
Without you, I wouldn't know what to eat

author:The cloak brushes across the rim

When Zhou Yan pursued Jammeh, he once wrote such a love letter: "Without you, I don't know what to eat, and I don't have a sense of existence." When you came back, I realized my existence. I'm looking for you because I miss you, and I'm not looking for you because I'm holding my head and thinking about you. "Actually, Jammeh was only on a two-day business trip.

On the night when Zhou Yan sent Jamme home, Jammeh would also receive a text message from Zhou Yan when she just put down her bag: "You left, took my soul away, and stole my heart." Even if they had to meet again less than twenty-four hours apart, Zhou Yan would feel lost and discouraged.

Without you, I wouldn't know what to eat

When proposing, Zhou Yan said: "I can't live without you, can you please marry me?" Let my life be fulfilled by you. ”

Before marriage, Zhou Yan made Jamme feel that she was indispensable to his spirit. She is a woman who is blessed with happiness and is glad that she has found a soul mate.

Without you, I wouldn't know what to eat

"After marriage, he still can't do without me, but this need slowly deteriorates." Without me, he couldn't find where his underwear was, and without me, he didn't know what to wear to work. Zhou Yan also made me feel that without me, he would starve to death; without me, he would not remember to pay the utility bill... Jammeh is getting busier and busier, and Zhou Yan is becoming more and more like a helpless child waiting to be fed... However, as far as I know, when I traveled, all his functions were well restored, he was fully aware of his existence, and he would never feel that his soul was taken away again! ”

In response to Jammeh's protest, Zhou Yan argued: "I still can't live without you!" However, she has changed herself from a spiritual lover to a functional lover of life. This frustrated her, feeling that her yearning for the mess had faded away.

Women all have a desire to be needed, but it's clear that they like themselves to be mentally essential to men and don't want to become a multifunctional household robot. Men unconsciously shift their needs from spiritual to functional.

Before marriage, she would feel happy if she did a little for him, a little thoughtfully; after marriage, he naturally took it as her job. He chatted with her, and gradually stopped saying those mirror words, no longer bothering to guess the things hidden in her flickering words. Those love words that would have nourished her soul, he gradually did not bother to say them. I thought, anyway, you've heard it, and I can't change the new tricks.

Although women do not like to become functional lovers, it is undeniable that it is inevitable that spiritual needs will turn into functional needs. In fact, women's transitions are much faster than men's. After marriage, women's requirements for men are 100% related to men's life functions. Originally, they did not care, but all of them were calculated, thinking that this was the responsibility of men, and they deserved it.

It's just that men are more obtuse and less likely to find romance gradually dying. Most people also think that if romance can be exchanged for stability, it is a reasonable exchange.

Without you, I wouldn't know what to eat