
Present a simple, safe and wonderful Olympic event to the world

author:Bright Net

Open to the world to present a simple, safe and wonderful Olympic event

——A panoramic review of the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics

A magnificent picture of ice and snow, a song of struggle of the times.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The Beijing Winter Olympics is a major landmark event at an important historical node of the mainland, an important opportunity to show the national image, promote national development and invigorate the national spirit, and has a strong traction effect on the coordinated development of Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei." "Running well the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games is a major event of the party and the state, a solemn commitment to the international community, and doing a good job in the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games is a glorious mission and of great significance."

Looking back on the road of more than 6 years of preparations, under the guidance of the Olympic concept of "green, sharing, openness and integrity", the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games have yielded fruitful results: the competition venues and various infrastructures have set a new benchmark for the Olympic Games, highlighting the characteristics of science and technology, wisdom, green and thrift; the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has entered the fast lane, Beijing's "City of The Two Olympics" has shone brightly, and the small city of Chongli has grown into a ski resort; the goal of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports" has been achieved, and the people's sense of gain and happiness has been continuously enhanced.

The curtain is about to open. We will deliver on our promise to present the world with a simple, safe and wonderful Olympic event.

Chinese Wisdom Writing Chinese Model

The preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games once again embody the party's leadership and the institutional advantages of the national system and the concentration of forces on major events.

In preparation for the Winter Olympics, the construction of venues is the top priority. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "It is necessary to highlight the characteristics of science and technology, wisdom, green and thrift, pay attention to the use of advanced scientific and technological means, strictly implement energy conservation and environmental protection requirements, protect the ecological environment and cultural relics and monuments, and display Chinese style." "All construction and renovation projects should strive to become high-quality projects, and at the same time, we must fully consider subsequent utilization, and do not be greedy and greedy."

The sudden outbreak of new crown pneumonia has brought great challenges to the preparation work. The pace of construction of the Winter Olympics remains unchanged, the goal remains unchanged, and the standard remains unchanged. By the end of 2020, all competition venues will be completed with high quality as scheduled, and the relevant infrastructure construction will be completed synchronously to meet the requirements of test activities. The builders of the Winter Olympics carried forward the spirit of "nailing nails" in the face of difficulties, overcome one technical problem after another, and used Chinese wisdom and Chinese speed to create a number of world-class high-quality projects.

All new and renovated venues and facilities meet green building standards and form a demonstration in terms of saving resources, protecting the environment, and treating waste and wastewater, which not only meets the needs of the game, but also leaves enough space for sustainable use after the game. This not only reflects the concept of "sharing the Olympic Games", but also the important connotation of "adhering to the centennial plan" in the construction of the Winter Olympics.

"These competition venues, which are used by athletes during the games, should be integrated into the daily lives of the masses after the games, so that people can get as close as possible and use them." Zhang Li, dean of the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University and general manager of the design of the Zhangjiakou Competition Area of the Beijing Winter Olympics, introduced that the large jump platform and the standard jump platform of "Xue Ruyi" are designed with steps from top to bottom, which is a unique design that fully considers the comprehensive utilization after the game.

Behind the "small step" of venue construction is often a "key leap" to improve the ability of independent design and construction.

The National Bobsleigh Center "Snow Dragon" located in Yanqing is the first track in China that meets the standards of the Winter Olympics. With no experience to follow, the builders have overcome difficulties and embarked on a path of independent innovation. The 1.9-kilometer-long track is a one-time jet pour molding, which has passed the certification of international organizations at one time, and has obtained more than 100 patents and authorizations.

Maximizing the use of existing venues and facilities was a highlight of the preparations. "Water Cube" becomes "Ice Cube", Wukesong Sports Center only needs 6 hours to complete the "ice basket conversion", and the National Stadium and the Capital Gymnasium have the ability to transform the two-way transformation of winter and summer projects through upgrading.

