
What do zodiac signs feel inferior because of it?

What do zodiac signs feel inferior because of it?


Your inferiority complex lies in your self-image. I am very concerned about whether my performance is outstanding, and whether my image is perfect. Inner enthusiasm and feelings, do not know how to express and vent, like to show themselves, but shy of taking the initiative.


Your inferiority complex lies in your own material conditions. I care a lot about what I have. After a long period of repression, resulting in a cautious and conservative and down-to-earth character, the willpower is very tenacious.


Your inferiority complex lies in your intellectual performance. I care about whether my reflexes are very good. The mentality of not wanting to be influenced by others is very heavy, and sometimes it is suspicious and cunning to protect itself.


Your inferiority complex lies in the emotional requirements. Feelings, parent-child relationships, the impression given by the family. Emotions change and fall due to doubt, often self-pity, worry, pessimism, and great desire for security and feelings.


Your inferiority complex is: a sense of glory. Very concerned about such as: status, honor, the appreciation of others, and even the need for attention and worship of the eyes. Excessive concern for one's own authority and status, self-esteem and vanity are particularly strong.


Your inferiority complex is: health and cleanliness. Of course, it is also very much in the capacity of billions themselves. You pay great attention to the affirmation of ability, and may be deeply afraid of your health, health, physical condition and other conditions. And treat the world in a shrewd, picky way to satisfy your sense of security.


Your inferiority lies in: some external levels, such as interpersonal relationships and communication, popularity, appearance, etc. This trains you to be judgmental, stable and adaptable, generally more secure, less mentally disturbed, and attach importance to the relationship between people and me. But if frustrated, it will also be a very serious cup and psychological disorder.


Your inferiority complex lies in your own problems. You have doubted "why me" and cared whether you were special and unique. It will form a "privilege" to prove its value. Will be too persistent in the pursuit of a specific goal, can not let go of themselves. This creates physical and mental obstacles.


Your inferiority complex lies in your own dignity. In fact, it is an excessive love of face. I am very concerned about the performance of a wide range of social values in all aspects. He attaches great importance to his dignity and insists on certain morals.


Your inferiority complex lies in your sense of worth. Therefore, paying attention to one's own achievements, rankings, achievements, economic conditions, and strength is to prove one's self-worth. Great importance is attached to utilitarianism, values, as well as class and social status.


Your inferiority complex lies in the identification of ideas. Itself attaches great importance to connotation, creativity, affirmation. But you need the approval of others, otherwise you will feel very frustrated. I am very concerned about the achievement of personal goals, focusing on self-awareness and presentation.


Your inferiority complex lies in the fear that your emotions will not be properly manipulated. So you will be very concerned about your own thoughts and feelings, and pay a lot of attention to the level of interpersonal care. But these aspects are not properly grasped, often disappointed, empty, and overly sensitive and fall into gloomy emotions.