
This Li Chun, coincidentally

At 4:51 a.m. on February 4, Spring Was Greeted.

Spring, the first of the twenty-four solar terms, the beginning of the four hours, the earth returns to its original heart, all things are renewed, and the new day summons a new you.

Li Chun, falling on the fourth day of the first lunar month, has the custom of "welcoming the god of vesta" in the folk. In the new year, I wish you three meals in all seasons, gentle and interesting.

Li Chun, on the first day of "June Nine", "Five Nine Six Nine Along the River to See the Willow", survive the winter cold, may you rush to love in harmony.

Li Chun, coincidentally meet the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games! February 4 also echoed this is the 24th Winter Olympics. When the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, Li Chun and the Winter Olympics meet, it must be: the Winter Olympic athletes are like tigers, full of spring breeze to receive awards, and surprise the world with the power of youth!

Li Chun is the First Moon Festival, "Li" is the beginning of the construction, and the qi of the spring wood begins, so it is called "Li".

Before ushering in spring, we need to know: spring, in fact, there are three.

One is spring at the astronomical level, the second is spring at the agricultural level, and the third is spring at the climatic level (the average daily temperature is stable above 10 °C).

The twenty-four solar terms set the seasonal framework of the equality of the four seasons. The beginning of spring is spring in the astronomical sense. Although the spring is cold and steep, the vitality of the budding cannot be stopped! Warm, unstoppable!

"Spring, Ready to Move"

Author | Shen Fuyu

Excerpt from Time: The Chinese's Solar Terms

The first to feel the breath of spring are the insects that lie dormant in the dirt. However, they did not wake up, but just stretched out their hands and feet, still dozing off.

What woke up was the grass and trees that had withered yellow for a winter. Although the blades of grass have not turned green, the grass roots have become warm and tender. The straight branches have also become soft and elastic, and if you fold a thin strip, you can see the green of its inner core.

The children no longer play on the frozen river, because after the east wind, the ice begins to melt, and another kind of bustle has stirred their little hearts.

They're going to spring.

Legend has it that the spring god Gu mang lived in a temple in the eastern suburbs, and he was in charge of the breath of spring and the harvest throughout the year, and he even added years of life to the blessed.

The day before Li Chun, the silent suburbs suddenly became commotion. On the village side path in the distance, a long procession full of majesty came. From the extraordinary sound of the drums, it can be heard that it is the Son of Heaven who has come to welcome the spring. The green flag in the sky, covering the Heavenly Son and the three princes and nine secretaries behind him, was mighty all the way.

The liturgy of prostrating to the god Jummen is solemn and solemn. At the end of the ceremony, the children ran all the way, cheering and cheering, shouting as they walked: Spring has arrived, spring has arrived. So the people along the way also rushed to tell each other: Spring is coming.

This Li Chun, coincidentally

The next day was Spring. In the middle of the night, there were vendors walking the streets shouting: "Race the crisp pear!" "They're selling turnips. Radish is a necessary food for people who set up spring, called "biting spring".

It was dawn, and adults and children, biting turnips in their mouths, slowly gathered at the city gate.

In ancient times, the person who presided over the "Spring Fighting" ceremony was the highest governor of each place. He dressed neatly, led his subordinate officials, raised a wicker to the sound of drums, and whipped the "earth cow" three times. The wicker is twenty-four inches long, meaning the twenty-four solar terms of the year. After that, he handed the wicker to his subordinates and the people, and let them pass it on all the way, taking turns whipping. The "crackling" whip is a signal that spring ploughing has begun. In this whipping sound, the "earth cow" shattered, and the dirt scattered, revealing the small earth cow hidden in it.

The crowd of onlookers rushed up, and you snatched me and snatched the broken "earth cow". The ancients believed that the soil on the horns of the ox was sprinkled in the ground to make the land harvest abundant. The soil of the cattle in the home will make the silkworm farming prosperous this year. The mud of the bull's eye is said to be mixed in medicine to cure eye diseases. Even if a handful of dirt is sprinkled in the cattle pen, it can make your own cattle fat and strong.

Young men scrambled, girls with spring flowers on their heads stood by and smiled, swallows, butterflies and moths woven of silk thread fluttering in the wind on their heads.

