
Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

Years do not dwell

Seasons flow

A brand new solar term

Came to us

Today (the fourth day of the first lunar month)

4:51 a.m

We have the first of the twenty-four solar terms


Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

Stand, start also

Spring, spring begins and is established also

Winter goes to spring, and everything recovers

Yang and qi sting, everything is spring

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

Spring is warm and the birds are singing

East winds turn rain to the west wind, earth sun and heating to live

The snow and ice melt, the grass and trees first sprout, and the flowers and branches are pregnant

The hibernating animal also opened its sleepy eyes

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

Spring is growth, ploughing and sowing

All things Su Meng shan shui wake up, and the farmers are cultivating again

At the same time that people sow new seeds

It also planted expectations for the new year

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

Spring is hope and full of life

With the gradual disappearance of the cold, the heavens and the earth return to spring

People live up to the spring light and go out of their homes

Labor and entertainment are increasing again

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

In the northern region of the continent

Most of them are still winter scenes

But it was obvious that the days were longer and the sun was warmer

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

Anyway, Li Chun is just an idea

After "willow-colored gold tender, pear blossom white snow fragrance"

It is the epitome of the phenological process of spring

But it was snowy and frozen three feet below

The power of Qingqing is already being nurtured

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

After the spring, wait until the spring flowers bloom

Even less so

Or swing, or fly a kite

Immerse yourself in nature and enjoy it

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

At the end of the year, the planting land is calculated early

Industrious people from this day on

The new year's labor work began

Although the sky is still cold, the heart is warm

Although the meteorological sense of spring is still some distance away

But that doesn't stop us from planning for the future

Li Chun poetry

《Li Chun》

Zhu Shuzhen

Stop the cup and wait for the spring to come, and the qi moves the sixth street in the spring.

Lettuce should be picked at first, and the lo hachi spin cut is called a joint noodle.

Hugh on the remnants of a thousand hates, into the New Year Pepsi harmony.

Since then, the flowers and scenes have been in the poetry.

In the spring, I hope to be able to watch a wind moon with you, enjoy a flower event, put a paper kite, and come to a green trip.

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

"Li Chun Ri Remuneration Staff Wai Qu Jiang Peers See Gift"

Bai Juyi

Straight down to the spring day, the whip out of the forbidden.

The two joined hands and talked, ten miles to see the mountain return.

The willow color is early yellow and light, and the hydrology is new and green.

The scenery is good in the evening, and the cars and horses are near the south.

The machine laughed at each other and did not startle the gulls to fly.

May we get through this spring together, and all our friends can start a poetic year.

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

Wing Liu

He Zhizhang

Jasper is made up of a tree high, and ten thousand green silk ribbons hang down.

I don't know who cut the fine leaves, and the spring breeze in February is like scissors.

Spring has arrived, and disasters will always pass.

What we experience will surely make us stronger.

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

"Evening View of Huichongchun River"

Su shi

Three or two branches of peach blossoms outside the bamboo, spring river plumbing duck prophet.

Artemisia annua is full of short reed buds, which is when the puffer fish wants to go up.

No matter how much you have experienced, you must have a good heart, maintain a love for life, expectations for the future, look up and smile during the day, sleep calmly at night, go with the flow, be at ease with the encounter, and be full of fun.

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

"Liangzhou Words"

Wang Zhizhuo

The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city of WanlingShan.

Qiang Di why should he complain about Yang Liu, the spring wind does not pass the jade door.

A philosopher once said that life is a kaleidoscope of colors, and I watch it quietly and think quietly.

This Spring Festival, may you and I slow down, listen to an old song with our hearts, warm a pot of old wine, visit an old friend, talk about an interesting thing, and play a good game of chess.

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

"The Garden Is Not Worth It"

Ye Shao Ong

You should pity the teeth to print the moss, and the small buckle wood door will not be opened for a long time.

The spring color of the garden could not be closed, and a red apricot branch came out of the wall.

One scene per season, four reincarnations. In the long life, we look at the spring flowers, catch the summer fireflies, blow the autumn wind, and enjoy the winter snow.

I wonder what unique beauty you see when spring arrives?

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

"Reward Lotte Yangzhou First Meeting at the Table"

Liu Yuxi

Bashan Chushui was desolate and abandoned for twenty-three years.

Nostalgic empty chanting flute fu, to the countryside to turn like rotten Ke people.

Thousands of sails passed on the side of the sinking boat, and the sick tree was in front of wanmu spring.

Listen to a song today, and temporarily rely on the spirit of a cup of wine.

People always have to experience, in order to laugh at every inch of time, just like winter snow is spring, after heavy snow there are always a hundred flowers blooming.

In this life, wind and rain, may you be like a child in the sun, like an adult in the wind and rain.

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

"Early Spring Presents the Eighteen Members of the Water Department"

Han yu

The light rain on the sky street is as moist as crisp, and the grass color is close but not there.

The most is the benefit of spring of the year, which is better than the smoke and willow full of imperial capital.

Every spring, there are some stubborn grasses that do not accept defeat, trying to break through the obstacles and see the light of day again! Their tenacious vitality is even more worthy of our learning.

Today's Spring | Spring arrives as scheduled and waits for the flowers to bloom

Du fu

Spring spring plate fine lettuce, suddenly recall the two Kyo meifa time.

Plate out of the high door line white jade, dish chuan fiber hand to send green silk.

The eyes of the Wuxia Hanjiang, Du Ling's distant guests were overwhelmed with sorrow.

This body is unknown to the place of return, Hu'er looking for a poem on paper.

No one knows how many emotions there are in this world, which belong to shallow encounters and deep acquaintances; no one knows how many emotions there are in this world, which belong to silent companionship, silence and joy.

I hope that in the days to come, the people who want to be together will not leave, and the people who want to join hands with the white heads will not be separated, and the world will be stable and not afraid of wind and rain.

Review: Yang Zhengrong, Cai Li

Editor-in-charge: Jiao Lei

Editor: Yingying Ma

Source: Comprehensive People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Poetry World, etc

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