
Li Chun Festival, appreciate Lu You's "Li Chun Ri"

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems

《Risugan day》

[Song] Land tour

The sunrise wind and the hangover wake up, and the mountain family is full of happiness.

The snow of Nianfengla has passed through three whites, and the warm spring suburbs have been all over the green.

The vegetables are finely clustered with flowers and pancakes, and the good scenery of the lake village is difficult to exhaust.

The wine fragrance floats in the long bottle, and the beggar and the Hou family make a picture screen.

Li Chun Festival, appreciate Lu You's "Li Chun Ri"


When I woke up after the night of drunkenness, I saw the sun coming out, the wind and warmth; the mountain savage people's home, happy things, written the rest of the years.

In the coming year, there will be a good harvest, and the snow in the waxing moon has already fallen three times; the earth has warmed up, and the countryside in spring has been blue everywhere.

The dish is very tender, full of flowers, very suitable for making pancakes to eat; the lakeside countryside is full of good scenery, and the poetry is also exhausted.

The wine was fragrant, the wine foamed, overflowing with long wine bottles; begging for empty bottles from the rich and nobles could be used as a screen for painting.

Li Chun Festival, appreciate Lu You's "Li Chun Ri"


Hangover: After-night drunkenness.

Residual age: Judas years, remaining years.

Lap Snow: Snow in the Lap Moon.

Three whites: Three degrees of snow.

Clusters of flowers: Flowers gathered together.

Crepes: Refers to spring cakes.

Floating ants: Foam on the surface of wine.


This is a Lichun poem by the Song Dynasty poet Lu You.

In the second year of Song NingZong Jiatai (1202), on the day of Lichun, the wind and the sun were beautiful, the 77-year-old Lu You, idle in the mountain village, the hangover had just woken up, only to see "Laxue" come three times, "mountain green", "vegetable fine", "cluster flowers" and "pancakes" one by one in front of him, the mood was very good, so he improvised to write this Lichun poem praising the good scenery of Lake Village.

When I woke up after the night of drunkenness, I saw the sun coming out, the wind and warmth; the mountain savage people's home, happy things, written the rest of the years. This is the weather that reads "Li Chun." On the day of Lichun, the wind and the sun are beautiful, the sky is clear, and the poet is in a good mood. A "happy" word expresses the poet's contented mood in his later years.

In the coming year, there will be a good harvest, and the snow in the waxing moon has already fallen three times; the earth has warmed up, and the countryside in spring has been blue everywhere. This is written "Li Chun Outside the Scene". The poet reads from the snow the joy of the harvest in the coming year, and from the green mountains the amazement that spring has arrived.

Li Chun Festival, appreciate Lu You's "Li Chun Ri"

The dish is very tender, full of flowers, very suitable for making pancakes to eat; the lakeside countryside is full of good scenery, and the poetry is also exhausted. This is written "The Food Scene of Li Chun". At this time, the dish is very thin and tender, and it is very suitable for making a very thin cake with hot noodles to enjoy. The countryside is not only full of food, but also endless beauty, this spring day is not to mention how beautiful.

The wine was fragrant, the wine foamed, overflowing with long wine bottles; begging for empty bottles from the rich and nobles could be used as a screen for painting. This is written "Li Chun No Idle Feeling". Rich and noble people have a lot of wine, the wine bottle is still very exquisite, but they may not know how to appreciate, and there are many wine bottles, may wish to ask for two, as a screen for painting decoration, is not elegant.

The poor poet has a heart that loves life, loves food, and loves beauty, and lives a simple life full of poetry, warmth, and refinement. We must also be like Lu You, and we must be full of love for the human world at all times, because it is only once in a lifetime, and the human world is worth it.

Author: Yan Yong, Master of Arts. Columnist of "Daily Appreciation" on the learning platform of the Central Propaganda Department. He is a member of the Chinese Poetry Association, a member of the Jiangsu Writers Association, and a member of the third batch of the National Young Writers Class. He has published a collection of literature and history, "Taizhou History: The City by the Salt River", a collection of essays "Reading Travel", and an essay collection "Fengyun Taizhou". He has published more than 500 articles. He is currently the editor of the newspaper.

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