
What books can we read at the beginning of college life?

author:Sauce of The Mai Connauch
What books can we read at the beginning of college life?

It's really a very beautiful book, although I didn't finish it completely in the end. Desolate, lonely, magnificent, with beautiful words to cover up the hardships in it. A magical woman, a magical land, a dream of a night flight to the west. Nickname: Little Blue Xiaosu

——Introduction to "Night Flight west flight"

What books can we read at the beginning of college life?

It is like tasting a cup of tea, mellow and slightly bitter, and like the sun sprinkled on the world through the light spots of leaves falling on the ground, the dance of light and shadow is unforgettable. This is an outstanding coming-of-age novel, and innocence, hope, and emotion are the experiences it brings us. life? We have loved, tired of, and even hated, but we will never forget it. Looking back on the past many years later, I have forgotten how to tell it. The translation of Mr. Dazan Fang

——Introduction to "There is a Tree in Brooklyn"

What books can we read at the beginning of college life?

The world only sees Jane Eyre, but not the crazy woman, which is a very interesting perspective, and it is very interesting for female writers to write about women, and whether they use the mouth of the character to make a deep cry

——Introduction to "Crazy Woman in the Attic"

What books can we read at the beginning of college life?

Neruda's underground writing, a large number of left-wing poems written to saltpeter workers, miners, banana workers, shoemakers, seafarers, iodine factory workers, shovel workers..." Finally, I felt at ease in the middle of the crowd. May the chanting of poetry not be in vain, and may "a new generation of poets, / one day / they will put the thoughts of tomorrow (today) / on the interrupted dumb loom."

——Introduction to "Long Song"

What books can we read at the beginning of college life?

The Natural and Conscious Novelist. Pamuk's nagging is interesting. In my opinion, Old Pa is not a master novelist, but his novels are very good, and he is really good at writing. Perhaps he could belong to the same type of writer as Maugham, although literary innovation and aesthetic solitude could not meet the standards of the master. But it is widely loved by readers. That being said, Pamuk's literary achievements are above Maugham's

——Introduction to "The Naïve and Sentimental Novelist"

What books can we read at the beginning of college life?

Several different people have deeply hidden selves and the same loneliness, but will never be understood by others. The loneliness of the McCullers is different from the loneliness of the little children, it is huge, insurmountable, and because it is huge, it teaches people to be calm.

——Introduction to "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter"

What books can we read at the beginning of college life?

The perfect work of the classical Benge, the author uses ingenious techniques to create an incredible multiple dreams, in fact, the mystery of disappearance is easier to guess after the robot appears, not amazing, amazing is the double struggle true and false mystery that can not be thought through, this design is too powerful, everyone is a lie machine, the words spoken after screening is also foggy and essential, and the final judgment of the mystery is also the solution of the mystery of the struggle

——Introduction to "The Seventh Answer"