
"Spring hits six or nine heads"! February 4 will usher in the Spring Festival

author:Poster Yantai

At 4:51 a.m. Beijing time on February 4, the Spring Festival will be ushered in. At this time, the spring breeze is warm, the sun is warm, and the earth is awake and full of vitality. As soon as the spring passed, the snow melted and the ice disappeared, everything first sprouted, and the "spring girl" with light steps dressed up and came to us.

"Spring hits six or nine heads"! February 4 will usher in the Spring Festival

Poster Maker: Fang Jinyang

Luo Shuwei, a historian and researcher at the Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, said that every year around February 4 of the Gregorian calendar, when the sun reaches 315 degrees of the Yellow Longitude, it enters the Spring Festival, which is the first of the twenty-four solar terms. Lichun represents the beginning of spring, but due to the influence of strong cold air, high wind and cooling are still the main themes of this season; only in the gap between strong cold air visits, there will be a more obvious temperature rise.

In the spring season, "the east wind blows, although the material is steep, after all, the cold is light", and spring will follow. LiChun Three Seasons: One waits for the east wind to warm up, the earth thaws; the second waits for the insects that live in the sting, gradually awakens; the three waits for the rivers to melt and the fish swim on the water. Li Chun Hua Letter Three Waiting: One waiting for spring, two waiting for cherries, and three waiting for spring. In particular, the golden yellow spring flowers bloom, which makes us feel the arrival of spring.

"Spring hits six or nine heads"! February 4 will usher in the Spring Festival

This year's Spring Festival is the first day of "June 9", that is, "Spring Hit Six Nine Heads". Luo Shuwei said: "'Five-nine-six-nine, look at the willow along the river.'" At this time, the weeping willows are gradually greening, the branches are sprouting, and the enticing scenery of 'golden willows, red dense flower branches' will slowly come into view from the waterfront. ”

Lichun is the beginning of early spring, how should the public maintain health care? Luo Shuwei combined folk traditions and the advice of health experts, saying that at this time, people should pay attention to weather changes in time, and do not immediately reduce their clothing because of the sudden rise in temperature, otherwise once the cold tide suddenly arrives, it will catch people off guard. For the sake of their own health, they should keep the bottom line of "spring cover".

"Spring hits six or nine heads"! February 4 will usher in the Spring Festival

In the spring, the weather is cold and dry, and the focus of health care is on liver protection. Spring liver qi, diet should be light, sweet, should eat spicy temperature divergence, dispel yin dispersion cold and other warm supplemental food; to ensure that there is enough water every day to promote body metabolism; eat less hot, spicy, acidic or easy to cause allergies of food, in order to prevent liver fire rise, affect the spleen and stomach transport.

At this time, it is also necessary to conform to the characteristics of yang qi, go to bed late and get up early, and protect the yang in the body in the transition from "autumn and winter to yang in spring and summer". After spring, infectious diseases enter the season of multiple occurrences, should exercise more, ventilate frequently, wash often, go less to crowded places, and do a good job of self-protection at any time. (Reporter Zhou Runjian)

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