
2021 Chinese banquet table etiquette Chinese table taboo


If you want to go to a banquet, how can you not know the table manners of a Chinese banquet? The following is a small editor for everyone to sort out, I hope to help everyone Oh!

  1. Banquet

  Banquets usually refer to social gatherings in the form of meals. It can be divided into two types: formal banquets and informal banquets. A formal banquet is a grand and formal banquet. It is often carefully arranged for banquets, held in more upscale restaurants, or other specific locations, paying attention to pomp and atmosphere of large-scale dinner activities. For the number of people present, dress, seat arrangement, number of dishes, music performance, guest and host speeches, etc., there are often very strict requirements and exquisite. Informal banquets, also known as casual banquets, are also suitable for formal interpersonal interactions, but are more common in everyday interactions. Its form is simple, focusing on interpersonal communication, rather than paying attention to scale and grade. Generally speaking, it only arranges for relevant personnel to participate, does not invite spouses, often does not make excessive demands on dress, seat arrangement, number of dishes, and does not arrange music performances and guest speeches.

  2. Family banquet

  A family feast is a banquet held at home. Compared with the formal banquet, the most important thing for the family banquet is to create a cordial, friendly and natural atmosphere, so that the guests and hosts attending the banquet can be relaxed, natural and casual, and enhance mutual exchanges, deepen understanding, and promote trust.

  Usually, family banquets often do not have special requirements in terms of etiquette. In order to make the guests feel the attention and friendliness of the host, basically the hostess cooks the cooking herself, and the host acts as a waiter; Or the hostess cooks, and the hostess acts as a waiter to entertain the guests together, making the guests feel at home.

  If you want to attend a banquet, then you need to pay attention, first of all, you must dress yourself up neatly, which is a respect for others and for yourself.

  It is also necessary to attend the banquet on time according to the time invited by the host. In addition to cocktail receptions, guests are generally invited to arrive half an hour in advance. It is not disrespectful to arrive a few minutes before the start of the banquet for any reason. But being late shows that there is not enough respect for the owner, which is very rude.

  When walking into the host's house or banquet hall, you should first greet the host. meantime. To other guests, whether they recognize them or not, they should smile and nod their heads or shake hands to say hello; For the elderly, they should take the initiative to stand up and give way to the seat; Be dignified and courteous to female guests.

  When entering the table, your seat should be arranged by the host or the host, because some banquet hosts have already arranged it. If the seat is not fixed, it should be noted that the seat facing the door is the upper seat, and the seat facing the door is the lower seat. Seniors, seniors and ladies should be allowed to sit down first, and then find a suitable seat for themselves.

  Sit in a proper position after entering the seat, step on your feet under your seat, do not arbitrarily straighten or your legs are constantly shaking, your elbows must not rest on the edge of the table, or put your hands on the back of the adjacent seat. After you are seated, don't be around, and don't stare directly at the dishes on the plate, showing a look of impatience. You can have a simple conversation with the same guests.

  You should dress up when eating, don't take off your coat, and don't take off your coat halfway through. Usually, it is carried out after the owner signals to start. The action of dining should be elegant, and the action of picking vegetables should be light. And put the dish in your own small plate first, and then use chopsticks to pick it up and put it in your mouth. When bringing food into your mouth, take small bites, lean out with your elbows, and don't open them to the sides so as not to touch the neighboring seats. Don't make noises while eating, drinking, drinking, or soup. When eating, if you want to use condiments placed in front of other guests at the same table, first say hello to others before taking them; If it's too far away, politely ask someone to do it for you. If you have to floss your teeth during a meal, cover them with your left hand or handkerchief and gently floss your teeth with a toothpick in your right hand.

  When drinking, blindly persuading others to drink and pour alcohol, yelling five or six, especially persuading people who are not strong enough to drink, is a manifestation of disrespect.

  If the banquet is not over, but you have already eaten, do not leave the table at will, wait for the host and the main guest to get up and leave the table first, and the other guests can leave the table in turn.

