
Conte: My goal is to win the league for Tottenham, not the Champions League

Conte: My goal is to win the league for Tottenham, not the Champions League

Italian coach Antonio Conte has been coaching Tottenham for three months, during which time Conte often said that his team still has a big gap with strong teams such as Manchester City, Liverpool and Chelsea, and the team still has a lot of work to do. A few days ago, Conte said in an interview that his biggest goal in coaching Relais is to win the league championship.

Conte said: "I reiterate that my first goal is to lay a solid foundation for this team. If you don't have a good foundation, if you don't create a good environment, then we don't have to say anything, you can only fantasize. ”

"At this juncture, we have a lot of work to do. I think we've gotten a little bit better now compared to the past, but the road ahead of us is long. It's important to understand this, and we want everything to start all over again, which is the most important thing for me. ”

"If you ask me to win for the club, my goal is to win the league title, not the Champions League. My vision is for the team to be competitive and fight for victory. I am now very aware that the situation has changed. We're working very hard to improve the situation, to close the gap with the top teams, to correct past mistakes, to try to find good solutions and then lead the team to continue to improve. ”

"But I repeat, to win the league and make a difference in the Champions League, you can dream, but you have to be well prepared to achieve that, not just at the beginning of the season and say, 'Well, I want to win this game, I want to win this game, I want to win this game.'" ”

"However, does your team have such a solid foundation? Yes, you can say you're ready. But actually we're not ready. Of course, we will do everything we can to achieve the best results and from now until the end of the season we will do everything we can to achieve the best results for Tottenham. Because I think the fans deserve to see that result. Seeing us give 100% or more in every game and go all out to win games makes our fans happy. ”

"At the same time, we have to know that we still have a long way to go, and while it's important to have passion, all atmospheres have to have passion, because that's especially important to me. Because if I feel the passion and I can hold it from start to finish, then I'm ready to fight everything and bring Spurs to the best place it belongs. ”。

"I'm well aware that our fans may be disappointed in a lot of places about the team. But I can tell them that we are trying to build a good future for the team. I understand the disappointment of the fans because we haven't had a championship for many years. But at the same time, it's important for the fans and the whole team to come together, stay on the right passion and work hard to build something important for the future of the club. ”。

'I'm making that to the fans now and I don't want to talk about it anymore, but I ask them to be patient with the team and we need to be patient too, we're definitely going to start moving forward and we want to achieve some important goals for the club.'


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