
The inner monologue of an extramarital woman: Without you, my life would not be complete

author:The heart embraces the blue sky toward the sun

One was a single mom, one was a man with a family, and one summer four years ago, they met. For four years, they have been divided and merged, with sweet laughter and bitter tears...

The inner monologue of an extramarital woman: Without you, my life would not be complete

Whenever night falls, I tend to think too much. Sometimes lying in bed, thinking about my life for a day, those grievances I have encountered, and the pressure at work will come like a flood, making me breathless. Imaginary happiness is always very simple, but in real life, there are all kinds of desires and moods. For me, happiness is just when I think of you, and you happen to be thinking about me; happiness is just one house, two people, three meals, four seasons. We must not forget that happiness needs to be cherished by us, and we should not let the lives of two people live alone. Heartache, pain, although it will be slowly healed, but there are too many tears and unwillingness in the heart.

The inner monologue of an extramarital woman: Without you, my life would not be complete

Charming black hair in a white bikini sits on the beach

I don't want to be alone, I want your love, and I want to give you love. There is a saying that the biggest regret in life is not to miss the best people, but to meet the best people and have used up the best of themselves. We didn't meet at the best age, but we knew each other at the most inappropriate time, so I wanted to treat you with the tenderness of the rest of my life. I want to greet Cai xia with you, sit and send the sunset at dusk, I want to watch the wind and listen to the rain with you to feel the four seasons of the world, I want to taste spicy with you and experience the five tastes of life... The beauty that is long overdue is you, without you, my life is not complete!

The inner monologue of an extramarital woman: Without you, my life would not be complete

Some people say that the loneliness that is being experienced is called confusion, and the loneliness that has been experienced is called growth. We always have a time when we are alone, but when we are alone, we miss each other so bitterly! I will think of you from time to time, and if you ask why, I will tell you: just because it is you, I am willing, just as I love you, there is no reason. The feeling of the heart is unclear and unclear, I just want you to know that in every present day, I want to spend time with you. If you really love it, you will understand that people often say that time can dilute all thoughts, but it is just an excuse to comfort yourself. We have the same mood, but also walked the same road, this love across time, distance and age, do not know what started, but always deeply. I hope that I will look back and forth in this life and still feel that I love you without regrets!

Follow the author's headlines and keep listening to the heroine's spiritual monologue in a four-year relationship!

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