  3. Light meals

  Light meals are also commonplace. Light meals are often served in different locations, and etiquette is minimal. As long as diners pay attention to public morality, pay attention to hygiene, environment and order, they do not have to mind too much in other aspects.

  4. Working meals

  A working meal is a business gathering in the form of a meal for a partner who has a business relationship in a business relationship to make contact, keep in touch, exchange information, or negotiate business. It is different from formal work meals, formal banquets and dinners for relatives and friends. It focuses on an atmosphere, intended to meet friends with a meal, creating a relaxed, pleasant, harmonious and harmonious atmosphere conducive to further contact. It is a business activity that continues in the form of a meal, and the table is used as a conference table or negotiation table. Working meals are generally small in scale, usually held at noon, the host does not have to issue a formal invitation, the guest does not have to formally reply to the host in advance, and the time and place can be temporarily selected. For hygiene reasons, it is best to adopt a meal sharing system or a public chopstick system. When using a working meal, I will continue to talk about business. However, at this time, it should be noted that in this case, do not record, video, or arrange special personnel to record as in the conference room. When it is not necessary to record, the consent of the other party should be obtained first. Don't go your own way, as if you don't trust the other person. When you find that the other party is dissatisfied with this, you can't insist on doing so.

  The working meal is a "business negotiation meal" between the host and the guest, so it is not suitable for people outside the theme to join. If you happen to meet someone you know, say hello or give them a brief introduction to the people at the same table. But don't make a fuss and leave your friends behind. In case someone who doesn't know each other "leans on" and doesn't leave, you can euphemistically evict the guests with "You're busy, I won't take up your precious time anymore" or "We'll contact you tomorrow." I will call you voluntarily".

  5. Buffet

  The buffet is a modern way of dining that borrows from the West in recent years. It does not arrange seats or a uniform menu, but displays all the staple foods, dishes, and drinks that can be provided, and selects, processes, and enjoys them according to the personal preferences of the diners.

  In this way, you can save money, and the etiquette is not much, and the guests and hosts are convenient; Everyone can listen to the poop during the meal. When holding a large event and entertaining a large number of guests, it is also the wisest choice to arrange a meal in this way.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > taboo on Chinese tables</h1>

  Chinese table manners are taboo

  Chinese believe that diet is almost closely related to personal destiny, and if you make a taboo when you eat, you will cause bad luck. For example, eating fish, when eating one side of the fish body, do not use chopsticks to flip the whole fish to the other side, they think that if the fish is broken when the fish is turned over, it means that the fishing boat will sink, which is because Hong Kong was a fishing port in the early days of the port, and the fishermen are very concerned about the safe navigation of the boat;

  In addition, Chinese never serve seven plates of dishes, because the "consolation wine" after the funeral must have seven plates of dishes; Do not use chopsticks to insert vertically into the center of the bowl of rice, because this is a bit like worshipping ancestors; After a meal, you should not say "I have finished eating", which means that you are dead and will not have the opportunity to eat again, but you should say "I am full";

  Avoiding chopsticks touching the rice bowl and making noises when eating is not only impolite, but also means eating without rice; To cultivate the habit of eating all the rice in the bowl, not a single grain of rice should be left in the rice bowl, otherwise the future wife or husband will be acne-faced and will not respect the farmer who works hard. These superstitious eating customs have been passed down to this day and have more or less become the eating etiquette of Chinese.

  Chinese table manners chopsticks taboos:

  There are eight taboos for eating chopsticks: one is to avoid licking chopsticks; Second, avoid chopsticks, can't make up their minds, and hold chopsticks in their hands to wander around the table; Three taboos to move chopsticks, just ate one dish and then ate another dish, no pause in the middle, not with rice, four taboo sticky chopsticks, with sticky chopsticks to sandwich dishes;

  Five taboos to insert chopsticks, put chopsticks on the rice bar; Six taboos cross dishes, when others pick vegetables, step over to clip another dish; Seven taboos to pluck lai, with chopsticks in the middle of the dish to eat; Eight taboo chopsticks, use chopsticks to pick teeth. Most of these taboos are related to hygiene, humility, and courtesy.