The high standards and new breakthroughs in the preparation of the Winter Olympics are the vivid practice of high-quality development, which promotes the close integration of the construction of the Winter Olympics with urban development. In 2020, the "Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Sustainability Plan" was released, focusing on the three goals of "positive environmental impact", "new regional development" and "better life", aiming to create a new situation in which everyone participates and everyone benefits.

Taking the preparation of the Winter Olympics as an opportunity to write a new plan for the improvement of the ecological environment, create a new model for regional and urban development, and create a new environment for people and social progress, this Picture of the Beijing Winter Olympics with "Beautiful China" as the background will leave a colorful page in the history of the Olympics.

Embody Chinese wisdom and write Chinese models. China has the determination and confidence to do a good job in all preparatory work, so that the world can see the style of a big country that "words must be believed and deeds must be fruitful".

In July 2015, when Beijing and Zhangjiakou won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, IOC President Bach said the Games were "handed over to people who can rest assured." Now that the opening is imminent, Bach said: "The preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics have been outstanding and smooth, and the wonderful venues, comprehensive epidemic prevention measures and advanced sustainable operation concepts are amazing. ”

Preparations for the Winter Olympics and local development are flying in tandem

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Hosting the Winter Olympics is an important starting point for promoting the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and it must be planned and implemented as a whole to achieve the same flight between Beijing and Hebei." ”

The Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway has built a "one-hour economic circle" in the three divisions of Beijing and Zhangjiakou; driving on the Beijing-Li Expressway, a picture of beautiful mountains and rivers, blue sky and clear water unfolds in front of the eyes. The interconnection of intercity transportation networks and the joint prevention and management of the ecological environment in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have not only improved the quality of the Winter Olympic Games, but also inserted wings for regional coordinated development.

Wind power and photovoltaic electricity from Zhangjiakou are connected to Beijing, and the Winter Olympic venues have achieved full coverage of "green electricity", which is the first time in the history of the Olympic Games. Taking the preparations for the Winter Olympics as an opportunity, Beijing and Hebei have comprehensively carried out special projects to control gas, sand and water, and improve the ecological environment in the Beijing-Zhang area as a whole. From protecting every grass and tree, adding green, to building a "sponge" competition area, saving water resources, and then to low-carbon office operation, the details of the Preparation for the Winter Olympics are adding a model to green life.

"Hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games is not a hammer deal, and after it cannot be done, it becomes a 'silent mountain forest.'" Integrating the preparation of the competition into urban development, into the ecological construction, and the overall pattern of serving people's livelihood, the traction and radiation role of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games are becoming increasingly apparent. Christopher Dolby, executive director of the Olympic Department of the International Olympic Committee, believes that the Olympic effect can contribute to the host city for 20 years or more, and promote the positive interaction between the Olympic Games and the host city.

Chongli's road out of poverty is a vivid example of the economic and social development of the winter Olympics. Chongli was once a state-level poverty-stricken county, and when the snow closed the mountains in the past, the people were worried about traveling. Nowadays, Chongli has built 7 large ski resorts, snow construction, ski sales, ice and snow training, as well as related industries such as catering, accommodation, leisure tourism and other related industries are booming, and more and more locals have picked up the "snow rice bowl", and the happy days are getting better and worse every day.

With the help of convenient transportation and rich sports and cultural resources in the region, the Beijing-Zhang sports culture tourism belt is accelerating construction. As of November 2021, Zhangjiakou has signed a total of 97 ice and snow industry projects. Focus on creating tourism products such as ice and snow sports experience, landscape outdoor sports, and rural pastoral leisure, and the development model of "ice and snow sports +" promotes the expansion of Jingzhang sports and cultural tourism to the "whole region" and "four seasons".

At the end of 2021, the ancient poplar tree venue group and the award square area of Zhangjiakou Competition Area were approved as "Zhangjiakou Chongli Olympic Park" and "Zhangjiakou Olympic Awards Plaza" respectively, and the Yanqing Olympic Park was officially approved by the International Olympic Committee. After the Beijing Winter Olympics, high-level ice and snow events will continue to be held, mass ice and snow activities will be carried out, and local development will continue to be promoted.

