
On the second day of the torch relay, the Badaling Great Wall began to run

On the second day of the torch relay, the Badaling Great Wall began to run

On the morning of February 3, the Olympic flame came to the Badaling Great Wall after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. On the second day of the torch relay, the sky was clear, and the majestic Badaling Great Wall rose and fell among the mountains, waiting for the arrival of the sacred flame. It is reported that a total of 40 torchbearers participated in the relay at the Badaling Great Wall point, with a total transmission distance of 1.47 kilometers. Most of these torchbearers come from all walks of life, and most of them have made outstanding contributions or achieved great achievements in this field, including not only Olympic champions, coaches, but also national actors.

According to reports, the theme of the Badaling Great Wall is "the ridge of the nation", and the core connotation is to embody the open and peaceful Chinese attitude, display the national spirit of not fearing strong enemies and being heroic and indomitable, and is the spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation's courage to fight and dare to win.

The pass of the Badaling Great Wall point will start from Wangjing Square and go west through the gate hole of Juyongwai Town to the center of Guancheng Square. Subsequently, the torchbearer will enter the ticket gate of the Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area, climb the stairs along the south city border wall, pass through the east platform, enter the north first floor along the north city border wall, and then pass through the north second floor, the north third floor, and then the north fourth floor to extinguish the fire. Finally, the torch will be lit in Xipinghe, and after descending the city tower, pass through Guancheng Square, go west through the North Gate Lock Key Gate Hole, and collect the fire at the Badaling Cultural and Creative Cafe. Along the way, you will pass iconic landscapes such as the West Platform, zhan tianyou memorial hall, and the Great Wall Museum. A total of 40 torchbearers participated in the relay, a total distance of 1.47 kilometers, and the per capita relay distance was about 50 meters.

The morning light is faint, and the Badaling Great Wall has been decorated with various Winter Olympic elements. The fire-patterned torch relay logo resembling the "Golden Phoenix" and the slogan banners of "Health, Joy and Vitality" are distributed in the torch relay route, and the gray-cyan Great Wall is wrapped in fiery red, enthusiastic orange and pure white, and the warm and cheerful Winter Olympic atmosphere is overwhelming. There is still more than an hour to go before the torch relay start ceremony, and many spectators are already waiting along the torch relay line, waving the flag printed with the Beijing Winter Olympics and the bright five-star red flag, and they can't wait to see the true face of the "flying" torch and the style of the torchbearer.

At 8:57, the starting ceremony began, and the Yanqing characteristic culture "Bamboo Horse" performance was staged during the ceremony. Teenagers wearing red scarves run onto the stage to greet the torch relay with a vibrant dance. Immediately after, another group of small actors dressed in blue and white costumes appeared, carrying bamboo horses, holding the reins in their left hand and whipping in their right hands, urging the horses to relax on the stage, igniting the enthusiasm of the audience. Subsequently, accompanied by high music, the Winter Olympic flames entered the Badaling Great Wall, and in an instant, the scene of the starting ceremony erupted into thunderous applause. At 9:10, the torch relay officially opened. The first torchbearer of the Badaling Great Wall was Ma Long, who won the men's table tennis singles championship at the Rio and Tokyo Olympic Games twice, and he held the torch high in one hand and waved it to the audience with the other, running forward.

It is understood that there are 2 transmission points in Yanqing Division, in addition to the Badaling Great Wall, the Winter Olympic Flame will also come to the World Grape Expo Park (hereinafter referred to as "World Portuguese Garden"). The theme of the torch relay of the Portuguese Garden is "Ice and Snow for the Masses", which will showcase the unique Spring Festival culture and ice and snow culture of the Chinese nation, and is a symbol of people uniting together with ice and snow as a bond. The site's torch relay route passes through iconic landscapes such as patios, circular wrought-iron special-shaped buildings, and science popularization halls. A total of 50 torchbearers participated in the relay.

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Sun Jie Lu Yang

Edited by Kuang Feng

Process Editor Wu Yue

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