
My fourteen-year covenant | China Unicom Sun Ping: The Best 14 Years of a Female Communicator

author:Hebei News Network

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Hebei News Network News (Tian Wei) Sun Ping, an employee of the cloud network operation center of China Unicom Hebei Branch. In September 2020, he joined China Unicom's Winter Olympics Communication Technology Operation Command Center (TTOC) and was responsible for the comprehensive affairs management of the command center in shougang park.

My fourteen-year covenant | China Unicom Sun Ping: The Best 14 Years of a Female Communicator

At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, China Unicom sent data network engineers to 11 prefectures and cities, and Sun Ping was the only female engineer.

As a "double Olympic", she has a 14-year relationship with the Olympics. In 2008, Sun Ping was selected by China Unicom Group Corporation to lead three colleagues from the system integration company to be responsible for the pre-construction of the data network and the network communication support during the game at the Venue of Beijing University of Technology. From April 10 to september 25, the end of the Paralympic Games, for nearly half a year, she and 3 construction colleagues have been busy in the venue, in the case of small staffing and huge amount of engineering, completed the communication construction of the venue as scheduled, achieved zero errors in communication support during the Olympic Games, and finally won the honorary title of Advanced Individual in Olympic Support issued by the group company.

My fourteen-year covenant | China Unicom Sun Ping: The Best 14 Years of a Female Communicator

14 years ago, Sun Ping was an "older girl" who had just turned 30. As the only woman in Hebei to select data network engineers from 11 prefectures and cities, she has been tired, crazy, lonely, and homesick, but she has never given up. "I remember when I first went, the daily shuttle bus took us from the hotel to the venue, a two-hour drive, because of motion sickness, the daily journey was difficult. Late at night, I often stand alone at the intersection waiting for the shuttle to pick me up, tired and sleepy, and I feel lonely at that moment. Recalling the scene of that year, Sun Ping laughed at himself for being too childish.

The work in the venue is huge and complicated, and Sun Ping is responsible for very few construction personnel of the Beijing University of Technology, and she must arrange every task in place without any detail, and there can be no mistakes, because as soon as she is absent, the communication construction progress of the entire venue will be affected. Especially during the race, from morning to one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, Sun Ping always insisted on being on the front line and never slackened off. She had only one thought in her mind: don't go wrong! With a lot of enthusiasm, Sun Ping led the team to successfully complete the entire support work.

The 2008 Beijing Olympics planted a seed in Sun Ping's heart, and 14 years later, it was a flash. Today, she has also gone from green onions to maturity. In 2015, when Sun Ping learned that Beijing had won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, the olympic flame in her heart burned again. "I must participate in the Olympics again!" Just like that, she signed up again!

It is understood that TOC (Winter Olympics Technical Operation Center) is a non-competition venue for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, which undertakes the functions of operation, testing, installation and command of the core technical system of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and is the strategic guarantee for the smooth progress of the Winter Olympics.

My fourteen-year covenant | China Unicom Sun Ping: The Best 14 Years of a Female Communicator

During the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Sun Ping worked in the Communication Technology Operation Command Center of the Winter Olympics. Courtesy of respondents

According to Sun Ping, TTOC is a branch of TOC, and its main work includes the formulation of early communication technical specifications, venue construction manuals, monitoring the construction implementation process, and guiding fault reporting in the later stage. "Specifically, we have to collect the problems of each venue in the three competition areas every day, including cut-off, fault shielding, fault ticket handling, etc., coordinate the handling of various problems in each venue, and report the overall network operation to the TOC." Sun Ping said that the two Olympic Games, the work content is very different, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the focus of the work on the construction and support of communications in the venue, this time is more inclined to comprehensive coordination and scheduling work. "My previous major was data Internet, and now most of the venues use bearer networks, the network has changed from wired to wireless, of which 5G and WiFi are the focus, and communication technology is constantly improving, which also requires me to continuously strengthen my learning."

At TTOC, Sun Ping used the term "eye-opening" to describe it. "The technical means and platform are very advanced, and the big screen of the Winter Olympics developed by China Unicom Beijing Branch is like a 'science fiction film', and each venue can be displayed in real time from the appearance, internal scenes, data records, etc." In the consultation with colleagues of China Unicom's other provincial and municipal branches, Sun Ping also continued to absorb professional knowledge and improve his work ability.

For Sun Ping's second time to participate in the Olympic Games, some people expressed their incomprehension, saying that she is no longer young, and she has left her family and business, and it is very hard. Sun Ping does not think so: "At the age of 30, the Olympics chose me, and at the age of 40, I chose the Olympics. I feel that it is my honor, as long as I still have the strength, no matter how old I am, I am willing. ”

The footsteps of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics are getting closer and closer, and Sun Ping and thousands of Unicom people will not fail in their mission, add another force to the Olympic Games, and help again!

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