The level of public services such as medical treatment, catering and accommodation in Yanqing And Zhangjiakou has gradually improved, laying a solid foundation for local economic and social development. Driven by the preparations for the Winter Olympics, the urban and rural areas have taken on a new look. Since 2016, Beijing and Zhangjiakou have focused on urban roads, public transportation, public service venues and other fields, and increased the construction of barrier-free facilities. The transformation of low-level facilities such as blind lanes, stone ramps, barrier-free elevators, and toilets has achieved remarkable results, which has boosted the continuous improvement of social civilization.

We will make every effort to write the two excellent answer sheets for the preparation of the Winter Olympic Games and local development, and the vision of "creating a new model for the sustainable development of the Olympic Games and the region", and gradually turn it into reality in the struggle.

The Covenant of Ice and Snow brings public participation

"The Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games are like a catapult that can promote the rapid development of ice and snow sports and the ice and snow industry on the mainland."

It is the snow season, and the Beijing Nanshan Ski Resort is full of tourists, a jubilant scene.

When bidding for the Winter Olympics, China put forward the beautiful vision of "bringing 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports", which deeply touched the international community. The Winter Olympics came as scheduled, and China's promise was successfully fulfilled – by October 2021, the number of participants in ice and snow sports nationwide reached 346 million.

The growing number of ice and snow sports participants benefits from the perfect ice and snow sports popularization system. Once, "ice and snow sports do not enter Shanhaiguan". Nowadays, ice and snow sports have made great strides to "expand from the south to the west and east", from the minority to the public, from winter to the four seasons.

In the "City of The Two Olympics" Beijing, the "Happy Ice and Snow Season of Beijing Citizens" held for 8 consecutive years has become a good place for people to experience ice and snow sports, parent-child interactive projects, youth ski races and other wonderful activities have been staged in turn; in Harbin, which is blessed with unique ice and snow resources, the ice lantern garden will become the bright business card of the "Ice City", professional ice sculpture competitions, ice and snow experience activities attract many citizens; in Shanghai, the Figure Skating World Championships, the City Cross-Country Skiing China Tour and other events have cultivated many ice and snow fans. Participating in ice and snow sports has become a new trend of urban life...

"There are more and more ice and snow rinks around me." This is the personal feeling of many ice and snow lovers. In recent years, as the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in ice and snow sports has continued to rise, the supply of ice and snow venues and facilities has continued to accelerate. According to the State General Administration of Sports, as of the beginning of 2021, there were 654 standard skating rinks and 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts, an increase of 317% and 41% respectively over 2015.

Inside and outside the Great Wall, ice and snow sports have become fashionable; in the land of Shenzhou, the national fitness boom is surging. From the "Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan (2016-2025)" to the "Driving 300 Million People to Participate in Ice and Snow Sports" Implementation Outline (2018-2022)", from the "Opinions on Vigorously Developing Ice and Snow Sports with the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics as an Opportunity" to the "14th Five-Year Plan for Sports Development", policy documents have been introduced one after another, depicting a blueprint for development, clarifying the development path, and promoting the continuous heating up of ice and snow sports.

"To build a sports power and a healthy China, the most fundamental thing is to enhance the people's physique and protect the people's health." This is an important aspect of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. "The preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games is like a big chess game, mass sports and competitive sports are promoted as a whole, the sports industry and sports culture fly together, and the sustainable development model of ice and snow sports has written a vivid footnote and added strong impetus to the construction of a sports power and a healthy China."

"Ice Ribbon", Shougang Ski Jumping Platform and other new venues of the Winter Olympics, at the beginning of the design, considered that after the game to open to the public, become a new landmark for people to enjoy the fun of ice and snow; ice and snow sports into more primary and secondary school campuses, a young smiley face full of expectations for the future; a "ice and snow caravan" full of ice and snow sports equipment into the township, so that more people share the results of the Winter Olympics... Looking back at the road of preparing for the Winter Olympics, the details of serving the people's livelihood are everywhere, and the people's sense of gain and happiness converge into a common expectation for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

According to the "2021 China Ice and Snow Industry Development Research Report", from 2015 to 2020, the total scale of the mainland ice and snow industry will increase from 270 billion yuan to 600 billion yuan. According to the "Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan (2016-2025)", the mainland ice and snow industry is expected to reach a trillion yuan scale in 2025. Behind the exciting figures, "cold resources" are becoming "hot economy", boosting the ice and snow industry to become a new economic growth point.

