
Atlanta Gate will sprinkle dog food on social media, inadvertently send indecent photos, and get into trouble!

Atalanta's starting goalkeeper Juan Mousso, 27, is an Argentine player.

The benevolent brother sprinkled a handful of dog food on social media and showed off his love, but he accidentally got into trouble.

During the international match day, Juan Mousso travelled to Argentina to play.

Juan Mousso's 27-year-old girlfriend, Anna Ariordo, bought a lot of balloons to decorate their living room in order to welcome the players back from the national team.

Atlanta Gate will sprinkle dog food on social media, inadvertently send indecent photos, and get into trouble!

Musso seemed happy to return home and decided to share his joy on social media on his phone.

So he posted a photo of his girlfriend's living room dressed in a balloon on social media.

It was a normal thing, but the players forgot about the mirror in the living room.

At that time, the Atlanta Gate would be photographed in a nude style. The mirror in the photo documents this awkward moment.

Atlanta Gate will sprinkle dog food on social media, inadvertently send indecent photos, and get into trouble!

Photos of the atlanta gates going unclothed quickly spread on social media.

When the Argentine found out, he quickly deleted the photos he had shared. Then put on my pants and shirt, took a re-shot, and shared it again.

Musso wrote in the caption for the newly shared picture: This is the correct picture.

Through this little story, we can understand a truth, that is, do not easily sprinkle dog food...

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