
Winter to spring, read these three poems, at the corner of the season, wait for a feast of spring blossoms

The years are over, the time is cold, the time is quiet, the floating world is happy, and in the blink of an eye it is another year of spring.

The gentle wind blows away a season of cold; the hands of the years will transform the rivers and mountains.

The swallows return, the river water is warm, the willows are yiyi, the peach blossoms are burning, the time is shallow, and the years are warm.

Winter goes to spring, read these three poems, and at the corner of the season, wait for a feast of warm spring flowers.

Winter to spring, read these three poems, at the corner of the season, wait for a feast of spring blossoms

1. Song Dynasty Zhang Yu's "Li Chun Even Cheng"

The law returns to the late years with less frost, and the grass and trees in the spring are known to the world.

I felt that the business in front of me was full, and the east wind was blowing green and uneven.

Zhang Yu was a famous scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty, together with Zhu Xi and Lü Zuqian, known as the "Three Sages of southeast China", who was in charge of the teaching affairs of Yuelu Academy, and had as many as a thousand disciples, and posterity commented that he was "highly knowledgeable and practical".

This seven-sentence poem is his most well-known work, which expresses the poet's infinite yearning for spring by describing what he sees and feels during the spring season.

The first two sentences of the poem depict a warm and fresh picture of spring: at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the ice and snow gradually melt, the grass and trees sprout, the flowers sprout, and the breath of spring spreads out.

The last two sentences are the poet's reverie: the spring water is born, the breeze is light, the waves are sparkling, the willows are clinging, and it is a vibrant scene.

The poet does not deliberately portray the scene of spring, but only "full of business" and "green jagged", which will absorb the reader into a spring-like, vibrant atmosphere, which makes people feel immersed, like a spring breeze.

Time is staggered, and the years are colorful into poetry.

Through the cold winter, the gentle spring breeze greets you.

Life is the same, through the cold of winter, will eventually usher in the warmth of spring.

Winter to spring, read these three poems, at the corner of the season, wait for a feast of spring blossoms

2. Song Dynasty Wang Wei's "Li Chun"

Mud bull whip scattered six street dust, lettuce picked leaves leaf spring.

Since then, the snow has cooled down and the plum blossoms have made the wicker new.

The author Wang Wei was a poet at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, who lived in seclusion in Hushan after the death of the Song Dynasty, known as "Mr. Yuedong", and there is a volume of "Yuedong Yin" that has been handed down.

Tang Xianzu, a famous opera composer of the Ming Dynasty, admired his talent very much, wrote an inscription for him "Lin Xia Ren", and also wrote a preface to his poetry collection: "Mr. Song Yuedong's poems are like the hands of late people, and the song season is also the season of Tang Dynasty".

This song "Li Chun" is his masterpiece.

The first two verses of the poem describe the customs of Lichun, namely "beating cattle" and "biting spring".

"Beating cattle" refers to the crushing of clay sculptures of spring cattle, which has the meaning of sending cold air, promoting spring ploughing, and praying for a good harvest.

The "biting spring" is a food custom, the ancients will spring cakes and spring vegetables in the plate, called "spring plate", the day of spring, chew spring cakes, eat lettuce, in order to welcome the arrival of spring.

The last two sentences are written from the perspective of weather and phenology, ice and snow melting, warm winds, plum blossoms falling, willow strips, vientiane renewal.

In just 4 short sentences, the scene of Li Chun seems to be in sight, which shows that the poet's pen power is extraordinary.

One thought of winter, one thought of spring.

The grass is warm and the wind is warm, the flowers are fragrant, and the warm atmosphere is everywhere in the world.

Standing at the corner of the season, waiting for a warm sun to dispel the haze, waiting for a warm wind to blow through the willow bank, waiting for a feast of spring flowers.

Winter to spring, read these three poems, at the corner of the season, wait for a feast of spring blossoms

3. Tang Dynasty Lu Tong's "Ren Ri Li Chun"

Spring returns to infinite spring, and now the dynasty begins to feel adult.

From now on, self-denial should be followed, and Yan and Plum Blossom are both renewed.

Lu Tong is a descendant of Lu Zhaolin, one of the "Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty", who lived in seclusion in the early years of ShaomuShancha Xianquan, taking pleasure in composing poems and drinking tea, and "Tea Saint" Lu Yu was equally famous, known as "Tea Immortal", and once wrote an ancient poem "Seven Bowls of Tea", "A bowl of throat kissing, two bowls of broken loneliness", writing the beauty of tea, has always been praised by future generations.

And this seven absolute is also his masterpiece, the "human day" in the poem title refers to the seventh day of the first month, in ancient myths and legends, the lady made a person on the seventh day, and this day is regarded as the birthday of human beings.

And Li Chun is the beginning of another year, so the poet will say," "The present dynasty has begun to feel adult."

This day begins to restrain and restrain yourself, like a plum blossom, with a new look, to welcome the new year.

The plan of the day lies in the morning, and the plan of the year lies in the spring.

Life is long, Shaoguang changes, the world is impermanent, cold and warm are indefinite,

But no matter how the world changes, as long as life is not over, tomorrow is a new beginning.

The four seasons flow, in the wind and snow of the years, look for a wisp of plum fragrance, in the plum fragrance, to welcome the arrival of spring.

Winter to spring, read these three poems, at the corner of the season, wait for a feast of spring blossoms

Spring is hope, is prosperity, is the beginning, the east wind blows open a tree of plum blossoms, the season is swept away; the warm sun sprinkles a light on the ground, warming the flow of years.

One thought of spring warmth, one thought of blossoming, three ancient poems written in Lichun, may the years not be dry, the time is not old, and may all the good in the world come as promised.


Author: Relief poems

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