and the excitement of the game were integrated, when all the emotions were mixed and fused, no matter how much thinking was unnecessary, no matter how much consideration seemed unworthy.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

Scoring goals is the only answer, winning is the only reward, C Ronaldo understands the meaning of return, C Ronaldo knows his value.

The difficulty of looking at the distant peaks, the hardship of walking through the turn, all disappeared in the 47th minute, the teammate shot let the Newcastle goalkeeper off his hand, C Ronaldo's astute insertion of the calm push hole pierced the ball king, the time stopped at this second. The running C Ronaldo celebrates wantonly, just like he is in his 20s, so high-profile, so dashing; the wrinkles between the corners of his eyes can not be consumed by the holy light of the still determined eyes, and the long-lost happiness gushes into his heart, and the Portuguese once again experience the warmth that only home can bring him.

Let my world begin to be axised with you from now on, happy you happy and sad you sad, like, never left.

Keeping up is no easy task, and the 37-year-old has many challenges

How beautiful it would be if the story stopped at this moment. But time is not waiting, and after enjoying the joyful and moving scenes, the days still need to go on. Returning to the Red Devils' C Ronaldo is not completely "smooth sailing", many challenges await him, waiting for this team that is still exploring. What is needed to forge ahead is to grind (temper) and to sharpen (experience), and the way forward for C Ronaldo and the team will certainly not be very calm.

After the return, he scored 5 goals in the first five games, which was the report card handed by Ronaldo, which was enough to shine. However, the team's performance is not brilliant enough, and it is not very dominant in the fierce competition in various competitions. This can be a bad Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, who is already under pressure, and the problems he has encountered this season seem to have doubled, how to arrange personnel, how to adjust tactics, how to arrange the system, he has no answer.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

Especially at the Champions League circuit, it is unacceptable to be out again, but the anxiety of the game gives United not much of an advantage. At this urgent moment, it was C Luo who stepped forward and let them see the hope of victory. The goal against the Bernese youth was only the beginning of the force; the 95th minute of the kill gave Villarreal a fatal blow; against Atalanta, the Portuguese king gave key goals to help the team remain unbeaten; and the second confrontation with Villarreal, it was C Ronaldo's goal, which opened the door to victory, brought the team into the next round of the game, and returned to the position where Manchester United should have returned.

C Luo tried his best, but it was difficult to fight with two fists and four hands. After the humiliating defeats against Leicester and Liverpool, Manchester United ushered in a huge change in the team's name, and the whole pattern also had waves. German Lonnick has become a new answer in the team, and Ronaldo has once again welcomed a mentor who will start a new chapter in his career. Staying at the age of 37 is not easy, and it is even more difficult to start again. But you can still believe that this Portuguese who will not give in, who has experienced the wind and waves, has already matured, and he will do his best to help the team move forward, just like yesterday.

The winter break gave the team a chance to breathe, and also provided good conditions for C Luo Qingsheng. After the break, the important tournament is about to start, and the matches with Miburg, Southampton and Seagull are the guarantee of the team's pursuit of points, they can not waste the opportunity, and C Luo will inevitably pick up the leadership role again and charge forward with everyone. The subsequent event with Atletico Madrid was also the stage of C Ronaldo, playing against the team he "liked" and was familiar with, and he knew how to go further. Although, the loss of penalties at a not-so-smooth start was somewhat regrettable.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

Ronaldo, 37, still has important tasks

And, of course, the most important event of 2022--- world cup. Falling to the cruel promotion match, Portugal had to compete with many teams, including Italy, C Ronaldo's mission is still very arduous, he has stood at the top of Europe twice, naturally he also wants to shine on the world stage, which is also the expectation of the Portuguese. C Ronaldo, who has won the Champions League, league and individual awards in his career, although he also has the blessing of the Intercontinental Gold Cup, the temptation of the World Cup is too great, and he will inevitably give everything he has in his twilight years. This is a personal pursuit, and it is also the meaning of the captain's armband.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

But how easy is that? Ronaldo, 36, 36 years old at Euro 2020, led his teammates who are very tough on paper to embark on the journey of the competition. Noble, they are the defending champions admired by thousands of people, but in terms of actual performance, they are very different. The 3-0 victory in the first match was not as easy as the big score difference, and the Portuguese, who did not penetrate the opponent's door until 85 minutes, relied on captain C Ronaldo. His second mark is the key to the team's victory. In the subsequent 2-4 Germany, 2-2 France, C Ronaldo single-handedly arranged 3 goals, and Zhenzhen led the team to the next round with his own strength. Still, the 1-0 loss to Belgium in the quarter-finals brought them to a halt, anger and reluctance were written on Ronaldo's face, the 36-year-old's desire for honor was not discounted by half a point, and how eager he was to lead the team to the top of honor again.

C Ronaldo's birthday close-up: The years that have passed have not changed the fighting spirit of perseverance, and the 37-year-old C Ronaldo can still fight

Portugal still could not find a reasonable solution in the World Preliminaries, and after 0-0 Ireland and 1-2 Serbia, they fell to the play-offs. This is hand-to-hand combat, this is bloody fighting, this is the region where the mighty fight, this is a cruel elimination battle that can no longer give you a chance. The 37-year-old C Luo has experienced too much, but in the face of such a situation, he is still a little frightened. Portugal still depends on him for the upcoming knockout rounds; neither he nor the team can accept the result of not being able to participate in the World Cup. Fight it! Just like yesterday! Just like a young man!


C Ronaldo's 36-year-old has been in such a hurry, there have been high moments and difficult days, returning to Old Trafford like a wanderer, once again becoming the master of here; still active in international football, he is also the most reliable and trustworthy captain in Portugal. 37 years old, the task of helping the Red Devils to revive is on the shoulders, the dream of helping the motherland enter the World Cup cannot be changed, C Ronaldo will not stop, C Ronaldo will only continue to move forward, just like the 17 and 27-year-old him. That's why we worship Him. Happy Birthday Cristiano! May the new year go well with you! Come on! Ronaldo!

(Li Qian)

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