  Chinese table manners personal habits taboos:

  Hiccups: Hiccups between meals is very impolite, if it is really uncontrollable, you can drink water, hold your breath to alleviate the symptoms, if it is still ineffective, it is best to go to the bathroom to play enough, and then return to the seat after the exhaust gas is gone.

  Sneezing: If it is only a temporary sneeze, of course, it can be covered with a napkin to minimize pollution. If the sneezing is continuous, it is best to leave the table to deal with it, if it is really impossible to deal with it, you may wish to leave the table first, no one will mind.

  Make-up: Many female compatriots in China do not know this etiquette, and makeup should be done in the bathroom or in places where there are fewer people. Public makeup is like combing your hair, wearing clothes, etc. is generally inappropriate.

  Smoking: Almost all restaurants are divided into smoking areas and non-smoking areas, in order to avoid other people smoking second-hand smoke, addicts are best to try their best to restrain smoking addiction, if the real addiction is too big, you can use the dinner to use up, the people present have begun to use desserts, coffee and then leave the table to go outside to swallow the fog, so that it is not rude nor harmful to the health of others.

  Flotting: Flossing should also pay attention to, quite disgusting, really want to vomit also please cover your mouth with napkins, spit on the tissue. When the toothpick is used up, you can put it on the plate, don't bite a toothpick in your mouth and talk to people, like a rogue rogue, very ugly. Some people even walk around with a toothpick in their mouths after eating, which is even more outrageous.

  Knife and fork drop: If the knife and fork accidentally fall to the ground during the meal, at this time, you only need to tell the service staff to change a clean one, do not clean up the knife and fork that fell off, and you can not wipe the napkin before continuing to use.

  Chinese table manners are taboo in the image of dining

  When eating, don't shake your head and swing your head, loosen your clothes, sweat on your face, and make a loud noise.

  You can persuade others to eat more, or suggest tasting a certain dish, but don't take the initiative to pick up vegetables and add rice for others. Not only is this unhygienic, but it can also make the other person feel embarrassed.

  When picking vegetables, you should pick up from the side of the plate close to or facing your own plate, do not clip from the middle of the plate or close to the side of others, and do not look left and right, turn over and over, pick and choose in the common dish, clip up and put it back, it will appear uncultured.

  Many people eat at a table, take dishes to pay attention to mutual courtesy, in turn, a time to clip the dish should not be too much, take the appropriate amount. Don't eat too much and scramble around without considering whether others eat or not. For dishes that are far away from yourself, you can ask for help, do not get up or even leave your seat to get them.

  During meals, His Holiness or His Holiness should first move the dishes. In the process of dining, try to add food yourself, if there are elders, as far as possible to take the initiative to add meals to the elders. When you meet an elder who adds food to yourself, thank you.

  To eat to pick up the bowl, you should use your thumb to buckle the bowl mouth, the index finger, middle finger, ring finger buckle the bottom of the bowl, and the palm of the hand is empty. Eating from a bowl and lying on the table against a bowl is very unsightly.

  When eating, keep your mouth shut and chew, chew slowly, do not make a "rattling" and "clucking" sound in your mouth, and it is best not to talk to others when you have food in your mouth. You can't stretch your neck, open your mouth, and stick your tongue out to pick up food with your mouth when you pick up a meal. Do not put in too much food at a time, otherwise it will leave an impression of gluttony and greed.

  Spit out bones, fish bones, vegetable residue, with chopsticks or hands to take out, can not be directly spit on the table or the ground. If you want to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with your hands or handkerchief and turn your head backwards. When you eat until you eat sand or have phlegm in your throat, leave the table and spit it out.

  If the banquet is not over, but you have already eaten well, do not leave the table at will, wait for the host and the guest of honor to get up and leave the table first, and the other guests can leave the table in turn.

  If you need to pour tea and wine for others, remember the etiquette rule of "pouring tea should be shallow, pouring wine should be full".