
With 410 million people in China, why does everyone have a driver's license, but the car "can't be sold"?

With the development of society, the development of the mainland economy is also developing rapidly. However, in such a rapidly developing society, people's strength is also increasing, so many people in today's society have begun to examine. Especially in this era of rapid economic development, we have proved ourselves to keep up with the pace of the times with our own practical actions. The largest number of examinations are college students, with four or six levels, computer level one and two, C language, education funds, Mandarin, etc., but the restriction on obtaining these certificates is the status of college students. However, there are certificates that ordinary people can also apply for, and the test is very extensive. That's it —driver's license. I think so. As we all know, the largest unified test in the world is a driver's license. According to the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, as of September 2020, the number of people holding motor vehicle driver's licenses in China reached 410 million. But there are 250 million people in the college entrance examination from 1977 to the present, but why does everyone now have a driver's license, but the car "can't be sold"? Why is that? Everyone has a driver's license, but the car "can't be sold"

With 410 million people in China, why does everyone have a driver's license, but the car "can't be sold"?

The data shows that the number of driver's license holders in China has reached 410 million. But of the 410 million drivers, most of them have obtained driver's licenses in recent decades, which further indicates the speed of the mainland's economic development and people's self-improvement awareness. Well, the matter of obtaining a driver's license is actually very common in China. In the past, it was possible that only people who drove or worked with cars could get a driver's license, but now it is common. Because it's not so easy to get a driver's license now, people's thinking is changing now. Every winter and summer vacation, many people face the problem of driving license test, and college students are generally many. People who have learned a driver's license will inevitably "forget" the new time in their memory. Those who have learned to drive will not forget the language of difficulty, intensity, expensive, tanning and so on. If you're looking for language, it's "spending money on abuse." So why do so many people want to learn a driver's license? The first is to believe in one's own economic strength. Almost every family now has a private car, and if you realize it, you will find that private cars are everywhere on the road. Therefore, many people think that they can buy a car with their ability in the future, so they remember the driver's license in advance.

With 410 million people in China, why does everyone have a driver's license, but the car "can't be sold"?

The second is what is needed at work. This is deeply understood by the people who work. The space between the house and the company is like a "galaxy". Working overtime every day and getting up early to take the bus and take the subway has become the norm for young people now. As a result, many people want to have their own private transportation. In this way, you will not give up suitable, well-paid jobs because of the long distance. While everyone gets a driver's license, the car market doesn't go up because the number of people getting a driver's license increases. What is the reason? Relevant people said that the current domestic automobile market is not as prosperous as we have seen, and the development potential of domestic automobiles is not as good as before. After all, the number of vehicles on the road has increased too much in recent decades, and the whole has begun to saturate. The number of people buying a car will also be larger than before. Moreover, many people who want to buy a car are affected by environmental standards and new energy vehicles and begin to hesitate to buy a car. Therefore, many people want to buy a car, but do not know which one to choose, can not afford to buy a car.

With 410 million people in China, why does everyone have a driver's license, but the car "can't be sold"?

The other is about the causes of traffic jams on the mainland. In recent years, there have been more and more cars on the mainland, and traffic congestion in major cities has become more and more serious. Transportation was originally meant to facilitate our daily travel, but now it is jammed for two to three hours every time we drive out. So unless the problem of traffic jams is solved, some people will not buy a car, and the car will be difficult to sell. Second, what is the reason besides not having money? First of all, it costs money to buy a car. Buying a car requires at least 200,000 to 300,000 things. Otherwise, driving has no face. In addition, if you buy a car, the cushions, car models, and daily fuel consumption must be maintained frequently. It costs a lot of money. Don't do that either, the worst part is the parking fee. If you find a free parking space on the side of the road, it is ok, but if you park in the neighborhood, you will be charged on time. That's the most expensive. It also costs $100,000 to buy a parking space, but it's not cost-effective either. Secondly, the traffic jam is very serious. Many people think that having a private car is a happy and convenient thing. Not really. In many ways in China, the word "many" is used. It involves more resources, more cars, more roads, more houses, but so much is not as much as a car.

With 410 million people in China, why does everyone have a driver's license, but the car "can't be sold"?

Especially on rest days, you will doubt your life because of traffic jams. At that time, please do not want to leave at 5 a.m. or 8 a.m. Because you're on the highway, you'll find the car motionless for hours. Especially in the morning and evening rush hours, the time to go home will be several times higher. Also, there is the worry about the quality of the car. The quality and safety of automobiles is related to the safety of our lives. So every time we buy a car, the safety performance of the car is the first priority. But today many brands of car safety and quality have certain problems and have been recalled. According to big data statistics, the number of domestic vehicle recalls increased significantly in 2016, exceeding 10 million people. In 2013, the Regulations on the Administration of Recall of Defective Automobile Products were issued and implemented. This means that the number of recalled cars from 2013 to 2016 is increasing. Such big data recalls have made people who buy cars feel the safety of cars, and fewer and fewer people are buying cars. Secondly, there is the issue of the environment. As we all know, in recent years, the mainland's environmental protection has become more and more perfect. The country has also begun to actively call for low-carbon tourism. As a result, many people began to commute to work by bus, subway, etc., and the number of people buying cars decreased.

With 410 million people in China, why does everyone have a driver's license, but the car "can't be sold"?

Three. Conclusion With the continuous development of social economy, the life of the people on the mainland has become increasingly beautiful and happy. More and more families are starting to have private cars. As a result, the driver's license has become one of the indispensable certificates for people. Although in reality everyone has a driver's license, the sales volume of the automobile market has not increased greatly, which is also a point that many people question. As we all know, getting a driver's license is also a costly thing. In addition, obtaining a driver's license is sometimes not voluntary. While some things are arranged by parents when their children go to college, parents always think that learning a skill is also beneficial. Some people follow the trend to learn driver's licenses, and some people hold the concept of taking the exam early and taking the late exam. So not everyone has to buy a car to get a driver's license, and now buying a car is also facing a lot of drawbacks. For example, no money, traffic jams, environmental protection, restlessness, etc. So there are naturally fewer people buying cars. Do you think that everyone who gets a driver's license and doesn't buy a car, not only has no money, but what are the factors?

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