Those who did not grab the fragments of the "earth cow" were not discouraged. Street vendors have laid out rows of mud cows. The calf stood on a pen decorated with colored paper and wicker, surrounded by many mud-kneaded juggling figures, and children would never move half a step without buying one.

In fact, mothers have already dressed up a lot of beautiful and fun things on their children. On their hats is sewn a "spring chicken" made of cotton wrapped in floral cloth. The "spring chicken" has beans in its mouth, and when the child is a few years old, he bites a few grains. At the child's waist, he also wears a silk "spring baby" to pin his mother's blessings on his growth.

When I went home, the word "Yichun" had already been posted on the door, and all the south-facing windows were also pasted with exquisite and beautiful "spring flowers". The father let the child smear the soil of the stolen mud cow on the long horn of the family cattle, and the mother reminded the father not to go to the river today to fetch water.

Eating turnips and not carrying water are all in order not to make spring sleepiness. The plan of the year lies in the spring, and every day of the spring cannot be lazy.

Li Chun Sanhou

"East wind thawing" in the spring: the warm breath blown by the wind makes the ice and snow begin to melt and the earth begins to thaw.

Li Chun Second Wait "Sting Worm First Vibration": The Winter Hidden Worm feels the warmth keenly, wakes up or is half awake, and can yawn and stretch out.

"YuZhi (zhì) negative ice": Fish that have been silent for a winter swim in the water, but there are still unmelted ice ballasts on the surface of the water, so the fish seem to be swimming around with ice cubes on their backs.

Li Chun Xinzhi

Astronomical experts pointed out that all the "Li Chun" in the 100th century was either on February 3 or February 4, of which 39 appeared on February 3 and 61 appeared on February 4.

Statistics from the past 100 years of the 20th century show that "Lichun" only has two days, February 4 and February 5, and no February 3.

Based on the 200 years, "Lichun" on February 4 is the most common.

Li Chun· Spring Cover"

In the spring season, the east wind blows, after all, the material is steep, in order not to get sick, you must "spring cover" for a while, do not wear it because of the sudden rise in temperature, be careful of the sudden arrival of the cold tide, and the cold will enter the void.

In addition, the spring weather is cold and dry, the diet should be light and sweet, to ensure that there is enough water intake every day, less hot, spicy or easy to cause allergies of food.

Exercise more, ventilate often, wash frequently, go to crowded places less, in order to take off the mask that day comes early, and remember every contribution to epidemic prevention and protection at this moment.

Spring, hope

"Spring, rather than the beginning of the four seasons of vientiane renewal, is more of a conventional picture of the mind. It became a sonorous prophet and spokesperson for life, love and hope. ”

There is a poetic saying that Li Chun is Li Li Hope. The earth returns to its original intention, and we should also accept the good intentions of heaven and righteousness, and at the time of the revival of all things, we should arouse the hope in our hearts. Then like spring, it is unstoppable, everywhere you go, and the place where you stay becomes a landscape of your own.

Spring, hope. What is hope?

This Li Chun, coincidentally

It is the conviction that "no spring will not come" that supports us to this moment, the hope that the tears in our hearts cannot be extinguished and the bitterness cannot be overwhelmed, and it is the thought of all the small and grand things that warm our hearts.

This hope can be very delicate, may the beauty of the world always be linked with the people I love.

This hope is that you can be very pyrotechnic, lying in your own bed, eating the meals cooked by your parents, listening to your lover's chatter, and playing games with your children.

Of course, it can be very real, want to sleep until the natural awakening, want to pass the exam, take off the single without hair loss, but also want the mobile phone always has electricity, IQ is always online, Card is always rich!

It can also be very challenging, want to make a difference, want the stars and the sea, want to run to love, want to live this life.

This hope is still incomparably appropriate: I wish our Winter Olympic athletes to enjoy Frozen and live up to this trip, this Year of the Tiger, this spring, waiting for you to start with surprises, shocks and legends!

This hope is also everyone's dream a thousand times: the flowers bloom and the epidemic disperses, and all the people are safe.

Of all things, hope is the most beautiful.

Hope your hope is more than just hope. I hope that no matter where you struggle, you will have a paradise in your heart, not to reach the good, and to vow not to give up.

Spring, all things are renewed, the old diseases should be healed, I hope your future is harmonious, and the future can be expected.

(ly Source: CCTV News Client, Source: Xinhua News Agency)

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