A world of ice and snow, full of charm. The wealth brought by the preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympics will not only nourish China's ice and snow sports, but also boost the development of winter sports in the world to a new level. Bach praised the Beijing Winter Olympics as an "unprecedented great achievement" and that global ice and snow sports will usher in a new era.

Ice and snow sports have developed by leaps and bounds

"Life can have several beats, and it is worth fighting." Without a cold bone, how can you get plum blossoms? ”

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that promoting the leapfrog development of ice and snow sports in the mainland is an important part of achieving the second centenary goal, and it has also created a rare life opportunity for the majority of ice and snow athletes.

The dream of the Winter Olympics is calling, and athletes play the music of struggle with hard work. When the bid for the Winter Olympics was successful, about 1/3 of the 109 sub-events of the Beijing Winter Olympics had hardly been carried out. Under the guidance of the goal of "project-wide development, project-wide team building, and project-wide training", it has now come into full bloom.

The competition is wonderful, and the participation must also be brilliant. With the strategy of "expanding the area, fixing the point, elite troops, and sprinting", many ice and snow projects have achieved from scratch and from weak to strong. The 35 minor events such as the men's parallel giant slalom and the women's steeplechase are the first time to qualify for the Winter Olympics.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "Like the road to a strong country in our country, China's ice and snow sports must also take the road of scientific and technological innovation, on the one hand, we must adhere to independent innovation, on the other hand, we must actively absorb advanced technologies and training methods in the world, improve the level of ice and snow sports training and competition in the mainland as soon as possible, and provide technical support for promoting the leapfrog development of ice and snow sports on the mainland." ”

Innovative thinking, eclectic selection of materials, open the door for more talented athletes; science and technology empowerment, for the ice and snow sports "strong and weak, make up for the shortcomings" process of wings. A tow rope with a human high-speed catapult device helps speed skaters practice curve techniques; an acceleration curve helps steel-frame snowmobilers understand how to use force scientifically; a wind tunnel to help ski jumpers master "wind flight"...

In the ice and snow project training base of Beijing Erqi Factory, aerospace technology has been innovatively introduced into the project development, and the six-degree-of-freedom electric simulation sports training system covers multiple ice and snow projects, combined with VR (virtual reality) technology and digital modeling technology for sports projects, providing athletes with a realistic training environment and providing coaches with rich data. Ice and snow sports training is thus not affected by the season and the environment, which greatly improves the training efficiency.

This season, ice and snow athletes have made solid footprints on the road of preparation. The short track speed skating team won 7 gold, 3 silver and 6 bronze in 4 World Cups, and won the full qualification for the Winter Olympics; Gu Ailing won 6 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze in the 3 events she participated in, becoming the first female athlete in the world to complete the 1440-degree action of the two-week flip body in the competition; 17-year-old Su Yiming won the snowboard jumping World Cup sub-station championship, writing a new record for Chinese skiing.

Challenging yourself and pushing the limits is the charm of ice and snow sports. Moving forward and pursuing persistently is the persistence of ice and snow athletes. Cai Xuetong, Liu Jiayu, Xu Mengtao, Qi Guangpu, Jia Zongyang and other veterans will step on the Winter Olympic field for the fourth time, eager to bloom their best self at the Winter Olympic Games at their doorstep.

"I hope to pass on the sunshine of Chinese athletes and the style of daring to fight and let the world see our high spirit." The 31-year-old Xu Mengtao, who has won two World Cup races this season, can get good results from the high-intensity competition of 8 games and 12 jumps in 9 days, relying on high-quality physical reserves and high-level scientific training.

"For the motherland, rush to rush!" Live up to the people, fight hard! "Before the expedition, the Winter Olympic athletes watched the flag-raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square, and their oaths were full of patriotism and hard work." We expect all of our athletes to do their best in the competition, to perform their best, and to sprint for their dreams. Wu Dajing, the short track speed skating champion of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, embarked on the journey with confidence; speed skater Ning Zhongyan won 3 gold and 2 silver in the 4 World Cups this season, "Beijing Winter Olympics, I will definitely go all out." ”

"I hope that everyone will enhance their ambition and courage to win glory for the country, adhere to the spelling of the head, dare to fight, be good at hard work, show the spiritual outlook and competitive level of Chinese athletes in the new era in the Olympic arena, and strive to win the best medals in competition, morality, and style." The entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping has injected strong spiritual strength into the dream-chasing journey of the Winter Olympic athletes.

"Chinese ice and snow, come on!"

Show the world China's style

"We must not only run a grand Winter Olympics, but also create a unique, wonderful and unique event."

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that China has hosted the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, which has stimulated the enthusiasm of the Chinese people for the Olympic Movement, promoted the development of China's sports industry, and played an important role in disseminating the Olympic spirit around the world.

The Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games are not only a stage to show their competitive strength and sportsmanship, but also a good opportunity to show Chinese culture to the world. The emblem of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games "Winter Dream" and the emblem of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games "Leap" outline the charm of Chinese characters; the sports icons displayed by the art of seal engraving perfectly blend traditional culture with ice and snow sports; the image of the medal "Tongxin" is derived from the ancient Chinese concentric circle jade bi, and it is also the inheritance and development of the Beijing Olympic Medal "Gold Inlaid Jade"... It integrates elements of traditional Chinese culture, carries a rich oriental cultural heritage, and tells the story of china that is full of vitality.

In the Chinese style and Chinese style, there is also a strong humanistic care. The bouquet of awards for the Beijing Winter Olympics adopts the intangible cultural heritage "Haipai Velvet Thread Weaving Technique". The "flowers of the velvet" embody the painstaking efforts of the makers, who use the velvet thread in their hands to pin their expectations and blessings on the Winter Olympics, leaving athletes with olympic memories that will never fade.

Beijing Winter Olympic Village adopts the concept of courtyard design, after the game will become a high-end talent apartment in Beijing, further enriching the cultural connotation of Beijing's "City of The Two Olympics"; learning from the "Feitian" image of the Shougang Ski Jump in dunhuang murals, realizing the transformation and reuse of industrial heritage, opening to the public after the game, serving the public leisure and fitness activities; like the traditional Chinese "Yu ruyi" National Ski Jumping Center "Xue Ruyi" shines under the night sky, after the game can hold conferences and exhibitions, reception of tourism, Give full play to the value of Olympic wealth.

With the "Chinese style" to support the "Olympic model", the Beijing Winter Olympic Games coincided with the Chinese New Year. When the Olympic culture meets the Spring Festival culture and the Great Wall culture, and different civilizations exchange and learn from each other, this ice and snow feast will present a more colorful side for the world.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games can not only enhance our confidence in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also help to show that our country and nation are committed to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, a good image of sunshine, prosperity and openness, and enhance the understanding and understanding of the people of all countries about China." ”

Under the banner of the five rings, the Olympic motto of "faster, higher, stronger - more united" shines brightly. The Beijing Winter Olympics will be an important moment to bring the world together in a spirit of peace, friendship and solidarity. Bach said, "I believe that the strong measures taken by the Chinese side will ensure the safe, smooth and successful holding of this Winter Olympic Games, so that athletes from all over the world can gather in Beijing and participate in the grand event!" We have full confidence in this! ”

"We all need love, everyone holds hands together" "We all have love to open all the doors"... The theme slogan of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games promoted the song "Together to the Future" and issued a sincere invitation to the world.

The world is looking forward to China, and China is ready. Let's go to the ice and snow covenant together, let's go to the future together! (Reporters Ma Jian, Li Shuo, Li Yang)

Source: People's Daily

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